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NY State Information - Building

Menu path: From the Administration menu, choose Registration Setup, choose Building District Defined, and then select NY State Information.

Update this page for each building that you are sending in the Teacher Course submission and maintain the Cumulative GPA Type and Course Building Types fields for buildings reporting the Student Credit GPA template.



Mark Type for Final Grade

Enter the Mark Type in this building used for Final Grades.

Marking Periods for Full Year

This field is not currently used for the Teacher/Course submission.

Pull Out Minutes Format

Setting indicating how you will track student relationship minutes for a staff member who comes into or pulls the student out of a course on a "push/pull" basis.

See the table below explaining how each selection affects entries on the Staff Date Tracking and Staff Student Course Linking pages, as well as the calculation used by the Teacher Course Download to determine Linkage Duration Adjustment in the Staff Student Course collection.

Use 1 for Primary Adjustment

Checked if the Teacher Course Download should give all primary staff and secondary staff co-teachers a Linkage Duration Adjustment of 1 for all associated students in the Staff Student Course collection. Staff and student-level overrides still apply.

If this box is not checked, the download uses a calculation for primary staff and co-teachers, or it loads staff or student-level overrides, if any exist.

Cumulative GPA Type

GPA Type used to calculate cumulative GPA for the building's students. The NY Student Download gets a student's most recent calculated GPA for this GPA Type in the prompted School Year when you generate records for the Student Credit GPA template.

Course Building Types

Codes for the Building Types that indicate a course gets counted toward Attempted and Earned Credit for the Student Credit GPA template.

The NY Student Download looks to see if each student course has one of these Building Types assigned in the Master Schedule when determining whether to count the course credit toward cumulative totals. The Building Type is saved in association with the Marks Are setting at the Master Schedule level.

Pull Out Minutes Format

Minutes field on Student Linking

Linkage Duration Adjustment for Push/Pull Staff

A – Adjustment

Enter percentage of time student is with teacher (50% entered as .5)

Student Linking Minutes entry

T – Total time

Enter total minutes student is served by teacher for entire course

Student Linking Minutes ÷ Secondary's Enrollment Linkage Duration

C – By cycle

Enter minutes in a single cycle student gets instruction from secondary

(Student Linking Minutes X Number of cycles for staff/student linkage duration) ÷ Secondary Enrollment Linkage Duration

W – By week

Enter minutes in a calendar week student gets instruction from secondary.

(Student Linking Minutes X Number of weeks for staff/student linkage duration) ÷ Secondary Enrollment Linkage Duration

For this calculation, a cycle is determined by first finding the Cycle Day associated with the first membership day in the appropriate Calendar (student's Entry/Withdrawal calendar). A cycle is then the span of membership days from the first occurrence of that Cycle Day to the next one. If a student-teacher association begins in the middle of a cycle, the download considers the first cycle to be the span from the Relationship Start Date to the next occurrence of the cycle start identified in the calendar. 

A week is any calendar week the course meets, and the student-teacher relationship exists which also contains at least one membership day.

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