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Master Schedule Collection Prerequisites

The Master Schedule Collection requires different data prerequisites depending on whether you are submitting for 1 – Fall or 3 – End of Year. Following is a summary of the prerequisites for each submission period, broken down by the file type that applies.

The IPAL (B) and Administrator (G) files are reported in the Fall ONLY. All other records are included in both Fall and EOY submissions.

MSC IPAL File (B) Prerequisites – Fall Only

  1. Verify data is entered for staff members on the Staff and VA Staff pages. Refer to those sections in the guide for info on required fields

MSC Course File (C) Prerequisites – Fall & EOY

  1. Maintain SCED subject areas for courses either via the Subject Areas that default to Master Schedule course-section sessions from the Course Catalog or via Course Equivalency Definition for the course, in which case the subject area is the first two characters of the State ID. Note that Course Equivalency Definition acts as an override of the Master Schedule course-section session's Subject Area.
  2. If you do not use Virginia Course Codes to identify your courses on the VA Course Information page, then make sure you have State IDs associated with courses in Mark Reporting setup's Course Equivalency Definition. The last three digits of the State ID are used for SCED Course Identifier.
  3. If you do not use Course Equivalency Definitions, make sure Virginia Course Codes are saved for Master Schedule course-sections on the VA Course Information course district-defined page.Note that this data is maintained at the Course Section level (Scheduling > Courses > Course Sections > VA Course Information).
  4. For secondary school courses, maintain credit values in the Master Schedule. For all other courses, you should have Grade Restriction filled out in the Master Schedule. This is required only if you do not use Virginia Course Codes.

MSC Teacher File (D) Prerequisites – Fall & EOY

  1. Maintain Staff Date-Tracking for primary and secondary staff in the Master Schedule. To assign start dates for course-section session staff members, use the Staff Info link available for the Primary and Secondary Staff fields.

MSC Provider File (E) Prerequisites – Fall & EOY

  1. For staff members who are private providers of educational services, set up VA Staff Information records with the Private Provider box checked. Enter Private Provider Name and select the appropriate Private Provider Type.

MSC Student File (F) Prerequisites – EOY

  1. To associate primary staff with students in a course, assign the staff members through the Master Schedule course-section session's Staff Date Tracking window. To associate secondary staff members with students, use the Student Staff Course Linking page.
  2. Virtual Course Type and Dual Enrollment Flag come from the VA Course Information page or, if overrides are set for individual students, the VA Course Enrollment student course district-defined page.
  3. If a student has not completed enough time in a particular course, check the Less than 20 Hours Completed box on the VA Course Enrollment student course district-defined page.
  4. Make sure Final Grades are recorded. The final grade is recorded for the Mark Type set up in the Issued Once Per Year section, Mark Types page. This is reported for the EOY submission only.

MSC Administrator File (G) Prerequisites – Fall ONLY

  1. Verify data is entered for school employees and administrators. Refer to the VA Staff section for information on required fields.
  2. Verify there is at least ONE record for the following VA Assignment codes:
    • Elementary Guidance Counselor (0103)
    • Secondary Guidance Counselor (0104, 0105, 0106)
    • Librarian (0025, 0131)
  3. Verify there is at least ONE record with a Teacher Role Code = 8.

MSC Connection File (I) Prerequisites – Fall & EOY

  1. Verify the unique Section ID derived from the Master Schedule matches the Section ID provided in the C and D records. This must also be unique within the Serving School. The Section ID should be the Section ID of the course with the HIGHEST level taught during the session.
  2. Verify the unique Connecting Section ID derived from the Master Schedule matches the Section ID provided in the C and D records. This must also be unique within the Serving School. The Connecting Section ID should be the Section ID of the course with the LOWEST level taught during the session.

MSC Cooperative Learning File (J) Prerequisites – Fall & EOY

  1. Verify the Co-Op count of students in entered on the VA Course Information page.

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