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Staff District Information – VA Staff

Menu path: select Administration from the main menu, select Registration Setup submenu, select Building, and then select Staff Information. You must select VA Staff district-defined page hyperlink under the District-Defined pane.




Enter FTE for the staff member. Must be in x.xx format. Reported in MSC-B record.

Title 1 Funded Position

Selected if the staff member is teaching in a program supported by Title I funds. Reported in MSC-B record.

Division Teaching Experience

No longer collected.

VA Teaching Experience

No longer collected.

Years Teaching Experience

No longer collected.

Private Provider

Selected to indicate the staff member is someone from outside the school division. Examples could be a private school employee, contracting company representative, or unlicensed agent. Reported in MSC-E record.

Private Provider Name

Name of the outside provider associated with the staff member. Reported in MSC-E Record.

Private Provider Type

Code classifying the type of outside provider that describes the staff member. Selections are validated against the VA Provider Types table. Reported in MSC-E Record.

Exclude from State Reporting

Selected if the staff member should not be included in any state reports or utilities. The field defaults as un-checked.

VA Assignment Code

Select the applicable state assignment code for the individual. Reported on MSC-G record.

VA Teacher Role Code

Select the individual's role:

  • 7 – Pupil Personnel Service Provider
  • 8 – Administrator

Reported on MSC-G record.

Division Admin Experience

No longer collected.

VA Admin Exp Archived

No longer collected.

Years Admin Experience

No longer collected.

HQT Professional Development

Selected if the staff member participated in a high-quality professional development program in the current school year. Reported on MSC-B record.

First Year Teacher

Selected if the staff member has less than 1 year full-time teaching experience in a public or an accredited non-public school. Reported on MSC-B record.

First Year Administrator

Selected if the individual has less than one year full-time experience in their current role as Principal or Assistant Principal in a public or an accredited non-public school. Reported on MSC-G record.

Division Pupil Experience

Enter the number of completed years as pupil personnel in the current school division. If the individual has not completed a full year as pupil personnel as of October 1 of the current school year, this number should be zero.
Years Pupil Experience

Enter the total number of completed years as pupil personnel in any public, private, or out of state school. If the individual has not completed a full year as pupil personnel as of October 1 of the current schools year, this number should be zero.

Serving District

Select the serving district number that identifies the school, center, program, or placement that provided the course to the students.

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