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Scheduling – VA Course Enrollment Page

Scheduling > Student Schedules > Schedule Entry > select course > Date Range Detail panel > Other Student Course Information section > VA Course Enrollment

For Virginia State Reporting, there are several data elements that need to be tracked at a Student Course level, meaning that each student in a course could have a different value for the data element.

  • When a student drops a State Math or Science course after being enrolled for less than 20 hours, you must update this page to indicate this. Doing this will ensure that the course is not sent to the State in the Course Enrollment Data Collection report or in the Master Schedule Collection Student (F) file.
  • When a CTE student's course should be counted as Tech Prep or Dual Enrollment, update this page.
  • The Virtual Course Indicator and Dual Enrollment fields are used for the Master Schedule Collection Student (F) record.



Less Than 20 Hours Completed

Checked for the student's course to be excluded from the Course Enrollment Data Collection report and the Master Schedule Collection Student (F) record.

Tech Prep

Checked if the CTE course counts as Tech Prep.

CTE Dual Enrollment

No longer used.

Virtual Course Type

Identifies whether the course is taken remotely, through virtual means, as in an online course or one taken through satellite between schools. This is used in the Master Schedule Collection Student (F) record.

Select 1 (for School sponsored/coordinated) or 2 (for Student coordinated)

Dual Enrollment

Checked if the course counts as a Dual Enrollment course, eligible for high school and college credit. This is for non-CTE courses and is reported in the Master Schedule Collection Student (F) record.

Number of Verified Credits

Select the number of Verified Credits awarded (1 or 2).

VC Override Reason

Enter reason why course should not count towards Verified Credits.

Work Based Learning

If applicable, select the Work Based Learning Code for the course. This applies to CTE courses only.

Governor Academy

If the course is taken at a Governor's Academy, select the appropriate Academy type.

Special Verified CreditIf applicable, select the appropriate Special Verified Credit code. Only valid for students with a Primary Disability.
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