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District Definition Page

Use this page to maintain district information. The information available depends on the district accessed.

  • For your own district, you can view or change information on setup preferences, state ID assignment, contact information, financial database information, and auditing options.

  • For other districts added for reference purposes only, you can view or change contact information. These are called validation-only districts. These districts are used for the Alternate District and District of Residence fields on the Other Enrollment panel of the Registration page.

On the District Definition Search page, your school district is listed first, and the Validation Only column displays an N. Validation-only districts display a Y in the Validation Only column.

System administrators who have access to multiple districts within a database must set their environment to the correct district environment to modify information.

If your district prints seals on transcripts, upload the seal images by selecting Additional Options > Upload Transcript Seal Image.

Change district records

  1. Select Administration > General Setup > District > District.

  2. Click the district's link.

  3. Change values as needed.

  4. Click Save.

Add validation-only districts

You can add validation-only districts for table validation that are used for the Alternate District and District of Residence fields on the Other Enrollment panel of the Registration page.

  1. Select Administration > General Setup > District > District.

  2. Click Add at the top right of the page.

  3. Complete fields as needed.

  4. Click Save.

Delete validation-only district records

If you create a validation-only record in error, it can be deleted. Use caution when deleting these records; if you delete a validation-only district that is in use, the corresponding fields on a student's Registration page will display as invalid values.

  1. Select Administration > General Setup > District > District.

  2. Click Save.

  3. To confirm the delete, click Yes on the confirmation prompt. Otherwise, click No.

Create a report of your district and validation districts

You can create a PDF report for the district's records displayed on the Search Results panel. The report lists selected fields for each district.

  1. Select Administration > General Setup > District > District.

  2. If you want to limit the number of records displayed in the Search Results panel, click

    Expand on the Search Criteria panel, and enter search values.

  3. If you made changes in step 2, click Load.

  4. Click Additional options at the top right of the page and select Run Report.

  5. Respond to the browser dialog to either save or view the PDF file.


If this is your district, all of the District Definition page's panels display. For Validation-Only districts, only the Validation District, Contact Information, and Other District Information panels display.

District Definition Preferences Panel

School Year Section



Current School Year

The ending year for the school year currently in session.

Summer School Year

The school year in which the current summer school is processed. Some districts include summer school as part of the school year that just ended; others include it in the next school year. Determines which school year summer school courses are scheduled in, attendance is taken, and marks are given.

Lock System Section



Lock Out Users

Checked if you want to lock users out of eSchoolPlus, Home Access Center, Teacher Access Center, Mobile Access Center, and Enrollment Online. Access to the eSchoolPlus software is then limited based on user security resources. Before you lock users out of the software, make sure you do the following:

  • Notify your user base in advance if you need to lock the system any time other than year end.

  • Verify that the appropriate people, including yourself, have the security resource access needed for running the software while the system is locked (Administration > Security > Users > Security Profile). Users either need the SYSTEM - ALL - ALL resource for all buildings, or they need Read/Write access for SYSTEM - MAINT - LOCK.


When the database is locked, users who do not have the SYSTEM - MAINT - LOCK resource will get errors indicating that the system is locked for maintenance.

Disable Scheduled Tasks

Checked if you want to disable all currently scheduled tasks while completing system maintenance. Tasks that are scheduled when you check the box and save the configuration will have the Status changed from Waiting to Locked. Any task added after the box is checked will run as scheduled. For example, you can schedule a rollover to run while this box is checked.

When you uncheck the box and save the configuration, tasks with a Locked status will be reset to Waiting and will run as scheduled.

This field is only accessible if the Lock Out Users box is checked.

Attendance Accountability Section



Minimum Age

If your district has an attendance accountability policy that requires that students over a specific age should never be reported as unlawfully absent, specify the age at which students will be assigned the Accountability Alternate Code instead of the Attendance Code entered by a teacher or the office.

Use the Attendance Codes option to specify the Accountability Alternate Code to substitute for attendance codes your district considers unlawful.

Grade Exceptions

If your district enforces attendance accountability policies, select the grade(s) in which students will be assigned the Accountability Alternate Code instead of the Attendance Code entered by a teacher or the office.

Entry/Withdrawal Section



Entry/Withdrawal Cutoff Date

Calendar date used as a cutoff for changes to enrollment figures in your district’s buildings.

Establish a date in this field to prevent the following actions:

  • Enrolling or withdrawing a student on or before the cutoff date.

  • Updating existing Entry or Withdrawal information on or before the cutoff.

  • Deleting Entry/Withdrawal records that begin on or before the cutoff date.

This feature preserves the integrity of your district’s enrollment figures for state reports. Staff can override the cutoff restriction based on the following security resource: REG-MAINT-ENTRYSUP (Maintain Full Administration of Entry/Withdrawal Information).

Student Withdrawal Rule

Setting determines whether the student is considered in membership on the student's withdrawal date. This display-only value is based on the state where your district resides.

One of the following values displays from the State List:

F – First day student is no longer in school – The student's withdrawal date is the first day that the student was not in the building. The student is not considered to be in membership on the withdrawal date.
L – Last day student is in school – The student's withdrawal date is the last day the student was in the building. The student is considered to be in membership on the withdrawal date.

Membership Day Rule

Setting determines if the system forces Entry and Withdrawal Dates to be membership days from the student’s calendar. The system checks this district setting when you add a new student or update an Entry/Withdrawal record


R – Required – to require calendar membership dates for enrolling and withdrawing students.
E – Required Except for Rollover – to allow non-membership dates for Registration Rollover withdrawal but otherwise enforce membership days for student entry and withdrawal. Use this setting if your district has a Student Withdrawal Rule of F – First Day student is not in school and you want to require membership dates for dates other than the rollover withdrawal date.
N – Not Required – to ignore membership day status for Entry and Withdrawal Dates.

Rollover Section



Entry Date Rule

Setting determines the date that the Registration Rollover will use as the Entry Date for the Entry/Withdrawal records created the next school year.


Use First Membership Day in Calendar – to use the first membership day in the next year calendar for the entry date.
Use First Day for Calendar – to use the first day defined in the next year calendar for the entry date. You can only select this option if the E/W Membership Day Rule is set to N - Do Not Require Membership Dates.

Withdrawal Date Rule

Setting determines the date that the Registration Rollover will use as the Withdrawal Date for the Entry/Withdrawal records closed for the current school year.


Use Last Membership Day in Calendar – to use the last membership day in the current year calendar for the withdrawal date.
Use Last Day for Calendar – to use the last day defined in the current year calendar for the withdrawal date. You can only select this option if the Entry/Withdrawal section's Membership Day Rule is set to E - Required Except for Rollover or N - Not Required.

Other Section



List Maximum

The number of entries to display per page on the Search Results panel of search pages. High numbers may increase the time needed to load the page.

Rank Exclusion Class Size Rule

Checked if you want to allow students to be excluded from rank but included in class size.

State Equivalency Code

Enter the district code to report for state reporting reports and submissions. Character/20

Student IDs Section



Student ID Length

The maximum length for the Student ID field (up to 10).

Type Of Student IDs

The data format for Student IDs.


Numeric Student IDs - to indicate that only numbers are permitted in the ID. You must use numeric IDs if you want to automatically assign IDs.
Alphanumeric Student IDs - to allow both numbers and alphabetic characters.

Pad Student IDs with Zeros

Checked if zeros should fill the ID characters up to the student ID length.

Automatically Assign Student IDs

For new student entry, determines whether and how Student IDs can be system generated.


D -Student IDs are assigned at the district level - to indicate Student IDs are by district.
B -Student IDs are assigned at the building level - to indicate Student ID ranges are by building. Ranges are set on the Student ID Assignment panel of the Registration Building Configuration page.
N -Do not automatically assign Student IDs - to indicate that Student IDs are not automatically assigned.

Starting Student ID

The first number to use for Student IDs, if you are auto-assigning by district.

Highest Used Student ID

The highest number that has been used for Student IDs, if you are auto-assigning by district. On initial entry, set this to be the same as the Starting Student ID.

Allow Override of ID Assignment

Checked if users can enter a Student ID manually to override the system-generation of a Student ID. If unchecked, users cannot enter Student IDs for new students; they must be auto-assigned.

Registration Section



Simple Address Format

Checked if student addresses are in simple format. When unchecked, separate fields are used for street prefixes or directional indicators (East, West), and suffixes (Street, Lane).

You must leave the box unchecked if you want to use GeoCode functionality for either assigning buildings of residence or validating street addresses. After you set up GeoCode in the Registration District Setup page, this field cannot be accessed.

Show Social Security Number on New Student Add

Checked if the social security number should be included as a field on the Add Student page.

Show State Building of Residence on Registration

Checked if the State Building of Residence field should display on the Registration page. If you display this field, you should define state building codes using the Validation Tables option (Administration > General Setup > District > Validation Tables and then select Registration in the Applications field and State Building Of Residence in the Validation Table Field).

Display Start/End Dates & Require for Disabilities

Checked if you want to require a user to enter start and end dates for disability information.

Default Transportation Flags

Checked if the Transport to School and Transport from School fields for the student's physical address should be set to checked as the default.

Home Language Required

Checked if a user should be required to enter a value for the Home Language field on the Registration page and the Add Student page.

Require Race Percentages

Checked if the Race table in the Federal panel of the Add Student and Personal pages should include a percentage field to indicate the percentage for each of the races reported. The percentage will be required if it is displayed. Furthermore, the sum of all percentages entered must equal 100%.

Race Required

Indicates whether the user should be required to enter a value in the Race table of the Add Student page when a student is added or on the Personal page when changes are saved.


Yes - to indicate the user must enter a value in the Race field when adding new students and when updating the Personal page.
No - to indicate that Race is not a required field on the Add Student and Personal pages.
If Hispanic/Latino Ethnicity is "U" or "N" - to indicate that the user must enter a value in the Race field when adding new students and when updating the Personal page only if the value selected in the Hispanic/Latino Ethnicity field is Unanswered or No.

Automatically Generate Family Number

Enables the automatic generation of family numbers when adding students on the Add Student Page or in the Enrollment Online application.

If your district auto-generates family numbers, then a family number will be assigned when a student is added using the Add Student page or by accepting an Enrollment Online form. Either a new family number is generated for the student or the family number assigned to another student who lives with the guardian is assigned.

For additional information, refer to Generate Family Numbers.

Allow Multiple Classifications

Enables the ability to record multiple classification codes for students on the Personal page.

  • If this checkbox is selected, the Personal page allows users to enter rows for multiple classifications. Users can drag and drop rows to reorder a student's classifications. The classification entered in the first row will also be stored in the reg_personal.classification field.

  • If this checkbox is not selected, the Personal page allows users to enter one classification.

Multiple classifications can be entered on the Personal page, but Programs does not support the ability to track multiple classifications and district-defined pages cannot display multiple classifications. If a program is defined to track the Classification field or a district-defined page is set up to display the Classification field, then this checkbox is disabled and you cannot select to enable multiple classifications.

To support the ability for this feature to be enabled at a future point, student classification changes update two tables: reg_personal and reg_classification.

Student alerts display multiple classifications and the Student Summary page displays the word Multiple if a student has more than one classification. Other reports and pages display the value stored in reg_personal.classification. The Scheduling features related to balancing classes or limiting enrollment based on classification weight also uses the value stored in reg_personal.classification.

Hide Gender Identity

Selected if the Gender Identity field should not be displayed on the Demographic, Add Student, or Student Summary pages. The field will also not be available in filters or searches.

If hidden, the Gender Identity field will be synchronized with the value in the Gender field.

You cannot select this checkbox if there are any students who have a value in Gender Identity that does not correspond to the Gender. Use the Student Search to find students who have different values and update the information so each student has the same gender selected in both fields.

Allow Additional Student Email Addresses

Select to enable the Additional Email Addresses for students.

Allow Additional Contact Email Addresses

Select to enable the Additional Contact Email Addresses for contacts.

Color Theme Section

The Color Theme section enables districts to determine color themes for each environment. Districts can also choose to let users make their own color theme selections on the Preferences Page.

  • To allow users to select their own themes, select Allow Users to Set Themes. The remaining fields will be disabled.

  • To use the same themes for all users, do not select Allow Users to Set Themes. For each environment, select to use the system default, or choose the color. You must select an option for each environment.

The system default settings are described in the Set Environment topic.

After saving settings in the Color Theme section, changes to the color scheme take effect for users the next time they log in or set their environment.

Integrations Panel

When you save after enabling an integration, a pop-up window displays credentials that must be provided to the other party in order for the integration to function. Record this information and share it with the team indicated on the pop-up.

The following integrations may be enabled:

  • PowerSchool Enrollment

  • Performance Matters

  • Schoology - Select this integration to implement the improved security changes for the eSchoolPlus and Schoology integration. Your district will also need to enable the integration changes in Schoology.

  • Special Education - Select this integration if your district integrates with PowerSchool Special Programs. You can also select which files are integrated.

  • Unified Classroom - This field is not used.

Special Ed Section

The following fields in the Special Ed section are used for the Course Request Signoffs report and are not related to an integration.



Special Ed Source Table

The source table for the Special Education value to print on the Course Request Signoffs report.


Personal - to select the Personal table, if the field is displayed on the Personal page.

District-Defined - to select District Defined records, if the field is displayed on a district-defined page.

Special Ed Page Number

Select the source page for the Special Education value to print on the Course Request Signoffs report.

Special Ed Field

Select the field that stores the Special Education value to print on the Course Request Signoffs report. You can only select a page if you selected Personal in the Special Ed Source Table field.

State ID Assignment Panel



Require State ID

Indicates if your district uses a State ID and, if used, indicates whether the field is required. If you select to use the field the State ID field will display on the Personal page.


D - Do Not Use State ID - to indicate that your district does not use the State ID field to store a state identification number for students.
Y - Use State ID (Required) - to indicate that your district uses the State ID field to store a state identification number for students and that the field is required to be entered.
N - Use State ID (Not Required) - to indicate that your district uses the State ID field to store a state identification number for students, but that a value is not required for the field.

Maximum State ID Length

The maximum length for the State ID field (from 1 to 32 characters).

Length Must Equal Maximum

Checked if the length of the State ID must always be the same length as the number in the Maximum State ID Length field.

If unchecked, the State ID can be any length up to, and including the maximum length.

State ID Label

The name that should display for the State ID field.

ID To Save in Previous ID Field

Determines which ID, if any, is stored in the Previous ID field on the Personal page. Student IDs are updated with the Change Student ID option; State IDs are updated on the Personal page, if updates are allowed.


N -No Previous ID is Saved.
I -Student ID is Saved to Previous ID.
S -State ID is Saved to Previous ID.

ID To Use on State Reports

Determines which ID to use on State reports.


I -Student ID is Used.
S -State ID is Used.

Automatically Assign State IDs

When adding new students, determines whether and how State IDs can be system generated.


N -State IDs are not Auto-Assigned.
D -State IDs are Assigned at District Level.
B -State IDs are Assigned at Building Level - ranges are set in the Registration Building Configuration page.

State ID Prefix

The letter used as the first character in your state ID, if any.

Starting State ID

The first number to use for State IDs, if you are auto-assigning by district.

Maximum State ID

The highest number that can be used for State IDs, if you are auto-assigning by district.

Highest Used State ID

The highest number that has been used for State IDs, if you are auto-assigning by district. On initial entry, set this to be the same as the Starting State ID.

Update Allowed

Determines whether users can change a State ID after its initial add.

Contact Information Panel




The name of the district's superintendent or main contact person.

Street Address

The street address for the district office.


The district office's city.


The district office's state.


The district office's zip code.


The district's phone number.

District Email Address

The email address for the superintendent or district.

Aggregate Number

If you group multiple districts together, the number used to identify all the districts in the group. For example, several districts may have a regional code.

Financial Information Panel



Financial Organization Department Level

The financial organization department level in the account structure. Can be used to link teachers to financial accounts.

Financial Organization Location Level

The financial organization location level in the account structure. Can be used to link teachers to financial accounts.

Financial Organization Program Level

The financial organization program level in the account structure. Can be used to link teachers to financial accounts.

Auditing Panel

Preferences Section

If your district selects to audit updates, you must turn this option off before running year end rollover options.

Additionally, after you complete processing rollovers and you change the Current School Year value, you need to update the scheduled task that cleans up audit records so it runs for the current school year. To update the task, uncheck the Audit Updates box and click Save. Then, check the Audit Updates box and click Save.



Generate Audit When Any Data is Modified by a User

Checked to generate an audit trail when any data is modified by a user. Audit trail information is stored in database tables and cannot be accessed from eSchoolPlus software.

Most eSchoolPlus and TAC options that log audit records update the spi_audit_history, spi_audit_history_fields, spi_audit_history_keys tables. Note that some calculations may create audit records in the spi_audit_det1 and spi_audit_det2 tables instead.

When you check this box and save, a cleanup task is created to purge audit trail records based on the specified number of days in the Retain Audit History field.

Only Audit Deletes

Checked to only audit DELETE statements.

Retain Audit History

Number of days to retain Audit History. We recommend that you store a small number of days, preferably no more than 30.

Track HAC Logins

Enable tracking of each time a user logs into Home Access Center.

Track TAC Logins

Enable tracking of each time a user logs into Teacher Access Center.

Track TAC Publish Events

Enable tracking of each time a user in Teacher Access Center sets an assignment's publish status to either assignment published or scores published.

Audit Cleanup Task Management Section

Fields to allow you to specify the schedule for the audit cleanup task. This task should not run at the same time as other tasks.

These fields only display when Generate Audit When Any Data is Modified by a User is checked and the Retain Audit History field is not zero.




Use Daily to run either once a day or once every few days.

Time: Enter the time that the task should run.

Interval: Enter 1 to run every day. Enter a higher number to run every nth day; for example, 2 to run every other day.


Use Weekly to run either once a week or once every few weeks.

Time: Enter the time that the task should run.

Interval: Enter 1 to run every week. Enter a higher number to run every nth week; for example, 2 to run every other week.

Days of the Week: Check the day of the week that the task should run on. You can check multiple days, if desired, for example, Monday and Friday.


Use Monthly to run the report on a specific day each month.

Time: Enter the time that the task should run.

Day of the Month: Enter the day number on which the task should run.

Staff Photo Options Panel

Use this panel to identify where staff photos will be stored for use in eSchoolPlus or eFinancePLUS. You also can define the types of photo files accepted, as determined by their file extensions.



Staff Photo Path

Full directory path identifying where photos will be stored, for example, h:\Staff\Catalog\Staff_Photos. Character/255

Staff Photo Directory

Name of the folder where the photos will be stored, for example, Staff_Photos. Character/255

Staff Photos File Names

Indicates whether staff photos have been named according to the Staff District Information page's Staff ID or Financial Employee Number field.


Name is Staff ID - to use the staff IDs referenced in eSchoolPlus.
Name is Financials Employee # - to use the employee numbers referenced in your district's financial application.

Staff Photo Extension

File name extensions required for uploading photos. Enter the extensions in a comma delimited list, for example, jpg,png,bmp. Do not include periods before the extensions or spaces after the commas. Character/10

Other District Information Panel

This panel displays links to district-defined pages.

District Definition (Validation-Only)

Validation District Panel

Three fields display:

  • District

  • District Name

  • State Equivalency Code

Contact Information Panel




The name of the district's superintendent or main contact person.

Street Address

The street address for the district office.


The district office's city.


The district office's state.


The district office's zip code.


The district's phone number.

District Email Address

The email address for the superintendent or district.

Aggregate Number

If you group multiple districts together, the number used to identify all the districts in the group. For example, several districts may have a regional code.

Other District Information Panel

This panel displays links to district-defined pages.

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