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Personal Page

Use this page to enter sensitive student information, such as race, classification, and meal status. Your security resources determine the fields that display.

Fields that display as a hyperlink are program-tracked fields. Program tracking a field allows you to record dates for changes to student information. Clicking the link displays the corresponding Programs window. For more information, refer to About Programs.

Change student's Personal information

  1. Select Registration from the main menu, select the Entry & Reports submenu, select Student Demographic, and then select Personal.
  2. Select the student.
  3. Update the student's personal information.
  4. Click Save.

Change student's race information

  1. Select Registration from the main menu, select the Entry & Reports submenu, select Student Demographic, and then select Personal.
  2. If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
  3. Change race information as needed:
    • To delete a race, select the Delete box.
    • To add a race, click Add, then select the race.
    • To change the order, update the Order field.
    • If the Percent field displays, adjust percentages so the sum of all races is equal to 100.
  4. Click Save.

Change information for a program-tracked field

  1. Select Registration from the main menu, select the Entry & Reports submenu, select Student Demographic, and then select Personal.
  2. If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
  3. Click the link for the field.
  4. If the student does not have an open program record, add a program by entering the start date and specifying the value.
  5. Otherwise, close the open program record by entering an end date. Then, add a program by entering the start date and the student's new value.
  6. Click Save.

Access PowerSchool Special Education

Use this procedure if:

  • Your district has purchased a PowerSchool Special Education license,
  • Your district has selected to use the Special Ed Integration feature on the District Definition Page, and
  1. Select Registration from the main menu, select the Entry & Reports submenu, select Student Demographic, and then select Personal.
  2. If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
  3. On the Special Education Summary panel, click the Additional options icon and select Go to Special Education.


Student Information Bar

The bar, which displays on all student pages just below the Home icon and Menu button, includes options to view the student's alerts, attachments, and notes and to email the student's teachers and guardians.

General Panel




Code indicating the student's residency status in the district.

Social Security Number

The student's Social Security number. Character/9

Mother's Maiden Name

The last name of the student's mother, prior to marriage. Character/30

Building transferred from

Text indicating the name of the building from which the student transferred. Character/255

State ID

The ID number for the student that is used for state reporting. This may be a Social Security number or a number assigned by the state.

The use of the State ID field depends on the selection in the Require State ID field in the District Configuration page's State ID Assignment tab:

D - Do Not Use State ID - The State ID field does not display.

Y - Use State ID (Required) - The State ID field displays and is required.

N - Use State ID (Not Required) - The State ID field displays but is optional.

Previous ID

The student's previous ID number.

If the Change Student ID Utility program was used to update the student's ID, the previous ID displays here. Character/32

Privacy Panel




Series of flags used to indicate whether the school has permission to release or print information for the student. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) protects the privacy of student education records.

When users run reports that include sensitive data, they can use a filter to exclude students for whom the FERPA privacy flag is checked.

The following reports will not print student or guardian phone numbers if the FERPA Privacy Flag Student's Phone box is checked: Class Lists, Student Conflict Analysis, Student Schedules, Pre-Assignment Class Lists, and Office Attendance Listing report.

Access to these fields depends on your security resources.

Do Not Release Information

Series of flags used to indicate whether the school has permission to release information for the student. When users run reports that include student information to provide to organizations, they can use a filter to exclude students for whom a flag is checked.

Federal Panel



Hispanic/Latino Ethnicity

Indicates whether the student's ethnicity is Hispanic/Latino. If Yes is selected, 1 (one) displays in the Federal code field.


Yes - to indicate the student's ethnicity is Hispanic/Latino.
No - to indicate the student's ethnicity is not Hispanic/Latino.
Unanswered/Not Recollected - to indicate that information was not available regarding Hispanic/Latino ethnicity.

The Yes and No options are available for all districts. The Unanswered and Not Recollected options may not display for your district.


The student's race information. The District Configuration determines if the fields in this section are required and if you must specify a percentage for each race code.

As you complete rows, an empty row displays at the bottom of the list. You can enter as many races as needed.

To delete a race, check the box to the right of the race's fields, then click Save on the page's toolbar.


Number indicating the priority order of the staff member’s races, with 1 as primary, 2 as secondary, and so forth.


The student's race.


The percentage that each race contributes. This field only displays if your district requires it.

Delete icon

Delete column. Enter a check to mark a row for deletion. Checked rows are deleted when you click Save.

Federal Code

Indicates the equivalent federal code for the race entered in the Race field.

  • If multiple races are entered, this field displays a 7 (seven).
  • If the value selected in the Hispanic/Latino Ethnicity field is Yes, this field displays a 1 (one), even if multiple races are entered.

ELL Years

Select the number of years that the student was an English Language Learner.


Checked if this student meets federal qualifications for a migrant student.

Migrant ID

For migrant students, the migrant ID assigned by the state.


Checked if the student meets federal qualifications as an immigrant.

Country of Origin

Select the country from which the student emigrated.

Citizen Status

Citizenship status, for example, Resident or Alien.

Lockers Panel



Locker Number

The student's locker number. You can change the student's locker number by selecting from the drop-down list. Only lockers that are available to this student will display. For more information, refer to Locker Detail. Character/11

Locker Combination

The student's locker combination. If you use the Lockers package, the combination associated with the selected locker displays when you enter a locker number. Character/10

Educational Factors Panel




Code specifying the student's classification, if applicable.

If your building's Registration Configuration allows Special Education alerts for classified students, selecting a code triggers an alert in Student Center pages for users with the appropriate security. Clicking the alert displays a pop-up message with the classification code selected and its description. These alerts can also be accessed by teachers in Teacher Access Center. For more information, refer to Student Alerts.


The student's classification information.

If your district has enabled multiple classifications, you can enter rows for the student's classifications. Otherwise, you can enter one classification.

If multiple classifications are enabled:

  • Add another classification by entering it in the empty row at the bottom of the list.
  • Reorder classification rows by clicking it's tab at the left and dragging it to the desired location. The first row is also stored in reg_personal.classification.
  • Delete a classification by selecting the Delete checkbox to the right of the classification, then click Save on the page's toolbar.

If your building's Registration Configuration allows Special Education alerts for classified students, selecting a code triggers an alert in Student Center pages for users with the appropriate security. Clicking the alert displays a pop-up message with the classification code selected and its description. These alerts can also be accessed by teachers in Teacher Access Center. For more information, refer to the About Student Alerts help topic.

Meal Status

Code indicating whether the student is eligible for, or receiving, free/reduced meals.

Academically DisadvantagedCode indicating possible causes why a student is struggling academically, for example, lack of support at home or economic issue.


Code indicating the student's type of homelessness.

504 Plan

Checked if the student participates in a 504 Plan.

If your building's Registration Configuration allows Medical alerts for students who participate in 504 Plans, checking this box triggers an alert in Student Center pages for users with the appropriate security. Clicking the alert displays the following pop-up message: "Student has a 504 Plan." These alerts can also be accessed by teachers in Teacher Access Center. For more information, refer to Student Alerts.


Checked if this student is in an English as a Second Language program.

Current Student Success Plan

Indicates if the student has a student success plan that is currently open. This field only displays if your district uses the Student Success Plan package.

If your building's Registration Configuration allows Academic alerts for students with Student Success Plans, checking this box triggers an alert in Student Center pages for users with the appropriate security. Clicking the alert displays the following pop-up message: "Student has an SSP." These alerts can also be accessed by teachers in Teacher Access Center. For more information, refer to Student Alerts.

At Risk

Checked if this student meets at risk criteria, for example, if the student is failing two core subjects. Unchecked if the student is not at risk.

If the At Risk field is program tracked, a link indicating the status (Yes or No) displays instead of a check box. Clicking the link opens the Programs - At Risk window, which displays the Start and End Dates associated with the student's at risk history. If the window's last line has a Start Date but no End Date and the line's Value box is checked, then the student is at risk, and the At Risk field is set to Yes.

If your district uses eSchoolPlus Student At Risk options, the At Risk field can be set by certain factors in the At Risk Detail page, either manually or through at risk calculations that use Attendance, Discipline, Mark Reporting (Interim Progress Reports and Report Cards), and Test Score criteria. For more information, refer to About Student At Risk.

If your building's Registration Configuration allows Academic alerts for students who are at risk, checking this box triggers an alert in Student Center pages for users with the appropriate security. Clicking the alert displays the following pop-up message: "Student is At Risk." These alerts can also be accessed by teachers in Teacher Access Center. For more information, refer to Student Alerts.

At Risk Calculation Ovr

Checked if you want to override at risk calculations in determining the student's status in the At Risk field. Unchecked if the calculations should be used to set the student's at risk status.

Last Calculated

Date and time when the student's overall status was last calculated in the At Risk Detail page. If the field is blank, then the calculation has not been run for the student.

Foster Care

This field may display depending on state reporting requirements. For information about this field, refer to state reporting documentation.


Checked if the student is an active Special Education student with an IEP (Individualized Education Plan). Your district policy also may require entering a check in the field as soon as a student is referred for evaluation.

If your building's Registration Configuration allows Special Education alerts for students with IEPs, checking this box triggers an alert in Student Center pages for users with the appropriate security. Clicking the alert displays a pop-up message, "Student has an IEP." These alerts can also be accessed by teachers in Teacher Access Center. For more information, refer to Student Alerts. This field only displays for sites that do not use the IEPPLUS Integration.

IEP Status

The status of the student's IEP. This field only displays for sites that do not use the IEPPLUS Integration

Fees Panel



Fee Status

Status of the student fees for the student. In the Student Fees System, status codes and thresholds are defined so you can see an overall status that indicates whether the student has overdue balances, or all fees have been paid in full.

Override Fee Status

Checked if changes to fees and payments in the Student Fees System should not recalculate the student's fee status.

Fee Balance

Total balance for all fees that the student owes.

Legal/Birth Information Panel

The fields on this panel should only be entered in the rare case where it is necessary to track a student's legal name and/or gender, while displaying a different name and/or gender throughout the eSchoolPlus system, including Teacher Access Center, Home Access Center, and any other application that displays the student's name from Registration. For more information on changing student identity information, refer to Changing Student Name and/or Gender.

For some states, the state reporting programs report the legal name and gender on the Personal page as an override of the name and gender entered on the Registration page. If no values are entered in the legal birth name and gender fields, the student’s information from Registration is reported. Before changing a student's name in Registration, review your state reporting requirements to determine how names are reported.

Note: Most reports, including report cards, do not print the legal name values entered on the Personal page.

Transcripts may include the legal name, but only if an administrator has modified your district's transcripts to include it. For information on how to edit transcripts, refer to Modifying Transcripts to Print Legal Name.



First Name

Enter the student's legal first name if it is different from the name entered on the Registration page.

Middle Name

Enter the student's legal middle name if it is different from the name entered on the Registration page.

Last Name

Enter the student's legal last name if it is different from the name entered on the Registration page.


Enter the student's legal generation if it is different from the name entered on the Registration page.


Select the student's legal/birth gender if it is different from the gender selected on the Registration page.

Name Change Reason

Select the reason the student's name and/or gender is being changed from the legal/birth information.

Special Education Summary Panel

This panel only displays if your district has selected to use the Special Ed Integration feature on the District Definition Page. It displays a summary of the student's Special Education information.



Special Ed Integration

This display-only field indicates if the student is integrated with your district's special education application.

  • If your district uses PowerSchool Special Education, click the Additional options icon at the top right of the Special Education Summary panel and select Go to Special Education to open the Special Education application in a new browser tab.
  • If your district uses IEPPLUS, to refer a student for special education or add a new special education student, click the Additional options icon at the top right of the Special Education Summary panel and select Manage Special Education to launch the Special Education Management page. Then, you can enter the IEP status information and immediately integrate the student's data with IEPPLUS.

Note that the Special Education Management page opens in a separate browser tab. After you close that tab, you must refresh the eSchoolPlus page to see the updated information.


This display-only field indicates if the student is an active special education student in your district's special education application. Although a student who is actively enrolled in special education typically has an active IEP (Individualized Education Plan), this box does not reflect whether the student has an active or expired IEP. This field is updated by the integration.

If your building's Registration Configuration allows special education alerts for students with IEPs and this box is checked, then an alert displays in Student Center pages for users with the appropriate security. Clicking the alert displays a pop-up message, "Student has an IEP," followed by a listing of any special education files stored for the student. These alerts can also be accessed by teachers in Teacher Access Center. For more information, refer to Student Alerts.

IEP Status

The fields in this section display the student's special education enrollment and exit information from your district's special education application. This information is updated by the integration.

The following fields display for each status record.

Status Description

Description of this record.

Start Date

Start date for this record.

Exit Date

Date for the exit.

Exit Reason

Reason for the exit.

If your building's Registration Configuration allows special education alerts for students with IEPs and a student has one or more special education files stored, the files will also appear as links in the alert in eSchoolPlus and Teacher Access Center.

Special Ed Files

If the student has IEP files in your district's special education application, then this field displays with links to the files. You can view a file by clicking its link. The District Definition Page determines the types of PDF files that display in this section, if any.

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