Use this page to add a new locker or change locker information. You can restrict lockers to specific genders, grades, homerooms, or house/teams. This page is also used to update an individual locker's combination or its student assignments. To mass update combinations for a group of lockers or to assign multiple students to a building's lockers, refer to Locker Assignment Page.
Add a locker
Select Administration > Registration Setup > Building > Lockers to display the Locker Search page.
Click Add at the top right of the page.
Complete fields for the new locker.
Click Save.
Delete a locker
A locker can only be deleted if it has no students assigned to it.
Select Administration > Registration Setup > Building > Lockers to display the Locker Search page.
If the desired locker does not display on the Search Results panel, enter the appropriate values in the Search Criteria panel, and click Load at the top right of the page.
Click the desired locker's ID link on the Search Results panel to display the Locker Detail page.
Click (Delete) at the top right of the page. This icon only displays if no students are assigned to this locker.
Click Yes on the Delete Locker Record dialog to delete the locker.
Assign a student to a locker
If you assign a student to a locker and the student is already assigned to another locker, the student's assignment to the previous locker will be removed when you click Save.
Select Administration > Registration Setup > Building > Lockers to display the Locker Search page.
If the desired locker does not display on the Search Results panel, enter the appropriate values in the Search Criteria panel, and click Load at the top right of the page.
Click the desired locker's ID link on the Search Results panel to display the Locker Detail page.
Click Search on the empty row of the Assigned Students panel to display the Student Search dialog.
Enter your search criteria in the Selections section, and then click Search at the top right of the Students section.
If the desired student does not display in the Students section, open the Selections section, and refine your search.
Repeat steps 5-6 until the desired student displays.
Click the desired student's row to highlight it.
At the bottom right of the Search Students dialog, click OK to add the selected student to the Assigned Students panel.
Click Save.
Update a locker's information
Select Administration > Registration Setup > Building > Lockers to display the Locker Search page.
If the desired locker does not display on the Search Results panel, enter the appropriate values on the Search Criteria panel, and click Load at the top right of the page.
Click the desired locker's ID link on the Search Results panel to display the Locker Detail page.
Change values for the locker.
Click Save.
Delete a student's locker assignment
You can delete a student's locker assignment from the Personal page, or you can delete student assignments for a specific locker from the Locker Detail page.
If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
Clear the Locker Number field on the Lockers panel..
Click Save.
To delete a locker's assignments
Select Administration > Registration Setup > Building > Lockers to display the Locker Search page.
If the desired locker does not display on the Search Results panel, enter the appropriate values on the Search Criteria panel and click Load at the top right of the page.
Click the Locker ID link on the Search Results panel to display the Locker Detail page.
On the Assigned Students panel, enter a check in the delete box for the student to remove.
Click Save.
General Panel
The enrollment building associated with this locker.
Locker ID
Numeric or alphanumeric code identifying this locker. On reports, the lockers are sorted by character code. If you want them to display in numeric order, use zeros to fill - for example, if lockers run from 1 to 100, use 001 to 100.
Detail Panel
The locker description, as it should appear on screen and in reports. If lockers will be limited to certain house/teams or grades, it may be helpful to include this in the description - for example 100 - 9A for a locker for house/team 9A.
Where the locker is located - for example, a floor or building.
In Service
Checked if a locker can be assigned to students.
Serial Number
The serial number for the locker. For informational purposes only.
If a specific gender is selected, the locker will only be auto-assigned to students of the selected gender.
Both - to indicate the locker can be assigned to students of either gender. Male - to indicate the locker can be assigned to males only. Female - to indicate the locker can be assigned to females only. Same for All Students - to indicate that if Maximum Students is greater than one, all students assigned to the locker must be of the same gender.
If a specific grade is selected, the locker will only be auto-assigned to students of the selected grade.
If a specific homeroom is selected, the locker will only be auto-assigned to students of the selected homeroom.
If a specific house/team is selected, the locker will only be auto-assigned to students of the selected house/team.
Maximum Students
The number of students that can be assigned to a locker. The Locker Assignment program will fill each locker to its maximum, before assigning the next locker.
Checked if the Locker Assignment program should not assign students to this locker.
A list with the possible combinations of the locker. The student's locker number and current combination display on the Lockers panel of the Student's Personal page.
Although not explicitly displayed, each combination in the list is stored with a corresponding sequence number that can be used when the Update Current Combinations option is used on the Locker Assignment page. Sequence numbers are automatically updated when combinations are added or deleted.
Indicates which combination is in use.
The locker's combination.
To delete a record, select the row's Delete checkbox, then click Save. The checkbox only displays for records that are not in use.
Assigned Students
Student ID
The student's ID.
If you are adding a student, you can either enter their ID number or search using the Student Name field.
The student's full name, last name followed by the first name and middle initial.
To add a student by name, in the blank row, click Search to display the Student Search window. You can then enter information on the Selections section and click Search on the Students section to display a list of students. Click the student's row to select, and then click OK to add the student to the Assigned Students panel.
To delete a record, select the row's Delete checkbox, then click Save.
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