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Modifying Transcripts to Print Legal Name

The default transcript template includes the student's name as entered on the Registration page.

If your district uses the Personal page's Legal/Birth Information panel to track legal information when a student is in the process of legally changing their name and/or gender, then you can modify the transcript to print a student's legal name or legal gender.

To print the legal information, edit the transcript templates and add the following fields as needed:

Template Field



If values are entered in the Legal/Birth Information name fields on the Personal page, then this name is reported. Otherwise, the name entered on the Registration page is reported.


If a value is entered in the Legal/Birth Information Gender field on the Personal page, then this gender is reported. Otherwise, the gender entered on the Registration page is reported.

For more information on tracking legal/birth information, refer to the following topics:

For documentation on using the Template Designer to edit a template, refer to the Template Designerpages.

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