Conduct Referrals Initial Procedures
On this page:
This topic provides the basic procedures followed by administrators and disciplinarians in setting up Behavior Referrals options in eSchoolPlus.
For daily procedures, refer to Conduct Referrals Daily Procedures.
- Verify that all other Behavior options have been set up and are in use.
- If needed, update the following Discipline validation tables (Administration > General Setup > District > Validation Tables) to reflect your district's procedures for administering conduct referrals:
- Incident/Offense Codes
- Locations
- Offense Categories
- Set up the following Teacher Access Center tables used by teachers in recording conduct referrals and classroom issues in TAC:
- Issue Actions (Administration > General Setup > District > Validation Tables > Teacher Access Center > Issue Actions)
- Issue Locations (Administration > General Setup > District > Validation Tables > Teacher Access Center > Issue Locations)
- Define the types of classroom issues and conduct referrals teachers can enter in Teacher Access Center (TAC) on the Issues Page (Administration > TAC Setup > Setup > Issues).
- Set up the options in the Issues and Referrals panel in eSchoolPlus's TAC Building Configuration Page (Administration > TAC Setup> Setup > TAC Building Configuration).
The panel's fields determine who can enter classroom issues and referrals, whether teachers can assign roles to the students involved in issues, and whether teachers can classify referrals by type. - If classroom issues can be referred for success plans, use the Plan Coordinators page to define the coordinator for the referrals.
- Verify that disciplinarians have security access for behavior incidents and conduct referrals in the appropriate buildings.
- If notifications should be sent to teachers when behavior referrals or success plan referrals are returned, enable the appropriate notifications using the Notifications District Setup Page and Notifications Building Setup Page.
- Set up the Behavior widget on your Home Page to display totals for the current school year for behavior incidents and conduct referrals for the buildings where you have security. In addition, the section displays today's totals for the number of students receiving suspensions and detentions. A link to the Conduct Referral Search Page is also provided.
- If teachers want to be notified when a referral is returned, then the teacher must subscribe to the notification. Teachers can subscribe to notifications for returned behavior referrals and success plan referrals using the Notification Subscriptions Page in TAC.