Use this page to define the types of classroom issues and conduct referrals teachers can enter in Teacher Access Center (TAC). When setting up types, you can determine whether the issues they address should apply to either the Behavior (Discipline) or Student Success Plan in eSchoolPlus.
This table validates the Type field on the following TAC pages: Classroom Issue, Class Issue Mass Entry, and Conduct Referral. In eSchoolPlus, it also displays as the Type in the Behavior Referral Search page and as the Issue Type in the following pages: Behavior Referral, Success Plan Referral Search, and Success Plan Referral.
The use of the Type field in TAC depends on eSchoolPlus's Teacher Access Center Configuration. If the configuration's Conduct Referral Types May Be Set by Teachers/Substitutes box is checked, then teachers can select a type from the Issues table when entering conduct referrals. If the box is unchecked, a default type can be selected from the Issues table to apply to all issues entered in TAC, in which case teachers will not be able to select a type for conduct referrals.
Teachers can select a type for all classroom issues in TAC, including those referred to eSchoolPlus as either conduct referrals or classroom issues.
Select the (Delete) checkbox for each record to delete.
Click Save.
Issues Panel
Unique code that identifies the issue type. Character/5
Description of the issue type. Character/255
Use in Class Issue
Checked if the issue type can be selected as a Type for a classroom issue.
If you check the box, you must also select either Refer to Discipline or Refer to Success Plan.
If needed, you can also select Use in Conduct Referrals, in which case you must select Refer to Discipline.
Unchecked if you do not want teachers to use this type when entering classroom issues.
Use in Conduct Referrals
Checked if the issue type can be selected as a Type for a conduct referral.
If you check this box and Use in Class Issue, then you must also check Refer to Discipline.
If needed, you can check both this box and Refer to Discipline without checking Use in Class Issue.
Unchecked if you do not want teachers to use this type when entering a conduct referral.
This field is disabled if Refer to Success Plan is checked.
Refer to Discipline
Checked if issues that use this Type should be referred to Discipline in eSchoolPlus.
If you check this box, then you must also check either Use in Class Issue, Use in Conduct Referrals, or both.
Unchecked if you want to prevent teachers from referring an issue with this type to Discipline.
This field is disabled if Refer to Success Plan is checked.
Refer to Success Plan
Checked if issues that use this Type should be referred to Student Success Plan in eSchoolPlus.
If you check this box, then you must also check Use in Class Issue.
Unchecked if you do not want teachers to use this issue type when referring classroom issues to Student Success Plan in eSchoolPlus.
This field is disabled if either Use in Conduct Referrals or Refer to Discipline is checked.
Referral Tag
Code or term to group issues that should be referred to the same staff member for schools that have multiple staff positions who evaluate students for success plans. For example, issues may be referred to an academic advisor, school psychologist, or counselor depending on the nature of the issue. If tardiness and missing homework issues should be referred to the academic advisor, assign these issues the same code. Character/10
If all issues should be referred to the same staff member, you do not need to assign a referral tag to issues.
Referral tags are used by the Success Plan Coordinators option to determine the types of issues that are referred to a staff member. For more information, refer to Success Plan Coordinator Page.
State Code Equiv
State-defined code that corresponds to the issue type code. Your district can define codes for local reporting; the State Code Equiv field will be used by your state reporting system to convert the local value to a state value. Character/10
Indicates if the code should be available when a user modifies a record.
If your district requirements change and you no longer want to use a code, remove the checkmark from the Active checkbox. Users will no longer be able to select the code when maintaining records.
To delete a record, select the row's Delete checkbox, then click Save. The checkbox only displays for records that are not in use.
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