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TAC Building Configuration Page

Use this page to set up the following functions for the Teacher Access Center (TAC) in your building:

  • Set defaults for Gradebook, classroom issues, and conduct referrals.
  • Specify how Classroom Issues and Conduct Referrals are used in TAC.
  • Determine whether teachers should have a link to access PerformancePLUS.
  • Determine whether teachers should have a link to eFinancePLUS's Employee Access Center.
  • Create dynamic links for displaying links to other sites in the TAC menu and pages.
  • Determine whether teachers should see overdue immunization information in a student's Medical alert.
  • Allow teachers to access the Student Details drawer for students in the building.
  • Activate the Emergency Attendance feature in TAC and configure the Emergency Attendance report for eSchoolPlus.

TAC users can be granted access to eSchoolPlus student information pages for students they teach or work with. This includes students in the staff member's activities, homerooms, and classes. This access is granted by assigning a Teacher Account security profile to individual staff members on the Staff District Information Page and not by any setting on the TAC Building Configuration Page or TAC District Configuration Page.

For more information, refer to Enable eSchoolPlus Access from the Teacher Access Center.

View configuration

  1. Select Administration > TAC Setup> Setup > TAC Building Configuration.
  2. If the search page opens, click the building's link to display the configuration.

Add configuration

  1. Select Administration > TAC Setup> Setup > TAC Building Configuration.
  2. If the page opens for the last building you were working with, click Search.
  3. Use the search options to find the building.
  4. Click the building's link to display the configuration.
  5. Define values as needed.
  6. Click Save.

Change configuration

  1. Select Administration > TAC Setup> Setup > TAC Building Configuration.
  2. If the search page opens, click the building's link to display the configuration.
  3. Change values as needed.
  4. Click Save.

Delete configuration

  1. Select Administration > TAC Setup> Setup > TAC Building Configuration.
  2. If the search page opens, click the building's link to display the configuration.
  3. Click (Delete).
  4. At the confirmation prompt, click Yes.


Gradebook Panel

The fields on this panel set up Gradebook options and determine whether teachers and substitutes can override calculated averages for categories and marks on the Gradebook entry page.



Gradebook Averages May be Overridden By Teachers

Determines who can override calculated student averages for categories and marks in GB Entry mode and the report card value in the SBGB Detail mode on the Gradebook page. Check the appropriate box(es) if you want to allow teachers and substitutes to override the calculated marks.

If an override is entered for a mark, the Load from Gradebook option will use the value that was entered by the teacher or substitute.

Display the All Filter

Indicates if the All Categories filter option should display in Gradebook. This filter includes assignments from all categories and includes an average for all categories. Some users find this average to be misleading since it might not match the average that is loaded for a mark type.

If you do not check this field, then teachers cannot select to display all categories.

Default to Selected Filter

Select the filter to display by default.


A - All - to display the All Categories filter when a teacher opens the Gradebook Entry page. You can only select this option if you checked the Display the All tab box.
C - Selected Category - to display the category you select when a teacher opens the Gradebook Entry page.
M - Selected Mark Type - to display the mark type you select when a teacher opens the Gradebook Entry page.

The next three settings only display if your district uses the standards-based Gradebook feature.

SBGB Disable Attaching Competencies to Assignments

Selected if teachers are not allowed to link standards-based competencies to assignments and rubric criteria in Teacher Access Center. By default, the box is unchecked, which allows teachers to link competencies to assignments and rubric criteria.

This box is inaccessible if teachers have already linked competencies to assignments in TAC.

SBGB Disable Attaching Rubrics to Assignments

Selected if teachers are not allowed to link rubrics to assignments in the Teacher Access Center. By default, the box is unchecked, which allows teachers to link rubrics to assignments.

This box is inaccessible if assignments are already tied to rubrics in TAC.

Teacher Access to Public Rubrics

Setting determining whether this building's teachers may create and access public rubrics in TAC. Public rubrics are available to all teachers in your district to link with their assignments, as long as the teachers have building-level access.


A - Access Only - to allow the building's teachers to view and select public rubrics for linking to Gradebook assignments.
N - No Access - to deny teachers the ability to create and select public rubrics. Teachers in this building may save rubrics for personal use and may select from their rubrics to link with Gradebook assignments.
S - Save and Access - to allow the building's teachers to create new public rubrics and to select from public rubrics for linking to Gradebook assignments.

Auto-Publish Scores

Selected to set the assignment's Publish tool to (scores published) as soon as a score is first saved for that assignment. This results in scores being published to HAC. If the assignment was not already published in HAC, the assignment will also be published after the first score is saved. This applies to both scores entered individually and when using the assignment header's (Mass Update Scores) tool.

Teachers May Create Extra Credit Assignments

Selected to enable the Extra Credit field in the Assignment Details Drawer and on the Gradebook Setup page. Teachers can always determine the Points and Weight values for extra credit assignments. Extra credit assignments are not affected by Default Assignment Points or Default Assignment Weights Override checkboxes.

Default Assignment Points

Enter the default points value. This value will be the default Points value when creating assignments in TAC. To not display a default value for points, leave this field blank.

Override (Default Assignment Points)

Selected to permit teachers to override the default Points value when creating assignments in TAC. Otherwise, teachers will not be able to change the Points value from the default.


If no value is entered in the Default Assignment Points field, this checkbox is selected and cannot be cleared.

Default Assignment Weight

Enter the default assignment weight value. This value will be the default Weight value when assignments are created in TAC.

Override (Default Assignment Weight)

Selected to permit teachers to override the default Weight value when creating assignments in TAC. Otherwise, teachers will not be able to change the Weight value from the default.

Default Publish Flag

The selections in this field determine the Publish tool setting when creating new assignments.

1 - Assignment Is Published - to set the Publish tool to assignment published for new assignments; the assignment can be viewed in HAC, but scores cannot be viewed.

2 - Assignments and Scores Are Published - to set the Publish tool to scores published for new assignments; both the assignment and its scores are visible in HAC.

0 - Nothing is Published - to set the Publish tool to not publish when new assignments are created; neither the assignment nor its scores can be viewed in HAC.

Override (Default Publish Flag)

Selected to permit teachers to override the default Publish tool setting when creating assignments in TAC. Otherwise, teachers will not be able to change the Publish tool's default setting.


No assignments or scores will be displayed in HAC if the configuration is defined as follows:

  • Default Publish Flag Override: 0 – Nothing is published,
  • Default Publish Flag Override: Not selected, and
  • Auto-Publish Scores: Not selected.

To allow teachers to control when assignments or scores are published to HAC, select the Override checkbox for the Default Publish Flag field. To force all assignments and scores to be published as soon as scores are saved, select the Auto-Publish Scores checkbox.

Allow Teachers to Enter Free Text for any Student

Selected to allow teachers to enter free text comments for any students, even if they are not in a competency group assigned to the teacher. Otherwise, teachers will be able to enter free text comments only for students in the competency groups assigned to the teacher.

If selected, the Enter Free Text Comments option will be displayed in the TAC Grade Reporting menu.

The free text comments entered by teachers are stored for student competencies. These free text comments are printed on a report card only if they contain student competencies. If the building does not use student competencies, this checkbox should not be selected. The base report card or the default template supports the printing of free-text comments for up to 10 teachers per marking period.

Allow Teachers to Mark Assignments as Turned InSelected to let teachers mark an assignment as Turned In. If that option is turned off, then the ability to display that information in HAC will also be automatically disabled in the HAC Building Configuration. Allows teachers to indicate if each mark should be considered Not Turned In, Turned In, Not Scored, or Turned In and Scored.

Issues and Referrals Panel

The fields on this panel specify whether teachers can enter classroom issues and conduct referrals in the Teacher Access Center and whether classroom issues can be referred to Discipline or Student Success Plan in eSchoolPlus.

  • Classroom issues allow teachers to track issues that are occurring in their classrooms. Teachers can record the actions that they used to address the issues. Depending on the tab's settings, they can also refer issues to counselors or success plan coordinators.
  • Conduct referrals allow teachers to notify disciplinarians in eSchoolPlus that Discipline incidents may need to be created for events the teachers witnessed.



Classroom Issues May be Entered By

Select to indicate who may enter classroom issues in the Teacher Access Center. Check the appropriate box(es) to specify that teachers and substitutes may enter classroom issues.

Clear both boxes if classroom issues will not be entered in TAC.

Classroom Issues May be Referred To Behavior

Select to indicate whether teachers can refer classroom issues to eSchoolPlus. Depending on how an issue is defined, issues may be referred to students' disciplinarians, counselors, or success plan coordinators.

Select the appropriate boxes:

Behavior - to refer issues to the Behavior's Referral List.
Success Plan - to refer issues to the Success Plan Referral List.

Clear both boxes to prevent classroom issues from being referred to eSchoolPlus.

Conduct Referrals May be Entered By

Select to indicate who may enter conduct referrals information in the Teacher Access Center. Check the appropriate box(es) to specify that teachers and substitutes may enter conduct referrals.

Uncheck both boxes if conduct referrals will not be entered in TAC.

Conduct Referral Roles may be Set by Teachers/Substitutes

Selected if teachers can specify whether the student was an offender, victim, or witness when entering a conduct referral.

Cleared if the role should not be specified in a conduct referral.

Conduct Referral Types may be Set by Teachers/Substitutes

Selected if teachers can specify the type of issue when entering a conduct referral. The possible issue types for conduct referrals are defined in the Issues table.

Cleared if teachers should not be able to select an issue type for conduct referrals.

In eSchoolPlus versions before 4.0, the Issues table was a validation table, but this table is now part of the TAC Setup options in 4.0. To access the Issues table, select Administration > TAC Setup > Setup > Issues.

Issue Type

If the Conduct Referral Types may be Set by Teachers/Substitutes box is unchecked, you must select the issue type to use when teachers add a conduct referral in the Teacher Access Center. This code must be defined in the Issues validation table.

If the Conduct Referral Types may be Set by Teachers/Substitutes box is checked, leave this field blank.

Emergency Attendance Panel



Activate Emergency Attendance

Selected if the Emergency Attendance feature is turned on in TAC for your building. Generally, this box should only be checked to allow teachers to take attendance in emergency situations.

Cleared if Emergency Attendance is turned off in TAC. You should uncheck the box when finalizing emergency attendance to prevent teachers from making additional entries.

The Attendance Center's Emergency Attendance page in eSchoolPlus remains available whether this box is checked or unchecked.

Emergency Attendance Report Section

The following fields determine the type of phone numbers that will be printed for students and their contacts in the Emergency Attendance report in eSchoolPlus. For more information, refer to Emergency Attendance Page.



Student Cell Phone Type

Select the phone type your district defined to identify students' cell phone numbers.

First Contact Type

Contact type of the student's first contact.


C - Emergency Contact - indicates a contact for emergencies.
G - Guardian - indicates a legal guardian.
O - Other Contact - indicates an additional contact other than a guardian or emergency contact.

First Phone Type

Select the phone type of the first contact's first phone number, such as cell phone, home phone, or work phone.

Second Phone Type

Select the phone type of the first contact's second phone number, such as cell phone, home phone, or work phone.

Second Contact Type

Contact type of the student's second contact.


C - Emergency Contact - indicates a contact for emergencies.
G - Guardian - indicates a legal guardian.
O - Other Contact - indicates an additional contact other than a guardian or emergency contact.

First Phone Type

Select the phone type of the second contact's first phone number, such as cell phone, home phone, or work phone.

Second Phone Type

Select the phone type of the second contact's second phone number, such as cell phone, home phone, or work phone.

Financials Panel

This panel displays if your district has a license key for eFinancePLUS Integration.



Financial Applications may be accessed by

Select to indicate who should have a link to the Employee Access Center on the Teacher Access Center's Tools menu. Check the appropriate box(es) to specify that teachers and substitutes should have a link.

HAC News Panel



Allow Teachers to Post News to the Home Access Center

Selected if teachers can create news items to display in the Home Access Center for students in their classes.

If this box is checked, then a Home Access Center News icon displays on the teacher's Home page. The teacher can click the icon for a class to add or edit news items for students in that class. Additionally, teachers can select whether a news item is displayed for students and/or guardians.

In HAC, the news for the students' courses is displayed at the top of the Week View page.

Medical Alerts Panel



Immunization Grace Period Alert

Select to indicate if teachers and substitutes can see immunization alerts for students who are overdue for immunizations. If a student has an overdue immunization, the student's Medical alert will display and the icon will have an orange background. When the teacher clicks the Medical alert, the list of overdue immunization series records displays in the Alert pop-up window.

To use this feature, the Medical Building Setup must also be defined with the Use Immunization Records Alerts box checked. Otherwise, immunization alerts cannot be displayed in TAC.

PerformancePLUS Panel

This panel displays if your district has a license key for PerformancePLUS Integration.



PerformancePLUS May be Accessed by

Select to indicate who should have a link to PerformancePLUS in the Teacher Access Center. Check the appropriate box(es) to specify that teachers and substitutes should have a link.

If the teacher's login ID for Teacher Access Center matches the login ID for PerformancePLUS, the teacher will be logged into PerformancePLUS without being prompted for a login. If the teacher's login ID for Teacher Access Center does not match the login ID for PerformancePLUS, the teacher will be prompted for the PerformancePLUS login ID and password the first time that the link is clicked.

When you enter a check in the Teachers box and click Save, dynamic links are automatically created on the Dynamic Links tab to allow teachers to access PerformancePLUS context-sensitively for a class or a student. A macro will be added to pass login information. Dynamic links will be created as described below.

  • PerformancePLUS Lesson Plan. This link is displayed on the Tools drop-down menu on all pages. When a teacher selects this option, the PerformancePLUS Lesson Planner option opens for the course selected in the Teacher Access Center.
  • PerformancePLUS Class List. This link is displayed on the Tools drop-down menu on all pages. When a teacher selects this option, PerformancePLUS opens to the teacher's Classes page.
  • PerformancePLUS Class Roster. This link is displayed on the Tools drop-down menu on all pages. When a teacher selects this option, PerformancePLUS opens to the teacher's Class Detail page for the course-section selected in the Teacher Access Center.
  • PerformancePLUS Student Detail. This link is displayed on the District Links drop-down on the Student Details drawer. When a teacher selects this option, PerformancePLUS opens the student's Student Detail page.

Student Access Panel



Allow Access to Student Drawer for All Students

Select to indicate if teachers and substitutes can access the Student Details drawer for all students, including students the teachers do not teach, from the Bulletin page in Teacher Access Center.

These fields also determine if teachers and substitutes can access the Student Details drawer for all students displayed from the Student Search in the Teacher Access Center banner. If unchecked, the Student Details drawer will not open if the teacher clicks a name of a student the teacher does not teach.

Check the appropriate box(es) to specify that the Student Details drawer for all students can be accessed. If a box is unchecked, then teachers or substitutes can only access this information for students in one of their classes, homerooms, activities, or success plan interventions.

Note that the Teacher Access Center District Setup page's 'Allow Access To All Students' boxes control whether teachers have the option to display all students on the Bulletin page and the student search. If that box is unchecked, then teachers will not have an All Students option for the bulletin or a Show All box on the student search. Teachers will only see students that they teach on the bulletin and search.

Allow Access to Student Attachments for Their Students

Select to indicate if teachers and substitutes can access attachments for students in their classes, homerooms, activities, or success plan interventions.

Check the appropriate box(es) to allow teachers or substitutes to access attachments for students in their classes, homerooms, activities, or success plan interventions. If a box is unchecked, teachers or substitutes cannot access attachments for their students.

Select codes from the field's drop-down list, or click (asterisk) to select all codes, then remove any that do not apply.

Allow Access to Student Attachments for Other Students

Select to indicate if teachers and substitutes can access attachments for other students who are not in their classes, homerooms, activities, or success plan interventions.

Check the appropriate box(es) to allow teachers or substitutes to access attachments for other students who are not in their classes, homerooms, activities, or success plan interventions. If a box is unchecked, teachers or substitutes cannot access attachments for other students.

Select codes from the field's drop-down list, or click (asterisk) to select all codes, then remove any that do not apply.

Dynamic Links Panel

Use the fields on this panel to define links to display in the Teacher Access Center menu or pages. Teachers can click the link to open a URL. You can use macros to pass information as part of the URL. For more information, refer to Setting Up Dynamic Links.

If your site has a license for PerformancePLUS Integration, you can generate dynamic links to allow teachers to access context-sensitive pages of PerformancePLUS. To generate the links, enter a check in the Teachers box on the PerformancePLUS tab and click Save. For more information, refer to the PerformancePLUS may be accessed by the field.

Macros Section

This section is used to define a macro to be used in a URL. Macros allow you to pass a value in place of the macro in the URL when a dynamic link is clicked.




Name for the macro. This is the text that you will enter in place of the associated value. To use the macro in a URL, you will enter the macro in the format ${XXXX} where XXXX represents the macro name.


Value to include in the URL when this macro is used.




Teacher Access Center page on which the link should be displayed.

  • To display the link in the Tools option on all pages, select All.
  • To display the link in the Tools option on only the Home page, select My Classes.
  • To display the link in the Tools options only when the teacher is on a specific page in the Teacher Access Center, select the page.
  • To display the link in the District Links options on the Student Details drawer, select the Student Drawer.


Order that this link be displayed on the page. If you have multiple rows on the same page, each row must have a unique order number. If you have multiple links in the menu, each link must have a unique order number.


The URL address for the site that you want to link to when a teacher clicks the dynamic link.

You can use macros in the URL to pass context-sensitive information to the site. For example, the following URL passes the building, course, and section: http://MyClassApp?b=${building}&c=${course}&s=${section}

The following is a list of pre-defined macros that you can use in a URL:

${District} - to pass the district number.

${ServerName} - to pass the server name.

${ServerPort} - to pass the server port.

${TeacherLogin} - to pass the teacher's login for the Teacher Access Center.

${StudentID} - to pass the student ID.

${Grade} - to pass the grade of the student.

${Building} - to pass the building number.

${Course} - to pass the course number.

${Section} - to pass the section number.

Note: Not all macros will be able to pass information depending on the information available on a page in the Teacher Access Center. For example, a course is not selected when the teacher is on the Home page so a URL for this page should not include the course macro.


Text to display for the link in Teacher Access Center.

New Until

To display **New** as part of the link, enter the date at which you would no longer want to show the new indicator.

Pop Up

Checked if another window should open when the user clicks the link. Unchecked if you want to display the site in the Teacher Access Center window.

Attendance Detail Panel

Use the fields on this panel to configure the Attendance Detail page. You can determine if teachers, substitutes, or both can access the page. You can also select to allow teachers or substitutes to display data for prior marking periods.

You can also configure summary columns to total each student's absence codes by marking periods, term, or year.

This panel does not display if the Attendance Building Configuration Page 's Period Type field is set to enable homeroom attendance for this building.



Allow Access to Attendance View

Select to allow teachers or teachers and substitutes access to the Attendance View page. When not selected, the menu option will not display in TAC.

Access Absence Detail for Prior Marking Periods

Select to allow teachers or substitutes access to prior marking periods. To view prior marking periods, Allow Access to Attendance View must also be selected.

Use this section to define columns that display totals for a student's absence codes on the TAC Attendance Detail page. Each row, if active, defines a summary column to display on the TAC page.

Enter text in the Upper Label and Lower Label fields to label each column; this text is displayed on the top two header rows on the TAC page.

To reorder a row, click the tab at the row's left and drag to the desired locations.



Upper Label

The upper label name displayed on the TAC Attendance Detail page. Character/20

Lower Label

The lower label name to be displayed on the TAC Attendance Detail page. Character/20

Absence Code

Absence Codes to display in date columns.

Select codes from the field's drop-down list, or click (asterisk) to select all codes, then remove any that do not apply.

Total By

The period used to calculate totals for each student's absence codes.


Marking Periods - To total absence codes over the selected marking periods.
Terms - To total absence codes for the term that includes the selected marking period.
Year - To total absence codes since the beginning of the course through the current date.


Checked to activate the record.


Checked to mark the row for deletion.

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