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Enable eSchoolPlus Access from Teacher Access Center

Teachers can be granted access to eSchoolPlus pages from TAC. For teachers with access, eSchoolPlus menu options display on TAC Navigation Bar. Administrators control which teachers can access eSchoolPlus from TAC and can also determine which options display for different groups of teachers. Access is always limited to student information pages of students teachers teach or work with; this includes students in the teacher's activities, homerooms, and classes.

Access is granted by assigning a Teacher Account security profile to a teacher; it is not granted by any settings on the or TAC District Configuration Page. These profiles are not based on buildings. Any number of Teacher Access user security profiles can be created using the Security Profile Page; this enables administrators to determine exactly what security resources are granted to specific groups of TAC users.

Set up Access to eSchoolPlus From TAC

This procedure is an overview of the process to set up eSchoolPlus access for a teacher. Refer to detailed procedures as needed.

  1. Create security profiles for Teacher Accounts. To create a Teacher Account security profile, refer to Create a Teacher Account security profile. Any number of Teacher Access user security profiles can be created using the Security Profile Page; this enables administrators to determine exactly what security resources are granted to specific groups of TAC users. Read or read/write access can be assigned for each resource.
  2. Assign Teacher Account security profiles to teachers. Profiles can be assigned to staff individually on the Staff District Information Page, or the Staff Search Page can be used to make multiple user assignments or mass assign a single profile to groups of TAC users. Refer to Assign Teacher Account Security Profiles to Staff Members for details.
  3. If desired, create eSchoolPlus search favorites for teachers. TAC users do not have the ability to create search favorites in eSchoolPlus, but search favorites can be created for TAC users in eSchoolPlus by administrators. To save search favorites for TAC staff, refer to Save Student Search criteria as a favorite for Teacher Account users in Search Favorite Procedures.

Changes to eSchoolPlus When Opened from TAC

When opening eSchoolPlus from TAC, users can only access student information pages for students they teach or work with. There are also some differences that enable eSchoolPlus to be accessed by a group of users rather than an individual (this group includes all TAC users assigned to a specific Teacher Access security profile).



The Teacher Account security profile displays when accessing SchoolPLUS.

When eSchoolPlus is opened from TAC, the Teacher Account security profile displays in parentheses adjacent to the user's login ID in the eSchoolPlus banner.

eSchoolPlus banner icons limited when accessed from TAC.

To reduce user confusion, only icons that can be exercised when eSchoolPlus is accessed from TAC display in the eSchoolPlus banner.

Student Search default columns.

On the Student Search page, additional default columns display on the Search Results panel when accessed from TAC. The Course - Section, Description, End Period, and Start Period columns display.

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