Use these procedures to enter scores for an assignment graded by a rubric. The Full Rubric Score Entry and Simple Rubric Score Entry pages are opened from the Gradebook Entry page by clicking the Rubric Score Entry icon in an assignment header. Each score page has two sections:
The Rubric Display table displays at the top of the page and shows the rubric that you defined for the assignment. If there are competencies associated with a full rubric's criteria, they are displayed under a Competency Description heading. Simple rubrics list each competency under a Competency heading.
The Student Scores Entry grid is below the Rubric Display table, and it displays columns of score fields. Students are listed down the left of the page, and identifiers for each score column are listed across the page. The Class Average for each score is displayed at the bottom of its column.
If you are in SBGB Summary Mode, click for GB Entry mode or for SBGB Detail mode on the mode selector .
If you need to update the class or marking period, click Change to display the Class List, and make your selections.
If the assignment is not displayed on the assignment header, select the appropriate category or mark type in the Competencies and Marks filters or the Categories and Marks filter.
Click on the header of the desired assignment to score the assignment. The Full Rubric Score Entry or Simple Rubric Score Entry page displays.
On the Student Scores Entry grid, click a cell to select it, and then type in a score value.
Refer to the rubric displayed in the Rubric Display table for the valid score range. The Total field is updated based on the individual scores for the student. This value will be the student's score on the Gradebook Entry page.
If the value entered exceeds its allowable range, the cell is outlined in red to indicate the error. You must correct the score.
To enter default grades or to import scores from a file for a column. Refer to mass update a score column for details.mass update a score column
Move the cursor to another field by using the Tab key or clicking on another score field.
Repeat steps 6-7 to enter additional scores.
When finished:
If you've enabled Auto Saving, you're done. For more information about Auto Saving, refer to the Settings topic in system.
Otherwise, click Save.
When you have finished entering scores for the rubric, click to return to the Gradebook page.
Enter Scores Using Rubric Display table entries
This option is not available for the Simple Rubric Score Entry page.
If you are in SBGB Summary Mode, click for GB Entry mode or for SBGB Detail mode on the mode selector .
If you need to update the class or marking period, click Change to display the Class List, and make your selections.
If the assignment is not displayed on the assignment header, select the appropriate category or mark type in the Competencies and Marks filters or the Categories and Marks filter.
Click on the header of the desired assignment to open the Full Rubric Score Entry page.
Click on a score cell to select the student in that row.
Click the desired scores in the rubric displayed on the Rubric Display table at the top of the page to enter the selected student's scores for the rubric.
Press the UP ARROW or DOWN ARROW key to access another student, and repeat step 6.
When finished:
If you've enabled Auto Saving, you're done. For more information about Auto Saving, refer to the Settings topic in system.
Otherwise, click Save.
When you have finished entering scores for the rubric, click to return to the Gradebook page.
If you are in SBGB Summary Mode, click for GB Entry mode or for SBGB Detail mode on the mode selector .
If you need to update the class or marking period, click Change to display the Class List, and make your selections.
If the assignment is not displayed on the assignment header, select the appropriate category or mark type in the Competencies and Marks filters or the Categories and Marks filter.
Click on the header of the desired assignment to open the Full Rubric Score Entry page or the Simple Rubric Score Entry page.
Click on the header of the desired column to display mass update options. From these options, select:
Update Scores - to update all scores in the column with a value you enter. Check Override Existing Scores if you wish to overwrite previously-entered scores.
Clear All Scores - to clear all scores in the column.
Import Scores From File - to import scores to the selected column from a text or CSV file. Refer to Importing Scores from a File for more details.
Repeat step 6 for any other columns you wish to update.
When finished:
If you've enabled Auto Saving, you're done. For more information about Auto Saving, refer to the Settings topic in system.
Otherwise, click Save.
When you have finished entering scores for the rubric, click to return to the Gradebook Entry page.
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