If you are in SBGB Summary Mode, click for GB Entry mode or for SBGB Detail mode on the mode selector .
If you need to update the class or marking period, click Change to display the Class List, and make your selections.
If the assignment is not displayed on the assignment header, select the appropriate category or mark type in the Competencies and Marks filters or the Categories and Marks filter.
If the assignment header displays , the assignment is graded by rubric, and scores cannot be imported using the steps below. Refer to Rubric Score Entry for information on importing rubric scores from a file. Note: If displays in a cell or group of cells, scores cannot be entered in these cells because the assignment is associated with a rubric, the student was not enrolled in the class on the assignment's due date, or multiple classes are being displayed and the assignment did not apply to this student.
Click in the assignment's header to display mass update options.
Click Import Scores From File to expand the import menu.
Select the input file.
Select the File Format.
Enter the input Column Numbers or Positions.
To override existing scores, check Override Existing Scores.
If the input file has a header row, check File has Header Row.
Click Import.
When the import is complete, the Import Summary dialog displays indicating the number of students for whom scores were loaded and the number of active students. If the number of imported scores is not equal to the number of active students in the class, then some students may not have scores in the input file. If you selected to override existing scores, a note also displays in the Import Summary dialog.
Click Close on the Import Summary dialog.
When finished:
If you've enabled Auto Saving, you're done. For more information about Auto Saving, refer to the Settings topic in the online help system.
Otherwise, click Save.
Supported File Formats
On the Gradebook Entry page, you can enter student assignment scores from an external CSV (Comma Separated Values) or text file. This topic describes the input file requirements.
Input files must contain fields for both the Student ID and the score to be entered. For CSV files, you are prompted for the student ID and score column numbers. For a Text file, you are prompted for the field positions.
CSV Files
Since CSV files are not formally-specified, a variety of implementations exist. For the Gradebook Import Scores From File option, CSV input files must meet the following criteria:
The file can include a header row. If the CSV file has a header row, check File has Header Row when importing.
The file can include multiple fields, but it must include fields for Student ID and the score to be imported.
The file must use commas as a delimiters.
Quotes are not permitted in fields.
If spaces are present in a field, they are read during import.
How CSV files are read by the Import Scores from File option
Since quotes are not permitted, fields cannot include commas (each comma delimits a new field).
Scores are not checked when read from a CSV file. Any invalid scores are flagged after entry to the Gradebook Entry page.
Example file:
The example below has a header row, five columns, and six student records. The Student ID is in column 2, and the student's score is in column 4.
For this input file, the Import Scores From File selections would be:
Text Files
Text files can include a header row. If the file has a header row, check File has Header Row when importing. All data is referenced by a record's horizontal position, so each field must contain the same number of characters.
How text files are read by the Import Scores from File option
If a text file record has no data in any of the specified Student ID Positions or Score Positions, an error is generated.
Scores are not checked when read from a text file. Invalid scores are flagged after entry to the Gradebook Entry page.
Example file:
The example file below holds the same student and score information as the above example and likewise includes a header row. Since data is stored by position in text files, each field selected for input must have the appropriate number of characters to be read properly. In this example, the header row lists each field's position.
Grade (1-2) Student ID (3-8) Student Age (9-10) Score (11-12) Homeroom (13-18) 1010776915924C-117 1010673216 C4C-117 1110253116883B-222 0910944114772A-247 1010532115 A4C-119 1010762115694C-117
For this input file, the Import Scores from File selections would be:
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