If the assignment header displays , the assignment is graded by rubric, and scores cannot be updated directly from the gradebook. Refer to Rubric Score Entry for more information.
Click in a cell and type a valid numerical or alpha score.
A score can be up to a three-digit number or an alpha score that your district has defined. You can double-click a cell to view valid alpha scores. Alpha scores can be used to exclude an assignment from a student's average or to give the student a percentage score.
If displays in a cell or group of cells, scores cannot be entered in these cells because the assignment is associated with a rubric, the student was not enrolled in the class on the assignment's due date, or multiple classes are being displayed and the assignment did not apply to this student.
A black triangle in the top-left corner of the score field indicates that the score is not saved (this will only display if Auto Saving is not enabled). A red triangle in the top-left corner of a score cell indicates that the current entry is an invalid mark; all invalid marks must be resolved before the gradebook will save scores.
Navigate to the next cell you want to score by using one of the following options:
ENTER key to move to the next student's score in the column.
UP/DOWN keys to select the adjacent cell.
TAB key to select this student's next assignment score.
The pointer to click to select another cell.
When finished:
If you've enabled Auto Saving, you're done. For more information about Auto Saving, refer to the Settings topic in the online help system.
Otherwise, click Save.
Enter scores with only one assignment in view
Use this procedure to enter gradebook scores for students on the Assignment Detail page which allows you to focus on scores for one assignment at a time.
Click on the Assignment's header to display the Assignment Detail entry page.
Click the desired score cell.
Enter the student scores.
A score can be up to a three-digit number or an alpha score that your district has defined. You can double-click a cell to view valid alpha scores. Alpha scores can be used to exclude an assignment from a student's average or to give the student a percentage score.
If displays in a cell or group of cells, scores cannot be entered in these cells. Score cells are shaded if the gradebook is displaying multiple classes for a period, and the assignment is not from the student's class. Also, scores cells are shaded if a student was not enrolled in the class on the assignment's due date, and TAC is configured to not permit entering scores for assignments prior to a student's enrollment.
If Auto Saving is not enabled, a black triangle displays in the top-left corner of any entry fields that are not yet saved.
Scores outlined in red contain an invalid mark; all invalid marks must be resolved before the gradebook will save scores.
Navigate to the next cell you want to score by using one of the following options:
ENTER key to move to the next student's score in the column.
UP/DOWN keys.
The pointer to click to select another cell.
When finished:
If you've enabled Auto Saving, you're done. For more information about Auto Saving, refer to the Settings topic in the online help system.
Otherwise, click Save.
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