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Assignment Detail Page

Use this page to update all the information for non-rubric assignments. This page lets you view or update scores, comment codes, comments, and the publish status of assignment comments for each student in the class. The primary advantage to using this page is that it displays and allows you to enter comments and comment codes for each student's score. On the Gradebook Entry Page, comment scores can only be added by opening the Enter Comment dialog for each score.

Enter Gradebook Scores from the Assignment Detail Page
Enter a Score as a Retake
Remove a Retake Indicator from a Score
Enter a Score as a Correction or Adjustment
Change Assignment Score History Type or Adding Private Notes to a Score Change


This section only displays if at least one competency is attached to the assignment. All competencies and the total point value of the assignment are listed. Click

to hide/show this section.


The student's score for this assignment.

Grades below the assignment's Highlight Threshold Points value are highlighted if Highlight Failing Grades is enabled on the Settings page. The indicator used is based on how you defined the assignment. If the class average for the assignment is below the threshold, it is also highlighted.

Comment Code

Code for this student's score comment.

Enter Comment

Free text field for you to enter a comment (up to 255 characters) for this score.


Check to publish the comment to HAC. The comment will not be visible in HAC until the assignment is published.

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