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Work with Assignment Score History

On this page:

Use these procedures to record, view, change, or document score changes. For an overview of how TAC tracks score history, refer to About Score History.

Correct a score

Note: Score changes are recorded as corrections by default. To record the change as a retake or adjustment, refer to enter a score adjustment or record a retake score.

This procedure assumes you are viewing scores on the Gradebook Entry, Assignment Detail, or Rubric Score Entry page.

  1. Click in the score cell.
    Note: If you are on the Gradebook page, and the assignment is graded by a rubric, you must click 
     in the assignment's header to access the Rubric Score Entry page.
  2. Enter the corrected value in the score cell.
  3. To correct other scores, repeat Steps 1-2.
  4. When finished:
    • If you've enabled Auto Saving, you're done. For more information about Auto Saving, refer to the Settings topic in the online help system.
    • Otherwise, click Save.

Enter a score adjustment

This procedure assumes you are viewing scores on the Gradebook Entry, Assignment Detail, or Rubric Score Entry page.

  1. Click in the score cell.
    Note: If you are on the Gradebook page, and the assignment is graded by a rubric, you must click 
     in the assignment's header to access the Rubric Score Entry page.
  2. Enter the adjusted value in the score cell.
  3. Right-click the selected cell, and then select Mark Score as Adjustment.
    If your system does not support right-click, click the Actions/Reports drop-down field on the Gradebook Toolbar, and then select Mark Score as Adjustment.
  4. To change other scores and mark them as adjustments, repeat Steps 1-3.
  5. When finished:
    • If you've enabled Auto Saving, you're done. For more information about Auto Saving, refer to the Settings topic in the online help system.
    • Otherwise, click Save.

Record a retake score

This procedure assumes you are viewing scores on the Gradebook Entry, Assignment Detail, or Rubric Score Entry page.

  1. Click in the score cell.
    Note: If you are on the Gradebook page, and the assignment is graded by a rubric, you must click 
     in the assignment's header to access the Rubric Score Entry page.
  2. Enter the retake value in the score cell.
  3. Right-click the selected cell, and then select Mark Score as Retake.
    If your system does not support right-click, click the Actions/Reports drop-down field on the Gradebook Toolbar, and then select Mark Score as Retake.
  4. To change other scores and mark them as retakes, repeat Steps 1-3.
  5. When finished:
    • If you've enabled Auto Saving, you're done. For more information about Auto Saving, refer to the Settings topic in the online help system.
    • Otherwise, click Save.

Enter a comment for a score change or to change the history Type of a score change

This procedure assumes you are viewing scores on the Gradebook Entry, Assignment Detail, or Rubric Score Entry page.

  1. Click in the score cell.
    Note: If you are on the Gradebook page, and the assignment is graded by a rubric, you must click 
     in the assignment's header to access the Rubric Score Entry page.
  2. Right-click the selected cell, and then select View Score History to display the View Score History dialog.
    If your system does not support right-click, click the Actions/Reports drop-down field on the Gradebook Toolbar, and then select View Score History to display the View Score History dialog.
  3. To update the score's history change type, in the Type field of the desired row, select C - Correction, A - Adjustment, or R - Retake.
  4. If desired, add a comment in any row's Private Notes field.
  5. Repeat Steps 1-4 for additional score changes.
  6. Click Save.

Remove the Retake indicator from a score

Scores that have any change recorded as a retake will always display

when History/Retake is selected to display. To prevent
 from displaying, any score changes recorded as R-Retake in the score's history must be changed to either C-Correction or A-Adjustment.

This procedure assumes you are viewing scores on the Gradebook Entry, Assignment Detail, or Rubric Score Entry page and the selected score has at least one change recorded as R-Retake.

  1. Click in the score cell.
    Note: If you are on the Gradebook page, and the assignment is graded by a rubric, you must click 
     in the assignment's header to access the Rubric Score Entry page.
  2. Right-click the selected cell, and then select View Score History to display the View Score History dialog.
    If your system does not support right-click, click the Actions/Reports drop-down field on the Gradebook Toolbar, and then select View Score History to display the View Score History dialog.
  3. In the Type field, change any instance of R - Retake to either C - Correction, or A - Adjustment.
  4. If desired, add a comment in any row's Private Notes field.
  5. Repeat Steps 1-4 to remove other retake instances.
  6. Click Save.
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