Full Rubric Score Entry Page Or Simple Rubric Score Entry Page
Use these pages to enter student scores for assignments graded with a rubric. The page displays as either Full Rubric Score Entry or Simple Rubric Score Entry depending on the type of rubric you attached to the assignment being scored.
For full rubrics, the rubric is displayed at the top of the page as a table with its performance levels as columns and its criteria as rows. Clicking any cell in the Rubric Detail table enters the score into the corresponding cell of the selected student in the Student Scores Entry grid below. The sum or average (depending on your Assignment Points selection when the rubric was created) for each Performance Level is displayed in the bottom row.
For simple rubrics, the table serves as a reference for each competency's maximum point value and does not provide score entry capability.
Student Scores Entry Grid
The Student Scores Entry grid lists each student, their scores for each rubric criterion, and comments.
Rubric scores
For each score cell, you enter the student's score. To enter scores:
Select and enter the score directly in a score cell.
Click on the score column header to display mass update options.
If you are scoring a full rubric, click a score to select the student's row, and then click on an appropriate performance level for each criteria. This populates the score for you.
The student's calculated score for this assignment. Depending on the rubric's Assignment Points selection, this will either be a sum or an average of the criteria scores.
Comment Code
Click to display and then select comment codes, or click the cell to select and enter a valid comment code.
Enter comments you want recorded for this score. This field is limited to 1024 characters.
Check to publish this comment to HAC. The comment will not be visible in HAC until the assignment is published.
To view score history or retake indicators for scores, click , and then click . If any change was recorded as a retake, displays. Otherwise, displays to indicate that there is score change history, but no changes were retakes. For more details, refer to About Score History.
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