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Manage Your TAC Settings

The Settings page (click the User Profile icon and then select Settings) allows you to determine default settings for a variety of Teacher Access pages. The options are displayed in sections. To expand or collapse a section, click the section's header. 

Edit your Settings

  1. Click the User Profile icon and then select Settings.

  2. Change settings as needed. Changes are saved automatically.

General Section

Open Student Drawer on Search

This option is no longer supported as of release 20.4.

If checked, the Student Drawer opens when a Student Search returns only one student. If unchecked, the single student returned from the search must be clicked to open the Student Drawer.

Multiple Classes in Period


Display Combined or Multiple Classes icon

M to display combined/multiple classes when they meet in the same period.

Show Only One Class Per Period icon

S to show only one class per period, even if you are assigned combined/multiple classes for that period.

Appearance Section

The Appearance section allows you to customize the look and feel of your Teacher Access Center sessions. A variety of background solids and wallpaper options are provided. Select the solid color or wallpaper pattern to set as your TAC background.

Attendance Section

You can set the default view for the Attendance View Type to be List View or Photo View. This setting determines which view the page displays when you click Attendance on the Navigation Bar.

Gradebook Section

Assignment Sort

Assignment Sort allows you to specify the sort order for your assignments in Gradebook. Select:

Ascending By Due Date - to list assignments in earliest-to-latest date order.

Descending By Due Date - to list assignments in latest-to-earliest date order.

Auto Saving

This feature lets you choose between saving gradebook data immediately upon entry, manually by clicking Save, or manually with an automatic, periodic save. Select:

Auto save scores immediately upon entry - to save gradebook scores as they are entered. When selected, the Save icon does not display on the Gradebook Entry and Student Rubric Score Entry pages.

Manual save with periodic auto saves every _ minutes. immediately upon entry - To require or enable saving by clicking Save. If zero (0) is entered in the entry box, auto saves are disabled, and you must click Save to save scores to the database. Enter a number between 1 to 99 to have the system auto save every X minutes. If you select Manual save with periodic saves every _ minutes, each time you click Save to manually save data, the automatic save counter will reset to the number of minutes you entered.

Highlight Failing Grades

The Gradebook's Highlight Failing Grades feature allows you to quickly identify student assignment scores below a set threshold and course Average values that qualify as a failing average. Two fields configure this feature; the first (Highlight assignment grades below a specified threshold) enables the feature, and the second (% Default highlight failing threshold value) determines the failing threshold value.

  • You can decide which assignments use the threshold on the Gradebook Setup page.

  • You can then display highlighted failing grades on the Gradebook Entry page by selecting the appropriate indicators on the Gradebook Indicators dropdown menu.

For more details, refer to Displaying Failing and Below Threshold Indicators.

Highlight assignment grades below a specified threshold - Select this checkbox to enable failing grade highlighting. When selected, three additional fields display on the Gradebook Setup page and the Student Details Drawer: Highlight Failing Points, Highlight Threshold Points, and Highlight in Purple.

% Default highlight failing threshold - Enter a value to establish a default failing threshold. This field is only active when the Highlight assignment grades below a specified threshold checkbox is selected. To highlight failing averages in the Gradebook's Average column, enter the failing percentage.

The value you enter is also used to establish the default failing points threshold when creating assignments. If you do not want to highlight failing averages or determine a default failing threshold point value for assignments, enter 0 (zero) or leave the field blank. Entering a zero is helpful if you only want to flag failing scores for specific assignments.

Grade Reporting Section

You can set the default view for Grade Reporting to be Competencies, Interim Progress, or Report Card. This setting determines which view the page displays when you click Grade Reporting on the Navigation Bar.

Email Section

Checked if you want to receive copies of all emails sent through the Email option to your email address.

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