You can display averages and individual assignment scores where students' grades are below a failing threshold you specify. You can also select to have student assignments that fall below a specified threshold shaded in purple.
Two fields on the indicators menu determine if failing score and below threshold indicators display. These fields only display when the Highlight assignment grades below a specified threshold checkbox is selected on the Settings page.
Failing and Below Threshold Indicators on the Scores Indicators Menu
Click on the Gradebook Toolbar. If enabled on the Settings page, two options display that enable you to highlight averages and assignments where student's grades are below a failing threshold:
Failing Score
Select this indicator to see averages and assignments where the student's grade is below the failing threshold you specified. The indicator displays when:
a course, mark, or category average falls below the specified percentage set in the Gradebook section of the Settings page, or
an assignment score falls below the point threshold specified for the assignment, and the assignment does not have the Highlight in Purple checkbox selected.
Below Threshold
Select this indicator to highlight assignment scores in purple when the student's assignment score is below a specified threshold. The indicator highlights an assignment score in purple if it falls below the Highlight Threshold Points value specified for the assignment, and the assignment has the Highlight in Purple checkbox selected.
You would use this indicator to flag assignments when you have a threshold different from the failing threshold that you want to monitor. For example, if any score below 60 points is failing, but you want to identify scores on an exam for any student with a score lower than 70 points, define the exam assignment with a Highlight Threshold Points value of 70, and select the Highlight in Purple checkbox.
Use these settings:
Highlight failing averages and have assignments use the failing threshold indicator.
On the Settings page, select the Highlight assignment grades below a specified threshold checkbox, and enter a default percentage for the failing threshold.
When creating assignments,the Highlight Failing Points checkbox will be selected by default, and the Highlight Threshold Points value will be a whole number of points that corresponds to the failing threshold entered on the Settings page. You can change the Highlight Threshold Points value for each assignment.
For individual assignments, you can:
use the Below Thresholdindicator instead of the Failing Score indicator by selecting the Highlight in Purple checkbox,
turn off indicators for this assignment by deselecting the Highlight Failing Points checkbox, or
change the Highlight Threshold Points value for an assignment.
Enable the indicator, but not establish a default failing threshold.
This allows you to display indicators for assignments, but the Failing Score indicator will not identify when a course, mark, or category average falls below a specifiedpercentage. When creating new assignments, the Highlight Failing points checkbox is selected by default, but the Highlight Threshold Points field will not be populated with a default value. You must enter a Highlight Threshold Points value to enable indicators for the assignment.
On the Settings page, select the Highlight assignment grades below a specified threshold and enter 0 (zero) or leave the failing threshold value blank.
When creating new assignments, the Highlight Failing Points checkbox will be selected, but nodefault value will display in the Highlight Threshold Points field. You must enter a Highlight Threshold Points value to enable the indicator for the assignment.
On the TAC Banner, from the User menu, click Settings to display the Settings page.
In the Gradebook section, select the Highlight assignment grades below a specified threshold checkbox.
To assign a default threshold value when creating new assignments and to establish a failing threshold for course, mark, or category averages, enter a value in the % Default highlight failing threshold field.
Create an assignment that uses Failing Score or Below Threshold indicators
The Highlight assignment grades below a specified threshold checkbox must be selected on the Settings page for assignments to use the Gradebook's Failing Score or Below Threshold indicators. If this checkbox is not selected on the Settings page, the Highlight Failing Points checkbox, Highlight Threshold Points field, and Highlight in Purple checkbox do not display in the Assignment Details drawer or on the Gradebook Setup page.
If you are in SBGB Summary Mode, click for GB Entry mode or for SBGB Detail mode on the mode selector .
If you need to update the class or marking period, click Change, and make your selections.
Click to open the Assignment Details drawer.
Enter the details of the assignment. Note that all fields marked with an asterisk are required fields and must be populated prior to saving the assignment.
If you need to add competency information or a rubric, click the icon next to Rubrics/Competencies. This allows you to add new or edit existing rubrics and/or competencies to the assignment. Refer to the Associating Competencies with Assignments and the Defining a Rubric topics for additional information.
If the Highlight Threshold Points field is zero, blank, or if you wish to use a different threshold, enter a value in this field.
To use the Below Threshold indicator, select the Highlight in Purple checkbox.
Click Save to save the assignment. You must save an assignment before you can add attachments to it.
Click Close to close the Assignment Details drawer.
Change Failing Score or Below Threshold indicators on an existing assignment
The Highlight assignment grades below a specified threshold checkbox must be selected on the Settings page for assignments to use the Gradebook's Failing Score or Below Threshold indicators. If this checkbox is not selected on the Settings page, the Highlight Failing Points checkbox, Highlight Threshold Points field, and Highlight in Purple checkbox do not display in the Assignment Details drawer or on the Gradebook Setup page.
From Gradebook, select Entry to display the Gradebook Entry page.
If you are in SBGB Summary Mode, click for GB Entry mode or for SBGB Detail mode on the mode selector .
If you need to update the class or marking period, click Change, and make your selections.
Click the assignment's header to open Assignment Details drawer.
Make a selection for the Highlight Failing Points checkbox. If this checkbox is not selected, the Highlight Threshold Points and Highlight in Purple selections are disabled.
If desired, enter or change the Highlight Threshold Points value. If this field is zero or blank, this assignment will not display thresholds.
To use the Below Threshold indicator, select the Highlight in Purple checkbox.
Click Save to save the assignment. You must save an assignment before you can add attachments to it.
Click Close to close the Assignment Details drawer. A Save dialog box will warn you if you have not saved the assignment before closing the drawer.
Enable Failing Score or Below Threshold indicators on the Gradebook page
The Failing Score and Below Threshold indicators only display on the Indicators menu if the Highlight assignment grades below a specified threshold checkbox is selected on the Settings page.
From Gradebook, select Entry to display the Gradebook Entry page.
If you are in SBGB Summary Mode, click for GB Entry mode or for SBGB Detail mode on the mode selector .
If you need to update the class or marking period, click Change, and make your selections.
Click to display the available indicators.
If Show Indicators displays above the list of indicators, the indicators are currently hidden. Click Show Indicators to enable indicators.
Select the Below Threshold checkbox to have Gradebook identify score cells for assignments that have Highlight in Purple selected where the student's score is below the assignment's Highlight Threshold Points Value.
Select the Failing Score checkbox to:
Identify course average values equal to or less than the value of the Settings page's % Default highlight failing threshold field. Note: If the % Default highlight failing threshold field is blank or zero, no average values will be highlighted on the Gradebook page.
Identify individual assignment scores equal to or less than the value of each assignment's Highlight Threshold Points field. Note: If an assignment has the Highlight in Purple checkbox selected, then the Failing Score indicator will not display for the assignment.
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