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Troubleshooting Notifications

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The types of message notifications that may display in the PLUS 360 Notifications Viewer and optionally be sent via email to users in your district are set up at the district, building, and user level.

The following tips may help you troubleshoot issues with PLUS 360 Notifications:

If you do not have security to access the Notifications District or Building Setup pages, contact your system administrator for troubleshooting assistance.

Not receiving notifications

Users may have questions about whether they are receiving all of the notifications they think they should be receiving. A user with the appropriate security resources can check several pages in eSchoolPlus to determine why a user is not receiving a notification:

Potential causes:

The user's email address in the eSchoolPlus Security Profile may be missing or incorrect.

If a notification displays for a user in the PLUS 360 Notifications Viewer and an email for that notification is expected but not received, verify the email address on the user's eSchoolPlus Security Profile page.

The district or building may have turned off notifications.

Notifications may be turned off individually, by package, by building, or by district.

If notifications have been turned off at the district or building level (to run Year End Rollover, for example) or for a specific package (when running Scheduling processes), a message displays on the notifications setup pages and user subscription page to indicate that notifications have been turned off for the district, building, or package.

  • Is the notification disabled at the district level? Refer to District Notifications Page.
  • Is the notification disabled at the building level? Refer to Building Notifications Page.
  • The "Turn notifications OFF/ON for the district" option at the top of the setup pages turns all notifications on and off for all packages.
  • The "Turn notifications OFF/ON" option at the top of each package's notifications section on the setup pages turns notifications on and off for a single package.
  • Is "Disabled" selected in the "Availability" column on one of the setup pages for a notification you want users to receive?

The user may not be subscribed to the notification.

  1. On the Notification Subscription page, select "Subscribe" or "Subscribe with Email" to subscribe to a notification.
  2. If you select the "Subscribe with Email" option, you can select whether you want to receive notification email messages in real time as they are sent or bundled together in a single email message delivered at the same time every day using the Daily Digest option at the top of the page.


The delivery time for the Daily Digest is specified by the district's system administrator in the P360 Notification engine configuration and is not a user-configurable setting in eSchoolPlus.

The checkbox(es) for User or Staff Responsibility may not be checked.

  • If your building has enabled a notification and it is not mandatory, the checkbox(es) for User or Staff Responsibility (or both) must be checked to designate the type of user who can subscribe to it.

Certain notifications are sent only to specific users.

  1. On the eSchoolPlus Notifications Quick Reference Grid in Additional Resources, refer to the "Who can get this?" section.
  2. Verify whether the user is one of the user types designated to receive this notification.
    • In some cases, a Counselor can receive a notification only if the Counselor is also a Teacher.

Some notifications are sent only to users with specific security resources; for example, At Risk.

  1. On the Building Notifications Page, refer to the Security column for the notification.
  2. If there is a value in the Security column, the specified security resource is required for a user to be able to subscribe to the notification.


The Security column also displays on the District Notifications page.

  1. On the user's Security Profile page, verify that the user has the required security resource.
  2. On the Notification Subscriptions Page, select "Subscribe" or "Subscribe with Email" to subscribe to a notification.


A user who does not have the required security resource for a notification will not see the notification on the Notification Subscriptions page.

Some notifications are sent only for certain codes (notifications with filters).

  1. On the Building Notifications Page, refer to the Values column for the notification.
  2. If there is a filter field in the Values column for the notification in question, at least one code MUST be selected in this field in order for this notification to be generated.
    • If no codes have been selected in the Values field, the notification will NOT be generated. It will be generated only for the codes you specify in this field.
    • If the student is added with a code other than the specified entry codes, the notification will not be generated.
    Example: The "New Student Enrolled" notification may be set up to be generated only when a new student is added to your school building during the regular school year as "active" or "preregistered" AND with one of the entry codes specified in the field in the Values column for that notification on the Building Notifications page.

The user may be configured to receive notifications from multiple buildings, but notification settings may vary between buildings.

  1. Go to the user's Notification Subscriptions Page.
  2. If the notification is enabled in at least one of the user's buildings, the option to subscribe to a notification displays on the user's Notification Subscriptions page.
    • Verify that either the "Subscribe" or "Subscribe with Email" option is selected for the notification.
  3. Verify whether the notification is enabled in the buildings from which the user was expecting to receive this notification. Move the mouse pointer over the row containing the notification to display a tooltip listing whether the notification is Mandatory, Optional, or Disabled in each of the user's buildings.
    • A user may have security for multiple buildings, but the notification may be enabled in one building and disabled in another. The user will receive this notification only for the buildings in which the notification is enabled.
    • A building may not have a Building Notifications record; therefore, no notifications will be generated for that building.

Receiving too many notifications

Users with security resources in several buildings (for example, IT staff) may receive a large number of notifications. As long as the notifications are not configured as Mandatory at either the district or building level, you can select options to limit the number of notifications a user can receive.

If a notification is configured as Optional at either the district or building level, you can select to disable it so that you do not receive it, or specify criteria to limit the number of notifications you receive.

Limit notifications to be generated only for certain codes or certain students.

Instead of receiving a "New Student Enrolled" notification for every new student added, you can enter criteria to generate a notification only when students are enrolled with a specific entry code, or when students re-enroll with a specific discipline code, for example. This will limit the number of notifications generated for each notification category.

    • On the District Notifications Page, you can select specific codes in the Default Building Values column to use as the default codes for certain notifications when you add and configure a new Building Notifications record for a building in your district.
    • On theBuilding Notifications Page, you can update the codes that will generate notifications for specific building, unless the notification is designated as Mandatory at the district level.
    • On the Notification Subscriptions Page, some notifications can be configured so a user receives them only for students in a selected Watch List.

Additional troubleshooting information

For additional information to help troubleshoot notifications questions and issues, refer to:

Notifications Database Tables

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