Use this page to view demographic, contact, emergency, schedule, and today's attendance information for a student on a single page. The information displayed is entered on other student information pages. If the student's photograph is stored, the photo displays on the Student Information bar.
The Student Summary page is fully-customizable. You can edit the page to display the information you want displayed. You add, rearrange, or delete what is displayed to meet your needs. You can also quickly navigate to selected entry/detail pages
If the student's schedule is displayed, the course that the student is scheduled to attend for the current time is highlighted.
You can access the Student Summary by selecting:
Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student, and then select Student Summary.
Menu path: Select My eSchoolPlus from the main menu, select All submenu, select Entry, and then select Student Summary.
View Student Summary information
Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student, and then select Student Summary.
If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
All panels display, so you only need to scroll to find any content on this page.
To view detail information, click any link (displayed as blue text).
Navigate to a detail page
If (Navigate) displays at the top right of a panel, you can click this icon to navigate to the panel's related detail page.
Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student, and then select Student Summary.
If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
To open a panel's entry or detail page, click Navigate at the top right of the panel.
Customize this page
The Student Summary page can be customized to display the information you need to view. You can add, move, or delete panels, change what information is displayed on panels, or rename panels.
After entering the Enable Edit mode, the page displays icons and highlighting to let you modify the page. By default, the page has four "rows," each beginning with a yellow-highlighted "Row" header. You can add or delete rows on the page. Deleting a row deletes all of its panels and fields.
Rows can hold panels or individual fields. Panels have at least one and as many as four columns.
Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student, and then select Student Summary.
If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
Click Additional options at the top right of the page and click Enable Edit to place the page in edit mode. When in edit mode, you can:
Add Content
Add a row at bottom of page
Click (Additional options) at the top right of the page and select Add Row.
Add a field to a row
Click Add at the top right of the row, select Add a Widget, and select the field from the Select a Widget dialog.
Add a panel to a row
Click Add at the top right of the row, and select Add a Panel. New panels are created at the bottom of the row.
Add a column to a panel
Click Add at the top right of the panel.
Add a field to a panel's column
Click Add at the top right of a panel's yellow Column header row, and select the field from the Select a Widget dialog.
Change Content
Move a row
Drag and drop the row by its title bar.
Move a panel
Drag and drop the panel by its title bar. You can move panels within a row or to another row.
Move columns
Drag and drop the yellow column header. You can only move columns within a panel.
Move individual fields
Drag and drop the field's yellow-highlighted header. You can move fields within a column, to another column, or to any other panel.
Rename a panel
Click Edit at the top right of the panel, and update the title in the Panel Title dialog.
Delete Content
Delete a row
Click (Delete) in the row's title bar. This deletes all content in the row.
Delete a panel
Click (Delete) at the top right of the panel. This deletes all content within the panel.
Delete a column from a panel
Click (Delete) on the column's yellow title bar. Any fields in the column will also be deleted.
Delete a field
Click (Delete) on the field's yellow title bar.
Delete a row
Click (Delete) in the row's title bar. This deletes all content in the row.
To revert to the default settings, click Additional options and select Revert to Default.
To cancel any changes made to the current layout, click Additional options and select Discard Changes.
To save changes made to the layout, click Additional options and select Save Layout.
Student Information Bar
The bar, which displays on all student pages just below the Home icon and Menu button, includes options to view the student's alerts, attachments, and notes and to email the student's teachers and guardians.
Student Summary Panels
The panels described below are the defaults that display prior to any customization that you apply to the page. This page can be customized by clicking Additional options and selecting Enable Edit.
The default arrangement of the Student Summary page displays these panels:
Current Year Demographics Panel
Includes demographic information such as the student's Building, counselor, homerooms, house/team, and calendar.
District Registration Information Panel
Includes registration information, such as residential district and alternate district.
General Personal Panel
Includes information such as ethnicity, race, classification, meal status, and Social Security number. If you do not have access to some fields, they will not display.
Educational Factors Panel
Includes items that may impact a student's ability to succeed.
Privacy Panel
Includes FERPA and Do Not Release Information flags. Click (Navigate) at the top right of the panel to display the student's Personal Page.
Contacts Panel
Includes contact's name, type, address, and phone numbers. If you customize this page, you can choose to include the student, guardian, emergency contacts, or others. Click (Navigate) at the top right of the panel to display the Contact List Page. Click the name of any contact to display their Contact page.
If your district has enabled the additional emails option, click the paper airplane icon to generate an email for the contact’s email addresses.
Physician, Hospital, and Insurance Information Panel
Includes physician, hospital, and insurance information.
Medical Alerts Panel
Includes the student's medical alerts. Click (Navigate) at the top right of the panel to display the Emergency Page.
Disabilities Panel
Includes the student's disabilities. Click (Navigate) at the top right of the panel to display the Emergency Page.
Attendance Panel
Includes any attendance entered for today. Click (Navigate) at the top right of the panel to display the Student Year View Page.
If your administrator has selected to display an attendance percentage, a grid displays above the attendance entered for today. The values in the grid are based on the results of the Day Totals and Interval Totals calculations.
The student's attendance building.
The View/Interval title.
The student's attendance percentage.
Attendance Units
The attendance units displayed in the row.
Total Scheduled
The total scheduled duration the student is scheduled for the interval. A value displays only if the attendance percentage is defined to display details.
The student's present attendance total for the row. A value displays only if the attendance percentage is defined to display details.
The student's absence total for the row. A value displays only if the attendance percentage is defined to display details.
Schedule Panel
Click to display Today's Schedule or Full Schedule. Click (Navigate) at the top right of the panel to display the Schedule Entry page. Click a course name link to display the corresponding Student Course page. Click a course-section number link displays the Class List pop-up window showing students scheduled for the course. If a teacher displays as a hyperlink, you can click the name to display a new email message addressed to that teacher.
Student's Enrolled Programs Panel
Includes any programs in which the student is enrolled. Click (Navigate) at the top right of the panel to display the Programs List page which lists all programs for the district. Click a program's description link to display the Programs page for the specified program.
TREx Export
The TREx Export from the Student Summary page (menu path: select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student, and then select Student Summary. Click Additional options and select TREx Export), will consider Attendance Day Totals records without a Learning Location Type as In-Person days, instead of excluding them from the attendance days calculation.
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