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Emergency Page

Use this page to add or change student information for emergencies, including phone numbers for guardians and other emergency contacts, insurance and hospital information, and medical alerts and disabilities.

If your district is configured to require start and end dates and to require a start date for disabilities in the District Definition page, the Start Date and End Date fields display in the Registration section of the preferences panel to track date ranges for disability codes.

Hyperlinked fields are program-tracked fields. Click a link to display the corresponding Programs window. If the field is linked to other program fields, the window also displays the related programs.

Manage Medical Alerts

  1. From the Registration menu, choose Entry & Reports, then Student Demographic, and then select Emergency.

  2. If the Student Search page displays, search for the appropriate student, and then click the student's name link.

  3. Click Add on the Medical Alerts panel title bar to display a new row.

  4. Complete the fields on the new row.

  5. Click Save.

  6. To remove a medical alert, select a row in the delete column in the Medical Alerts panel. Click the Delete icon in the column header to select all rows.

  7. Click Save to delete all selected rows.

Manage Disability Entries

  1. From the Registration menu, choose Entry & Reports, then Student Demographic, and then select Emergency.

  2. If the Student Search page displays, search for the appropriate student, and then click the student's name link.

  3. Click Add on the Disability panel title bar to display a new row.

  4. Complete the fields on the new row.

  5. Click Save.

  6. To remove a disability, select a row in the delete column in the Disability panel. Click the Delete icon in the column header to select all rows.

  7. Click Save to delete all selected rows.

Add New Contacts for a Student

If your district uses GeoCode plan areas to assign buildings, you must enter a plan area for the contact. To search GeoCode plan areas, click Additional Options on the Geo Code Information section's title bar and select Search Plan Area. If no address information is available, click No Plan Area.

  1. From the Registration menu, choose Entry & Reports, then Student Demographic, and then select Emergency.

  2. If the Student Search page displays, search for the appropriate student, and then click the student's name link.

  3. Click Add on the Contacts panel title bar to display the Duplicate Contact Search page.

  4. Enter contact's last name. Optionally, enter the first name and zip code.

  5. Click Load on the page's title bar to display any matches.

  6. If the contact exists:

    1. Click the name on the Search Results panel to display the Contact page.

    2. Update the information as it relates to the selected student.

    3. Click Save.

  7. If no contact exists:

    1. Click Add on the title bar of the Duplicate Contact Search page.

    2. Enter the information for the new contact.

    3. Click Save.

When adding a contact, the next sequential Priority number is assigned for the new contact. On the Contact List page, verify the priority order for the contacts.

Each contact must have a unique Priority number and the values must be sequential starting with 1 and no gaps between numbers. When you change a contact's priority or delete a contact, you must verify that the priority for the other contacts is correct and renumber the sequence if needed.


Student Information Bar

The bar, which displays on all student pages just below the Home icon and Menu button, includes options to view the student's alerts, attachments, and notes and to email the student's teachers and guardians.

Contacts Panel

This panel lists the student's Emergency and Guardian contacts. Each contact displays separately in the following format:

  • Name - You can click on the contact's name to open their Contact page.

  • Contact type

  • Email address - Displays if a primary or additional email addresses are entered for the contact.

  • Phone - Displays all phone numbers are listed for the contact.

  • Address - Displays if an address is entered for the contact.

Medical Alerts Panel

If your building's Registration Configuration allows medical alerts, the alerts display on student Registration pages for users with the appropriate security. Clicking an alert displays a pop-up message that includes codes, their descriptions, and related comments. Medical alerts can also be accessed by teachers in Teacher Access Center.

Disability Panel

If your building's Registration Configuration allows medical alerts, the disability codes on this panel trigger alerts on student Registration pages for users with the appropriate security. Clicking an alert displays a pop-up message that includes the disability codes and their descriptions. Medical alerts can also be accessed by teachers in Teacher Access Center. For more information, refer to the Student Alerts content in the  Student Information Bar  topic.




Enter the number specifying the priority. Priority number 1 is the student's primary disability. The priority numbers are important in reporting students’ higher-level disabilities.

If your district requires dates, do not change priority numbers when updating your records. For example, if a student’s priority 1 disability is Speech Impairment, but the student was diagnosed with Autism on 2/17/2016, do the following:

  • Close the Speech Impairment record by assigning 2/16/2016 as the End Date.

  • Add a record for Autism as priority 1 with 2/17/2016 as the Start Date.

  • Add a record for Speech Impairment as priority 2 with 2/17/2016 as the Start Date.

Start and End Dates

These fields only display if your district configuration requires disability dates.

Physician, Hospital and Insurance Information Panel

Enter the physician, dentist, hospital, and insurance information for the student.

When entering phone numbers, enter a seven or ten-digit number.

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