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Year View Page

On this Page:

Use this page to view a student's attendance for the entire year. The Year View page is useful for viewing attendance trends for a student. For example, you can see at a glance that the student is frequently tardy on Friday mornings.

The View Type field's options depend on how attendance is taken in your building:

  • If taken by class, you can select to view by course, period, or day.
  • If taken by homeroom, you can select to view by period or day.

When the student has attendance for a date, the date's background will display a color from the Color Legend. You can move the mouse pointer over a day that has attendance entered to see details for the selected attendance periods. For example:

You can use the page's Printable option on the

 (Additional options) menu to run the Student Attendance Report, which shows the student's attendance for the current year.

View attendance

  1. Select Attendance > All > Student > Year View.
  2. If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
  3. Select the appropriate view in the View Type

Add or change attendance for selected dates

  1. Select Attendance > All > Student > Year View.
  2. If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
  3. Select the appropriate view in the View Type field to display attendance by course, period, or day. The page may take a few moments to refresh.
  4. Click on dates to select them.
     (Checkmark) displays to indicate a date is selected.
  5. Click
     (View detail) on the Year View panel to display the Attendance Detail page.
    The page displays the dates selected and their attendance periods. Attendance has been entered for a period if a code displays in its Code field.
  6. On the Selection panel, select Office or Teacher as the source, then select Apply to All Periods if you want to use the same source for all of your entries.
  7. On the Attendance panel, enter or change attendance as needed. For field descriptions and other information, refer to Student Attendance Detail.
  8. Click Save.
  9. Click Back to return to the Year View page.

Delete attendance records

  1. Select Attendance > All > Student > Year View.
  2. If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
  3. Select the appropriate view in the View Type field to display attendance by course, period, or day. The page may take a few moments to refresh.
  4. Click on dates to select them.
     (Checkmark) displays to indicate a date is selected.
  5. Click
     (View detail) on the Year View panel to display the Student Attendance Detail page.
    The page displays the dates selected and their attendance periods. Attendance has been entered for a period if a code displays in its Code field.
  6. On the Attendance panel, select the
     (Delete) checkbox for each record you want to delete.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Click Back to return to the Year View page.

For a procedure on how to view and delete attendance that is invalid, refer to Delete Invalid Attendance.

View day totals

  1. Verify that the Day Totals Calculation was run for the building, view, and intervals that apply to the totals you want to display.
  2. Select Attendance > All > Student > Year View
  3. Click
     (Additional options), then select Day totals.
  4. On the Student Day Totals page, select the Only Show Dates With Attendance checkbox to limit the display to dates when attendance was entered.
  5. Specify the time period by Interval, Date Range, or Selected Dates.
  6. Click Load to display the totals.

View the color key for attendance codes

On the Color Legend section's bar, click

 (Expand) to expand the section and view the color key.

Run a report

  1. Select Attendance > All > Student > Year View.
  2. If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
  3. Click 
     (Additional options), then select Printable.
  4. The report displays in a new browser tab in PDF format. You can save the report to your computer or run a printout.


Selections Panel



View Type

Select the view for displaying attendance in the calendar, for example, by course, period, or day. To view all attendance, select Entire Day, Building: All.

The page refreshes as soon as you change the view, though it may take a few moments.

Student Year View Panel



Color Legend Section

This section displays the color key for the attendance codes entered for the student. Click (Expand) on the section's bar to expand the section.

Some of the colors shown may not be visible on the monthly calendars, because they were entered along with other codes on the same date and thus are represented by the color for Multiple codes. However, you can view the individual colors in these cases by moving the mouse pointer over the date.

Monthly Calendars Section (unlabeled)

A calendar displays for each month in the student's school year. Attendance that has been entered displays for individual dates in colors that match the attendance codes that apply. Refer to the Color Legend section for a key to the codes.

Clicking on a date enters a check mark. To view the Student Attendance Detail page for selected dates, click (View detail) on the Student Year View panel.

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