Use this page to view or update student attendance for a selected date. For example, after you have contacted a student's guardian regarding an absence reported by a teacher, you can enter an office record to indicate whether the absence is excused or unexcused.
Attendance records can be entered and updated at any time, except under the following conditions:
If your building has locked attendance prior to a reporting submission, you cannot add or change records for the locked dates, unless you have the proper security. The Attendance Lock Date is set in your building's Attendance Building Configuration.
If you enter non-bottom line attendance and attendance has already been entered by the bottom line source, the student's bottom line attendance cannot be changed, though an audit record will be created for the non-bottom line source. For example, if Office is the bottom line and a student has an office entry for College Visit, a teacher entry of Unexcused will not change the office entry. However, attendance audit reports will reflect both entries. For more information, refer to Understanding Bottom Line Attendance.
You also can access the Student Attendance Detail page from the Range View and Year View pages.
Add attendance
Select Attendance > All > Student > Attendance Detail.
If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
On the Selection panel, complete the fields, which will be applied to all records. After you enter a date in the Attendance Date field and leave the field, the student's periods should display on the Attendance panel. If no periods display, then the student is not scheduled for classes on the selected date.
To set defaults for all attendance periods (optional), use the Attendance panel's Mass Update Attendance section as follows:
Click (Expand) to expand the section.
Select an Attendance Code to use as the default for each period.
If needed, complete the Dismiss Time and Arrive Time.
Click Load on the Mass Update Attendance bar to apply
Enter attendance for each period.
To add a row for entering an additional Attendance Code for a period, click Add in the period's Add Code column.
Click Save.
Change attendance
Select Attendance > All > Student > Attendance Detail.
If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
On the Selection panel, complete the fields, which will be applied to all records. After you enter a date in the Attendance Date field and leave the field, the student's periods should display on the Attendance panel. If no periods display, then the student is not scheduled for classes on the selected date.
To set defaults for all attendance periods (optional), use the Attendance panel's Mass Update Attendance section as follows:
Click (Expand) to expand the section.
Select an Attendance Code to use as the default for each period.
If needed, complete the Dismiss Time and Arrive Time.
Click Load on the Mass Update Attendance bar to apply
On the Attendance panel, change the entries as needed.
Click Save.
Delete attendance
Select Attendance > All > Student > Attendance Detail.
If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
On the Selection panel, complete the fields, which will be applied to all records. After you enter a date in the Attendance Date field and leave the field, the student's periods should display on the Attendance panel. If no periods display, then the student is not scheduled for classes on the selected date.
Select the (Delete) checkbox for each record to delete.
Click Save.
For a procedure on how to view and delete attendance that is invalid, refer to Delete Invalid Attendance.
View the Audit Trail Summary
Complete the procedure for adding attendance. You must click Save to view your entries in the Audit Trail Summary.
Click (Additional options) at the upper right of the Student Attendance Detail page, then select Audit Trail. The Audit Trail Summary window displays.
Review the student's attendance entries.
To download the audit trail data to a spreadsheet, select (Additional options) at the upper right, then select Export to Excel.
Click close the window.
Selection Panel
Attendance Date
Select the date for the attendance being recorded.
The page refreshes after you select a date and leave the field. When you change the date, a prompt may display asking if you want to save your entries.
The source of the attendance entries.
Office - to set the Office as the attendance record's source. Teacher - to set the Teacher as the attendance record's source.
The Attendance Building Configuration determines whether Office or Teacher is the bottom-line source.
Apply to All Periods
Checked if you want to change the source for all periods and assign the source selected in the Source field (Office or Teacher). This selects the Change Source boxes for all attendance periods. When you save, the default source will be assigned to each attendance period that has an attendance entry.
Attendance Panel
Mass Update Attendance Section
To display the fields for mass updating attendance, click the section's (Expand) icon.
Attendance Code
The attendance code to apply to all periods. The entry can changed for individual periods, if needed.
Dismiss Time
The dismissal time. Enter time in HH:MM AM or HH:MM PM format. This field is disabled if the attendance code does not allow a dismissal time.
When you enter a time, all attendance periods that meet on or after this time will be updated with the code you entered.
Arrive Time
The arrival time. Enter time in HH:MM AM or HH:MM PM format. This field is disabled if the attendance code does not allow an arrival time.
When you enter a time, all attendance periods that meet on or before this time will be updated with the code you entered.
Text regarding the attendance record that will be applied to all periods. The entry can be changed for individual periods, if needed. Character/255
Attendance Section (unlabeled)
This section displays the student's attendance for the selected dates.
To display all attendance records for a date, including attendance that is invalid, click (Additional options) on the Attendance panel, and then select Show Invalid Attendance. Typically, students will not have invalid attendance records; but, changes to schedules and entry/withdrawal can invalidate attendance data. For invalid records, the Delete checkbox is the only field that is enabled.
The scheduling period that corresponds to the attendance period. In most cases, this will be the same value as the attendance period.
This field only displays if the building takes period or timeslot attendance.
The course scheduled during the attendance period.
This field only displays if the building takes period or timeslot attendance.
Room number of the student's homeroom and staff name of the instructor assigned to that homeroom.
This field only displays if the building takes attendance by homeroom.
Select the attendance code that applies to the attendance period. Entering a code enters a checkmark in the period's Change Source box.
More than one code can be entered for a period by clicking Add in the Add Code column, then completing the additional line. Multiple codes may be necessary, for example, if a student is tardy and is dismissed early in the same attendance period.
If both Office and Teacher attendance have been entered for an attendance period, the system uses the Bottom Line Type field from the building's Attendance Configuration to determine the official bottom line record.
If the code for an attendance entry has been changed, only the most recent code displays. You can view all of the student's attendance entries for the attendance date by clicking (Additional options), then selecting Audit Trail.
Dismiss Time
The dismissal time. Enter time in HH:MM AM or HH:MM PM format. This field is disabled if the attendance code does not allow a dismissal time.
When you enter a time, all attendance periods that meet on or after this time will be updated with the code you entered.
Arrive Time
The arrival time. Enter time in HH:MM AM or HH:MM PM format. This field is disabled if the attendance code does not allow an arrival time.
When you enter a time, all attendance periods that meet on or before this time will be updated with the code you entered.
Text regarding the attendance record. Character/255
Current Source
The source of the attendance record, Office or Teacher.
Change Source
Checked if you want to change the source of the attendance entry to the source selected in the Source field on the Selection Panel.
To enter a check in the Change Source boxes for all periods, check the Selection Panel's Apply to All Periods box, then click Load on the Mass Update Attendance section.
Add Code
Click Add to add a row for entering another attendance code for a period. This icon is enabled only if an attendance code is entered. Depending on the code, dismiss and arrive times may be required as well.
To delete a record, select the row's Delete checkbox, then click Save.
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