Use this page to track a student's participation in a program. The fields that are part of the program are defined by your district. For each part of the program, enter start and end dates to indicate when the student participated. Refer to Programs Terminology for descriptions of the terms used in program tracking and About Programs for an overview of using this feature.
If a field is program-tracked and you have Write security for the page, the field's value displays as a link on Student Demographic and some student district-defined pages. For example, if you have a Student At Risk program, an At Risk field displays as a link on the Educational Factors panel of the Personal page indicating the student's at risk status. Clicking the link opens the Programs dialog for maintaining dates for at risk status changes. Changes made on the Programs page also update the appropriate source field. If you do not have Write security, the field's value is display-only.
Assume your district includes Primary Homeroom information from the Registration page in a program.
In the beginning of the year, the student is in homeroom 100. Use the Programs setup page (Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Programs) to create a homeroom record for room 100. The Primary Homeroom field on the Building panel of the Registration page is set to 100.
Midway through the year, the student changes to homeroom 200. Use the Programs page to change the homeroom information. Enter the end date for room 100. Then add a new record for room 200. The Registration page's Primary Homeroom field is updated to 200.
Program information can be entered for the regular school year and for summer school. If a student has records for both the regular school year and summer school, the source field may not match the value of the environment that you are currently accessing. For example, if you add a meal status program for F (Free lunch) for a student in summer school, the Meal Status field will be updated to F. Now, the field may not match the program information the student has for the regular school year.
If the Student Search page displays, search for the student, then click their link.
Click a program from either the Student's Enrolled Programs panel (for the programs the student is or has been enrolled in) or the Other Programs panel for programs that the student has no enrollment records for.
To return to the Programs List page, click (List).
If the Student Search page displays, search for the student, then click their link.
Click a program from either the Student's Enrolled Programs panel (for the programs the student is or has been enrolled in) or the Other Programs panel for programs that the student has no enrollment records for.
Change as needed. Note If you need to change any item in the Value field of a program vector, enter an end date in the open vector and add a new vector with the changed Value field items to track the change.
Click Save.
Delete a program vector row
Deleting a record removes tracking information. It is recommended to only delete records that were entered in error.
If the Student Search page displays, search for the student, then click their link.
Click a program in the Student's Enrolled Programs panel.
Enter a check in the (Delete) column of the record.
Click Save.
Student Information Bar
The bar, which displays on all student pages just below the Home icon and Menu button, includes options to view the student's alerts, attachments, and notes and to email the student's teachers and guardians.
Click Add to add a program record. This icon only displays when you can add a record.
Indicates the type of program being tracked, for example Speech Therapy. If this is a summer school session, (Summer School) displays after the program's name. To update program information for summer school, you must be in the Summer School environment. Refer to Set Environment for details on entering the Summer School environment.
Indicates the value being tracked. For example, your district may set up codes to specify values indicating the student's level of participation in the program (Participates only in this program; Participates in this program and another program; Does not participate).
Ovr (override)
If the value you are entering should be reported as an override, check the box. This box only displays if the program is set up to track an override indicator.
Start Date
Date student started this part of the program.
If this field does not permit changes, your district has set up the field to be absolutely linked to Entry/Withdrawal or a parent program. In this case, you must use the Entry/Withdrawal option to access the field and change its value or update the parent program. If you click on the Program name of an absolutely-linked child program, a popover displays what the record is absolutely linked to.
Start Reason
Select the reason the student is being enrolled in the program. This field only displays if the program is set up to track entry/withdrawal reasons.
End Date
Date the student stopped this part of the program. Follow your district guidelines for withdrawal dates. Use the last day of attendance or the first day of non-attendance.
If this field does not permit changes, your district has set up the field to be absolutely linked to Entry/Withdrawal or a parent program. In this case, you must use the Entry/Withdrawal option to access the field and change its value or update the parent program. If you click on the Program name of an absolutely-linked child program, a popover displays what the record is absolutely linked to.
End Reason
Select the reason the student is withdrawing from the program. This field only displays if the program is set up to track entry/withdrawal reasons.
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