Use this page to add and update behavior incident records.
By default, the Incident Detail page displays in Quick entry mode, which is a simplified view of incident information that your district can configure. To view all possible incident fields, select to use Full entry mode.
If the incident was created based on a behavior referral, you can click the (Additional options) icon to create a printable report of the referral or review the referral details.
If the incident is locked and the user does not have read/write access for DISC PRIVATE LOCK, the user will not be able to edit the incident information. A message that notifies that the incident is locked and it cannot be modified is displayed.
Menu path:
SelectInterventionsfrom the main menu, selectAllsubmenu, selectOffice, and then selectIncident Detail (click Add).
SelectInterventionsfrom the main menu, selectAllsubmenu, selectOffice, and then selectIncident Detail (click an Incident link).
SelectInterventionsfrom the main menu, selectAllsubmenu, selectStudent, and then selectBehavior Incidents (select a student and then click the Incident link).
Your district configures the panels available in Quick entry mode. In Full entry mode, all of the following panels display.
Incident Panel
Definition Section
Incident ID
Unique identifier of the incident. This field displays at the top of existing incident records. It does not display when you are adding an incident.
If the incident was created from a conduct referral, a Referral Details link displays next to the ID. Clicking this link opens the Conduct Referral page for the referral tied to the incident.
Building where the incident occurred.
Code and description of the incident type.
If the Behavior District Configuration is defined to limit the Offense code to be the same as the Incident code, then the Offense code for offenders is automatically set to the selected Incident code and you cannot change the offense. When you change the incident's Type value, the offense for offenders will also be updated.
Date when the incident occurred. When you add an incident, the current date is the default date if the Behavior District Configuration is defined to default the incident date.
To enter today's date, press T while the cursor is in the field.
Category of the incident, if any.
Time when the incident occurred.
Portion of the day when the incident occurred, as defined by your district in Behavior's Incident Time Frame table. Select the timeframe that applies.
Description Section
Reported By
Indicates the type of person (Other Non-Student, Staff, or Student) who reported the incident. The value selected determines the information used to validate the next two fields. For example:
If Other Non-Student is selected, the ID and name fields will be validated by Non-Student information.
If Staff is selected, the ID and name fields will be validated by Staff information.
If Student is selected, the ID and name fields will be validated by Demographic information.
You can add a non-student while entering an incident. Select Other Non-Student and then click Search. On the Search Results panel of the Non-Student Search window, click Add. On the Non-Student Detail window, enter the person's information and click Save. The person you added will be selected in the incident.
Reported By (ID)
Identification number of the person who reported the incident. If you enter a valid ID, the name displays in the next field.
Reported By (Name)
Name of the person who reported the incident. You can search for the name and ID by clicking the field's Search button. When you enter or select the name, the ID displays in the previous field.
Reported To
Person to whom the incident was reported.
Location where the incident occurred.
Gang Related
Checked if the incident was gang related.
Description of the incident. Character/1024
Use the field's scroll bar, if necessary, to view more of the description if the text is longer than the display size for this field.
If the Behavior District Configuration is defined to only use the Long Description field, this field is disabled. When the field is disabled, the first 255 characters of the Long Description field are also stored and displayed in the Description field when the incident is saved.
Note that incident descriptions are not displayed in incident reports or Home Access Center's incident information. This description is included in the data file created for form letters used for Behavior Communications, but your district may choose not to include it in letters.
Long Description Panel
A description of the incident that allows up to 8000 characters. The full text of the description is printed if you print the page using the Print option (User options and then select Print).
The panel's field can be configured to be either the sole description used on the Incident Detail page, or it can serve as an additional field to the Incident panel's Description field. When the Long Description panel is configured to be the page's only description field, the Incident panel's Description field is read-only. The first 255 characters of the Long Description field are saved to the Description field when the incident is saved. For configuration settings, refer to the Behavior District Configuration Page.
Note that incident descriptions are not displayed in incident reports or Home Access Center's incident information. The Behavior Communications data file does include the text of the Description field as an available field for form letter, but does not include the Long Description's text.
Offenders Panel
This panel displays a list of the offenders involved in the incident. To display information for an offender, click (Expand) next to the name and ID.
To add an offender, click Add on the Offenders panel. Select Student or Non-Student and then select the offender by ID or Name. If more than one match is found, or if you click Search, a search window displays. Click the row for the person and click OK. You can add a non-student while entering an incident. Select Non-Student in the first field and then click Search. On the Search Results panel of the Non-Student Search window, click Add. On the Non-Student Entry window, enter the person's information and click Save. The person you added will be selected in the incident.
To view the Offender Detail page for an offender, click (View detail). If you just added the offender, you must save the incident before you can use this option.
Offender Name and ID
Name and ID number of the offender. If the offender is a student, the Student ID displays next to the offender's name. If the offender is a non-student, the Person ID displays next to the offender's name.
Alert Icons
Depending on your building's Registration Building Configuration, the following types of alerts can display next to the name and ID:
Indicates the student has an alert for an academic alert type. The student may have an at risk status, be ineligible for activities, or have a student success plan.
Indicates the student has an alert for a medical alert type. The student may have medical alerts, disabilities, or Section 504 information of which the user should be aware.
Indicates the student has an alert for a personal comment type. The student has a comment entered on the Personal Information page of which the user should be aware.
Indicates the student has an alert for a special education alert type. The student may have a classification or may be designated as having an IEP.
Indicates the student has an alert that was custom defined for your building.
Click an icon to display a window that provides detail on the alert.
Offense Information Section
Is Student
Indicates whether the offender is a student. If Yes, the offender information is validated by Demographic information. If No, the offender information is validated by Non-Student information.
Offense committed by the offender.
Your district determines whether or not the offense can be different from the selected incident type.
If the offense code is limited to the incident type, then this field is disabled and changes to the incident's Type automatically updates the offense for offenders.
If the offense code is not limited to the incident's type, then the incident's type defaults as the Offense when you add an offender, but it can be changed. Additionally, your district determines whether multiple offense codes are allowed.
Use the Offender Detail page to add or view the note text for an offense. To display the page, click (View detail) on the Offender panel.
Category for the offense.
Your district may use the Category field to further define the Offense. For example, the Offense may be defined as Assault, and the Category may further define the type of Assault, for example, Physical.
Type of drugs found or used during the incident.
Weapons that the offender used or possessed at the time of the incident.
Action Duration Totals Section
The Action Duration Totals rows display the student's action and the total duration of all actions within the specified group, for all offenses. Groups are set up in the Behavior District Configuration option (menu path: selectAdministrationfrom the main menu, select Interventions Setup submenu, select Behavior, and then select Behavior District Configuration).
An action group and its total will be highlighted in yellow if the district has defined a threshold for an action, and the student has been assigned to serve this action in excess of the threshold. For example, if the district has a threshold of 5 for in school suspensions, and a student's duration total for that group is 6, then the row will be highlighted in yellow.
Action Group
Type of actions being added into total duration.
Total Duration
Total duration of all actions for the offender that were included in the action group. The Behavior District Configuration page determines whether this total reflects the current year only or all years of behavior data.
Offense Actions Section - When Actions are Tracked by Duration
For some districts, additional fields may display in this section. Refer to the field descriptions provided for the Offender Detail Page.
To add an action from this page, select the appropriate action and specify its dates. If you need to enter additional action details, click (View detail) to navigate to the Offender Detail page.
The fields that display when entering actions depend on whether your district tracks actions by occurrences or by duration. Refer to the descriptions that correspond to how your district tracks actions.
Action Code
Action assigned to the offender.
A warning may display if you select an action that is inappropriate for the offense. Your district can define severity information for offenses and actions to provide warnings, if you select an action that does not follow your district policies. For example, if you assign a detention for an offense that is defined to receive a more severe action, you will get a warning.
If the district has selected to enforce action levels, your security access determines if you can assign an action that is outside of the range of the offense code.
If you do not have security to override action levels, you must select an action that is in the range. The list of actions will include only action codes that are within the range for the offense.
If you have security to override action levels, then a warning message displays if you select an action code that is not of the appropriate level for the offense. You can continue or stop assigning that action.
If attendance can be recorded for the action, then the Attendance window displays when you save the incident. For more information, refer to Recording Attendance for Incident Actions.
Actual Duration
The length of the action.
If the Behavior District Configuration is defined to calculate end dates and durations, the Actual Duration value can be calculated or can be used to calculate action dates.
To calculate the end date when the Scheduled Start Date is entered, a value must be entered for the Actual Duration field.
To allow the system to calculate the duration based on the dates entered in Scheduled Start Date and Scheduled End Date fields, leave this field blank, and then enter the applicable dates.
Scheduled Duration
Scheduled duration of the action.
If the Default Scheduled Duration checkbox is selected on the Behavior District Configuration page, then the value entered in the Actual Duration field is the default for this field if it is blank.
Scheduled Start Date
Scheduled start date of the action.
If attendance can be recorded for the action and you changed action dates, then the Attendance window will display when you save. By default, all attendance dates within the range of those two dates are selected. You can review the attendance information in this window, exclude periods if needed, and click Save to create the attendance records.
If attendance can be recorded for the action, then the Attendance window displays when you save the incident. By default, all attendance dates from the Scheduled Start Date to the Scheduled End Date are selected. For more information, refer to Recording Attendance for Incident Actions.
Scheduled End Date
Scheduled end date of the action.
If the action is set up to calculate the end date and the Scheduled End Date was blank, then the end date will be calculated based on your entries in the Actual Duration and Scheduled Start Date fields.
The calculation assumes that actions have a full day duration; if an action is entered with a decimal value, the duration will be rounded to a whole number to return the end date. Membership days in the student's calendar are included when calculating the date.
If the duration value entered would yield a date after the last membership day in the calendar, the Scheduled End Date field will not be set.
If attendance can be recorded for the action and you changed action dates, then the Attendance window displays when you save the incident. By default, all attendance dates from the Scheduled Start Date to the Scheduled End Date are selected. For more information, refer to Recording Attendance for Incident Actions.
Offense Actions Section - When Actions are Tracked by Occurrence
For some districts, additional fields may display in this section. Refer to the field descriptions provided for the Offender Detail Page.
The fields that display when entering actions depend on whether your district tracks actions by occurrences or by duration. Refer to the descriptions that correspond to how your district tracks actions.
To add an action from this page, select the appropriate action and specify its dates. If you need to enter additional action details, click (View detail) to navigate to the Offender Detail page.
Action Code
Action assigned to the offender.
If attendance can be recorded for the action, then the Attendance window displays when you save the incident. For more information, refer to Recording Attendance for Incident Actions.
A warning may display if you select an action that is inappropriate for the offense. Your district can define severity information for offenses and actions to provide warnings, if you select an action that does not follow your district policies. For example, if you assign a detention for an offense that is defined to receive a more severe action, you will get a warning.
If the district has selected to enforce action levels, your security access determines if you can assign an action that is outside of the range of the offense code.
If you do not have security to override action levels, you must select an action that is in the range. The list of actions will include only action codes that are within the range for the offense.
If you have security to override action levels, then a warning message Offense Actions Section - When Actions are Tracked by Occurrence displays if you select an action code that is not of the appropriate level for the offense. You can continue or stop assigning that action.
Scheduled Start Date
Dates the student is scheduled to serve the action. You can select multiple dates either by clicking (Calendar) and then clicking the appropriate dates or by entering a comma-delimited list of dates. A separate occurrence will be created for each date.
If attendance can be recorded for the action, then the Attendance window displays when you save the incident. For more information, refer to Recording Attendance for Incident Actions.
The number of occurrence dates entered in this grid updates a hidden field which is used to calculate the totals shown for the appropriate Action Group in the Action Duration Totals panel.
Other Section
Any district-defined Offense fields set up by your district display in this section.
Incident Notes Panel
Click Add to add a note.
To display notes that have been entered and saved, click (Expand).
The Private checkbox is informational only and does not determine access to notes. Any user with access to the incident will see all notes.
Any further notes about the incident.
Police Panel
Reported To Police
Checked if the incident was reported to the police.
Police Department
Police department to which the incident was reported. Character/255
Officer Name
Name of the officer who responded to the complaint. Character/100
Date Reported
Date the incident was reported to the police.
Complaint Number
Complaint number issued by the police for the incident. Character/10
Badge Number
Badge number of the responding officer. Character/10
Victims Panel
This panel displays a list of the victims involved in the incident. To display information for a victim, click (Expand) next to the name and ID.
To add a victim, click Add on the Victims panel. Select Student or Non-Student in the first field, and then select the victim by ID or Name. If more than one match is found, or if you click Search, a search window displays. Click the row for the person and click OK. You can add a non-student while entering an incident. Select Non-Student in the first field and then click Search. On the Search Results panel of the Non-Student Search window, click Add. On the Non-Student Entry window, enter the person's information and click Save. The person you added will be selected in the incident.
To view the Victim Detail page for a person, click (View detail). If you just added the victim, you must save the incident before you can use this option.
Victim Name and ID
Name and ID number of the victim. If the victim is a student, the Student ID displays next to the victim's name. If the victim is a non-student, the Person ID displays next to the victim's name.
Alert Icons
Depending on your building's Registration Building Configuration, the following types of alerts can display next to the name and ID:
Indicates the student has an alert for an academic alert type. The student may have an at risk status, be ineligible for activities, or have a student success plan.
Indicates the student has an alert for a medical alert type. The student may have medical alerts, disabilities, or Section 504 information of which the user should be aware.
Indicates the student has an alert for a personal comment type. The student has a comment entered on the Personal Information page of which the user should be aware.
Indicates the student has an alert for a special education alert type. The student may have a classification or may be designated as having an IEP.
Indicates the student has an alert that was custom defined for your building.
Click an icon to display a window that provides detail on the alert.
Victim Information Section
Is Student
Indicates whether the victim is a student. If Yes, the victim information is validated by Demographic information. If No, the victim information is validated by Non-Student information.
Victim Type
Type of victim, for example, whether the victim is a Student or a Staff member.
Category of victim, if applicable.
Your district may use the Category field to further define the Victim Type. For example, the Victim Type may be defined as Student or Staff Member, while the Category further defines the type of staff member, such as Bus Driver or Substitute Teacher.
Other Section
Any district-defined Victim fields set up by your district display in this section.
Witnesses Panel
This panel displays a list of the witnesses involved in the incident. To display information for a witness, click (Expand) next to the name and ID.
To add a witness, click Add on the Witnesses panel. Select Student or Non-Student in the first field, and then select the witness by ID or Name. If more than one match is found, or if you click Search, a search window displays. Click the row for the person and click OK. You can add a non-student while entering an incident. Select Non-Student in the first field and then click Search. On the Search Results panel of the Non-Student Search window, click Add. On the Non-Student Entry window, enter the person's information and click Save. The person you added will be selected in the incident.
To view the Witness Detail page for a witness, click (View detail). If you just added the witness, you must save the incident before you can use this option.
Witness Name and ID
Name and ID number of the witness. If the witness is a student, the Student ID displays next to the witness's name. If the witness is a non-student, the Person ID displays next to the witness's name.
Alert Icons
Depending on your building's Registration Building Configuration, the following types of alerts can display next to the name and ID:
Indicates the student has an alert for an academic alert type. The student may have an at risk status, be ineligible for activities, or have a student success plan.
Indicates the student has an alert for a medical alert type. The student may have medical alerts, disabilities, or Section 504 information of which the user should be aware.
Indicates the student has an alert for a personal comment type. The student has a comment entered on the Personal Information page of which the user should be aware.
Indicates the student has an alert for a special education alert type. The student may have a classification or may be designated as having an IEP.
Indicates the student has an alert that was custom defined for your building.
Click an icon to display a window that provides detail on the alert.
Witness Information Section
Is Student
Indicates whether the witness is a student. If Yes, the witness information is validated by Demographic information. If No, the witness information is validated by Non-Student information.
Witness Type
Type of witness, for example, whether the witness is a Student or a Staff member.
Category of witness, if applicable.
Your district may use the Category field to further define the Witness Type. For example, the Witness Type may be defined as Student or Staff Member, while the Category further defines the type of staff member, such as Bus Driver or Substitute Teacher.
Other Section
Any district-defined Witness fields set up by your district display in this section.
Other Incident Information Panel
If your district has set up any district-defined pages to provide additional information on incidents, this panel displays those district-defined pages. Each page displays as its own section and is identified by the title heading at the top of the section. Each page has a (Delete) icon for you to select to delete the district-defined page's record.
Page Title
To delete a district-defined page's record, click (Delete), and then click Save. Note that if the district-defined page has any default values, these defaults will display after the deletion, but will not be stored. In this case, you would need to add other data or change a default to save the page as a record.
District-Defined Fields
You are not required to complete the fields on a district-defined page to save the main page. However, if a district-defined page includes one or more required fields and you enter data in any of the page's fields, you must complete at least the required fields to save the main page.
If you have entered data in error or the data previously saved for a district-defined page no longer applies, you can delete the page's record by clicking (Delete), and then clicking Save. This saves the main page and any other district-defined pages and deletes the page marked for deletion.
To add an Incident record, click (Add), enter the details, and then click Save. There are three subpanels:
PEIMS Discipline Information section with the PEIMS Incident ID along with the PEIMS Incident ID Override, Cyberbullying, and SSSP Team Review checkbox fields, The PEIMS Incident ID Override option is for manually entered PEIMS Incident IDs in the PEIMS Discipline Information section of the Behavior Incidents page. The Discipline (425) download will not recalculate the PEIMS Incident ID if the PEIMS Incident ID Override option is selected.
Alternate Building section with the Building 16 checkbox.
Federal Information section with the Harassment Based on Religion drop-down list having values ATAG - Atheism/Agnosticism, BUDDHIST - Buddhist, CATHOLIC - Catholic, EASTERN - Eastern Orthodox (Russian, Greek, Other), HINDU - Hindu, ISLAMIC - Islamic (Muslim), JEHOVAH - Jehovah’s Witness, JEWISH - Jewish (Judaism), MORMON - Mormon (Latter-day Saint), MULTI - Multiple Religions, OTHER_CHRN - Other Christian, OTHER - Other Religions, PROTESTANT - Protestant, and SIKH - Sikh.
In the PEIMS Discipline Information section, a student involved with Cyberbullying must have behavior code as 61. The PEIMS Discipline-related and PEIMS Summer submission recordscan be downloaded for Cyberbullying flagged incidents with an offense code having a State Code Equivalent value of 61.
The Safe Supportive School Program (SSSP) Team Review element must be selected for the PEIMS Summer submission related to the StudentDisciplineIncidentAssociationExtension records.
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