This topic describes how to record attendance when you enter actions for incidents. Refer to Incident Detail Procedures and Offender Detail Procedures for detailed information on entering incidents and offenders.
When you save an incident for which an action has been assigned that triggers attendance to be recorded, the Attendance window opens so you can enter the appropriate attendance. If you add actions for multiple students on the Incident Detail page, the Attendance window will open for each student who has an action that is associated with attendance. When the user saves attendance for the first student, the window opens for the next student, and so on until all students have been processed.
Why doesn't the Attendance window open when I save an incident?
To record attendance, all of the following must be true:
The Behavior Building Configuration is defined to enable attendance entry based on incident actions.
The action assigned has an attendance code associated with it in the Offense Actions validation table.
Action dates are entered or updated. If your district tracks actions by occurrences, then the Scheduled Date is used to select the attendance dates. If your district tracks actions by durations, then the Scheduled Start Date and Scheduled End Date fields are used to select the range of attendance dates.
You must have security to add attendance.
Enter Attendance for Actions
The following procedure describes how to use the Attendance window to enter attendance. The procedures do not describe how to add or change actions.
Enter incident and action information as needed.
Click Save.
On the Attendance window, enter the appropriate attendance for the action assigned to the offender. The window displays the valid attendance periods for the selected action dates. If actions are tracked by durations, then the Scheduled Start Date and Scheduled End Date fields are used to select the range of dates.
Exclude an attendance period so the student's attendance is not updated,
Select the Exclude checkbox for the period in the bottom of the window.
Enter attendance for only specific courses,
Remove the class you do not want to update from the Classes field. Click the x for any class when the student will not serve the action. In the bottom of the window, the Exclude checkbox will be selected for any class that is not selected in the Classes field.
Enter attendance for part of the day,
Remove the periods you do not want to update from the Attendance Periods field. For example, to record attendance for a half-day morning suspension, remove the PM periods from the Attendance Periods field.
Click the x for the attendance periods when the student will not be serving the action. In the bottom of the window, the Exclude checkbox will be selected for any period that is not selected in the Attendance Periods field.
Update attendance for an attendance period where the student already has attendance,
Clear the Exclude checkbox. The Exclude checkbox is selected by default if attendance exists for the period. The Current Bottomline field shows the existing attendance code. If you clear the Exclude checkbox, the student's attendance will be updated to the selected attendance code when you save.
Delete attendance records for an action,
Select the Delete checkbox for the attendance period. To delete attendance for all attendance periods displayed, click (Delete) at the top of the column.
Note that when attendance is deleted, the Audit Trail still stores a record that attendance had previously been entered.
If you deleted a date for an action for which attendance had already been recorded, the Attendance window will display those rows with the Delete box selected.
Click Save to update attendance records and close the window.
If attendance is needed for another offender, the Attendance window will display for the next offender. Repeat Steps 2-4.
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