Interventions > All > Office > Incident Detail > click an Incident link
Interventions > All > Student > Behavior Incidents > select a student > click the Victim link
Changing Victim Details
View victims
Select Interventions > All > Office > Incident Detail.
On the Incident Detail Search page, search for the incident, and click the Incident link for the incident.
On the Victims Panel, click (View detail) for the victim.
On the Victim Details page, click (Expand) as needed to display records in the Actions or Victim Notes panels.
Add victims
Select Interventions > All > Office > Incident Detail.
On the Incident Detail Search page, search for the incident, and click the Incident link for the incident.
On the Incident Detail page, click Add in the Victims Panel.
Search for and select the victim using the fields in the drop-down.
Complete the Victim information fields as needed.
To add an action, first click Save, click (View detail) for the victim, click Add in the Actions panel, and then complete fields as needed.
If your district is configured to track additional victim information, complete the Other Victim Information fields as needed.
Click Save.
Change victim information
Select Interventions > All > Office > Incident Detail.
On the Incident Detail Search page, search for the incident, and click the Incident link for the incident.
On the Victims Panel, click (View detail) for the victim.
On the Victim Detail page, change values as needed. Click (Expand) as needed; for example, if you want to change records in the Actions or Victim Notes panels.
Click Save.
Delete victims
Select Interventions > All > Office > Incident Detail.
On the Incident Detail Search page, search for the incident, and click the Incident link for the incident.
On the Victims Panel, click (Delete) to select a Victim record for deletion.
To delete an action for a victim without deleting the victim, click (View detail) for the victim, and then click (Delete) in the Actions panel on the Victim Detail page to select the action for deletion.
Click Save.
Changing Victim Action Information
View victim actions
Select Interventions > All > Office > Incident Detail.
On the Incident Detail Search page, search for the incident, and click the Incident link for the incident.
On the Victims Panel, click (View detail) for the victim.
On the Actions panel on the Victim Detail page, click (Expand) for the action to display the action details.
Add victim actions
Select Interventions > All > Office > Incident Detail.
On the Incident Detail Search page, search for the incident, and click the Incident link for the incident.
On the Victims Panel, click (View detail) for the victim.
On the Victim Detail page, click Add on the Actions panel.
Select an Action Code in the drop-down. A new section displays for the selected action.
Complete the action fields as needed.
Click Save.
Change victim actions
Select Interventions > All > Office > Incident Detail.
On the Incident Detail Search page, search for the incident, and click the Incident link for the incident.
On the Victims Panel, click (View detail) for the victim.
In the Actions panel on the Victim Detail page, click (Expand) for the action to display the action details.
Change victim actions as needed.
Click Save.
Delete victim actions
Select Interventions > All > Office > Incident Detail.
On the Incident Detail Search page, search for the incident, and click the Incident link for the incident.
On the Victims Panel, click (View detail) for the victim.
In the Actions panel on the Victim Detail page, click (Delete) to select the action for deletion.
Click Save.
Victim Name
The name of the victim displays in the page title.
Incident Panel
Depending on the device and browser dimensions you are viewing the page with, the panels that display on this page may vary.
The Incident panel does not display when you are viewing the software on a tablet or in a small browser window.
Type of incident (incident code and description for the incident). Click the link to display the Incident Detail page associated with this incident.
Incident ID
Unique identifier of the incident.
Incident Date
Date when the incident occurred.
Building where the incident occurred.
Category of the incident, if any.
Incident Time
Time when the incident occurred.
Names and ID numbers of the offenders in the incident. Click an offender link to display the Offender Detail information for that offender. Click Add to add an offender to the incident.
Names and ID numbers of the victims in the incident. Click a victim link to display the Victim Detail information for that victim. Click Add to add a victim to the incident.
Names and ID numbers of the witnesses in the incident. Click a witness link to display the Witness Detail information for that witness. Click Add to add a witness to the incident.
Victim Panel
Victim Type
Type of victim.
Depending on how the Behavior system's Victim Types table is set up, this can reference the type of victim, such as Student or Teacher, or the offense committed against the victim, such as Harassment or Physical Injury.
Category of victim, if applicable.
Your district may use the Category field to further define the Victim Type. For example, the Victim Type may be defined as Vandalized and the Category as Personal Property.
Gender of the victim.
Age of the victim. Displays the current age calculated from the Birth Date entered on the Registration page.
Grade level of the victim.
Special education classification of the victim, if any.
Hispanic/Latino Ethnicity
Indicates whether the victim's ethnicity is Hispanic/Latino. If Yes is selected, 1 (one) displays in the Federal code field.
Yes - indicates the victim's ethnicity is Hispanic/Latino. No - indicates the victim's ethnicity is not Hispanic/Latino. Unanswered - indicates that no response was provided regarding Hispanic/Latino ethnicity.
Race of the victim. If (Multiple) displays after a race, then the person has multiple races selected and race shown is the primary race.
Federal Code
Indicates the equivalent federal code for the race entered in the Race field.
If multiple races are entered, this field displays a 7 (seven).
If the value selected in the Hispanic/Latino Ethnicity field is Yes, this field displays a 1 (one), even if multiple races are entered.
Notified Panel
Guardian Notified
Checked if the victim's guardian was notified about the incident by administration. This field must be checked to access the Notify Date and How Notified fields.
Notify Date
Date the guardian was notified or date the notification was sent. Behavior Letters does not update this field.
How Notified
Method used to notify the guardian.
Referred To
Person to whom the victim was referred.
Injuries Panel
Hospital that treated the victim.
Doctor that treated the victim. Character/255
Injury the victim suffered.
Select codes from the field's drop-down list, or click (asterisk) to select all codes, then remove any that do not apply.
Victim Notes Panel
The Private box is informational only and does not determine access to notes. Any user with access to the incident will see all notes.
Any extra notes about the victim.
Actions Panel
When you click Add and select an Action Code, you can complete the action fields for that action.
To display details for actions that have been entered and saved, click (Expand).
Reason for any difference in the scheduled duration and actual duration of the action.
Start Date
Scheduled start date of the action.
End Date
Scheduled end date of the action.
Outcome Code
Outcome or status of the action.
Responsibility Building
Building that was responsible for assigning the action.
Date Determined
Date the action was determined.
Disposition Code
Indicates if and how the action was completed.
Other Victim Information Panel
If your district has set up any district-defined pages to provide additional information on victims, this panel displays those district-defined pages. Each section is a separate page attached to the incident, and each has its own page title heading with a (Delete) icon for you to select to delete the district-defined page's record.
Page Title
To delete a district-defined page's record, click (Delete), then click Save. Note that if the district-defined page has any default values, these defaults will display after the deletion, but will not be stored. In this case, you would need to add other data or change a default to save the page as a record.
District-Defined Fields
You are not required to complete the fields on a district-defined page to save the main page. However, if a district-defined page includes one or more required fields and you enter data in any of the page's fields, you must complete at least the required fields to save the main page.
If you have entered data in error or the data previously saved for a district-defined page no longer applies, you can delete the page's record by clicking (Delete), then clicking Save. This saves the main page and any other district-defined pages and deletes the page marked for deletion.
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