Use the Career Plan page to review a student's progress toward meeting Career Planner requirements for the student's year of graduation and supplementary requirement groups. If the student's primary graduation requirement group is defined as a Career Plan, it is tracked as the first plan displayed on the page.
Your district can define supplemental Career Planner requirements to specify the number of course credits a student must complete in subject areas to earn a certification or fulfill a career-oriented curriculum. The Career Plan page provides separate panels for the student's Career Plan and supplemental plans. For each plan, the system displays the credits required and attained by subject area. It then shows how the student's courses apply to the subject areas for the grade levels defined in the Career Plan.
Information from this page displays in the Home Access Center's Career Plan page, which allows guardians and students to enter course requests. This depends on the Home Access Center District Configuration, as well as settings on students' Student Addresses and Contact pages.
Requests also can be entered by counselors and other staff on the Career Plan Requests page.
View Career Plan information
Select Scheduling > Student Schedules > Student > Career Plan.
If needed, enter criteria on the search page for a Simple or Advanced Search, and then click Load.
On the Search Results panel, click a student's Student Name link.
On the Career Plan page's View Options panel:
To view courses that have been requested but have not been assigned to a plan, select the Unassigned Courses checkbox.
For the Plans(s) checkboxes, select the graduation and supplemental plans to display.
Click Load.
Review the following for each plan:
Any messages that may display with warnings such as Insufficient Total Graduation Credits and Insufficient Subject Credit.
The Summary sections, which display an overview of each plan's subject area credits.
The subject area credit requirements and course credits for each grade level covered.
View mark reporting information for a course
Select Scheduling > Student Schedules > Student > Career Plan.
If needed, enter criteria on the search page for a Simple or Advanced Search, and then click Load.
On the Search Results panel, click a student's Student Name link to display the Career Plan page.
On a plan's Grade/Year section, click the hyperlink of the course whose mark reporting information you want to view. Hyperlinks display for current and past year courses where marks have been entered, but not for future year courses.
On the Mark Reporting Detail page, review the course's mark information.
Click Back to return to the student's Career Plan page.
View student course handbook
The View Handbook option is available only if your building's Career Planner Configuration stores a link to your student course handbook.
Select Scheduling > Student Schedules > Student > Career Plan.
If needed, enter criteria on the search page for a Simple or Advanced Search, and then click Load.
On the Search Results panel, click a student's Student Name link to display the Career Plan page.
Click (Additional options) at the upper right, and then select View Handbook. A new browser tab opens displaying the handbook.
Run Graduation Requirement calculation
Select Scheduling > Student Schedules > Student > Career Plan.
If needed, enter criteria on the search page for a Simple or Advanced Search, and then click Load.
On the Search Results panel, click a student's Student Name link to display the Career Plan page.
Click (Additional options) at the upper right, and then select Calculate. The Running Student Graduation Requirement Calculation window displays showing the calculation's progress. The window closes when the calculation is complete.
Generate Career Plan Worksheet
Select Scheduling > Student Schedules > Student > Career Plan. You can generate the worksheet for multiple students from the Career Plan Worksheet page.
If needed, enter criteria on the search page for a Simple or Advanced Search, and then click Load.
On the Search Results panel, click a student's Student Name link to display the Career Plan page.
Click (Additional options) at the upper right, and then select Print Worksheet. The Print Worksheet window displays showing the process's progress.
Use the Tasks/Reports options on the Navigation bar to retrieve the report.
Add Career Plan course requests
Select Scheduling > Student Schedules > Student > Career Plan.
If needed, enter criteria on the search page for a Simple or Advanced Search, and then click Load.
On the Search Results panel, click a student's Student Name link to display the Career Plan page.
To delete requests, select the (Delete) checkbox of each request to delete.
Click Save.
Click Back to return to the student's Career Plan page.
At the Recalculate Career Plan prompt, click Yes to run the Graduation Requirements Calculation.
Delete Career Plan course requests
Select Scheduling > Student Schedules > Student > Career Plan.
If needed, enter criteria on the search page for a Simple or Advanced Search, and then click Load.
On the Search Results panel, click a student's Student Name link to display the Career Plan page.
Click Add at the upper right to display the Career Plan Requests page.
Click (Expand) to expand the subject area section containing the requests you want to delete.
Select the (Delete) checkbox of each request to delete.
Repeat Steps 5-6 to delete requests for another subject area.
Click Save.
Click Back to return to the student's Career Plan page.
At the Recalculate Career Plan prompt, click Yes to recalculate the plan.
Grade levels and school years display at the top of columns in Summary sections. They also identify Career Plan sections. For example, 11(2017) represents 11th grade and the 2017 school year. In the field descriptions below, the columns and sections are identified as Grade Levels (School Years).
Student Information Bar
The bar, which displays on all student pages just below the Home icon and Menu button, includes options to view the student's alerts, attachments, and notes and to email the student's teachers and guardians.
View Options Panel
The following checkboxes determine the information that displays on the Career Plan page. After changing the settings, clickLoad to refresh the view.
Provides a checkbox for displaying Unassigned Courses. Checked if courses should display that do not apply to any of the listed subject areas.
Displays checkboxes for the student's Career Plan and supplemental plans. Checked if the plan indicated should display for the student. Each plan selected displays as a separate panel with Summary and Grade Level/School Year sections.
Career Plan Panel
The title of the supplementary or graduation requirement group displays on the panel's bar, which also includes the following fields:
The total number of credits the student is required to complete under this plan.
The estimated number of credits the student has completed to date under this plan. This includes credits that are in progress, completed, or requested.
Messages display below the panel's bar indicating any course or credit errors found in the student's plan when the Graduation Requirement calculation was last run. For the list of possible messages and the reasons they display, refer to Career Plan Alerts.
Summary Section
Displays a summary of each subject area's credit information.
Subject Area
Career Plan subject area. For each subject area, the system shows the student's required and estimated credits, followed by a breakdown of credits for the subject area by grade and school year. The totals credits for all the subject areas display at the bottom of the section.
The system uses an Unassigned Courses section to identify courses that either do not belong to any of the Career Plan's subject areas or have not yet been processed by the Graduation Requirement calculation. You can display unassigned courses by selecting the Unassigned Courses checkbox on the View Options panel, and then clicking Load.
Number of credits needed to complete the subject area based on the Career Plan's Graduation Requirement Setup.
Number of credits the student is on track to earn for the subject area based on courses completed, in progress, or requested.
For courses not yet completed, the system assumes the student will earn full credit unless the student has a report card mark falling below the subject area's minimum mark requirement for the mark type defined in the Graduation Requirement setup. For more information, refer to How the Graduation Requirement Calculation Processes Minimum Mark Requirements.
Grade Levels (School Years)
The academic grade levels and school years associated with the listed subject areas. Credit values display for each subject area.
Numbers in italics provide the estimated subject area credit totals, while those in bold are the current year's earned credits.
The first value is the subject area credit determined by the Graduation Requirement calculation.
The value in bold, which appears for the current year, is the total credit earned for the grade/year indicated.
Grade Level (School Year) Sections
Each grade level has its own section listing the subject areas, plus additional fields defined by the Career Plan View setup for the student's building and graduation year.
Subject Area
Career Plan subject area as assigned in the Graduation Requirements Setup.
The following fields display based on the Career Plan View. Your screen may not show all of the fields listed.
Can include the course description, course code, and section number. The combination is determined by the Career Plan View Setup.
Courses are displayed by the grade level when they were completed, scheduled, or requested. The system provides credit values for each course so you can track the student's progress toward fulfilling the overall subject area credit requirement.
The following conventions are used to indicate the course's status:
If a course is for the current year or a prior year, it displays as a hyperlink to the course's Mark Reporting Detail page. To return to the Career Plan page, click Back.
If a course is not yet complete, it displays in italics. This applies to current year courses that are in progress as well as courses requested for future grade levels.
An asterisk ( * ) indicates that the course is a district request, that is, from the District Course Catalog, since in this case, the student's next year building is not known.
If course requests are not displaying, run the Graduation Requirement calculation by selecting (Additional options), and then clicking Calculate.
Att Credit (Attempted Credit)
Number of credits the student attempted for a course, based on the student's Mark Reporting record for courses in the current year or a prior year. For future-year courses, the credit values come either from the Building Course Catalog or if the course displays an asterisk, the District Course Catalog.
The display of this field depends on the Career Plan View page.
Area Credit
Number of credits the student can earn for the course toward fulfilling the Career Plan subject area's credit requirement. For courses in progress or requested for future years, the system assumes the student will earn full credit.
The display of this field depends on the Career Plan View setup.
Earn Credit (Earned Credit
Number of credits the student earned for the course, based on the student's Mark Reporting record.
The display of this field depends on the Career Plan View setup.
Mark Type (district defined)
Mark value for the mark type indicated, such as MP (Marking Period), SEM (Semester), or FIN (Final). The information displayed is taken from the student's Mark Reporting record.
The display of these fields depends on the Career Plan View setup.
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