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Mark Reporting Detail Page

Use this page to view or change mark reporting information for the selected course-section.

You can change the attempted and earned credits for the course on this page. Mark Reporting allows credit changes at either the course level or marking period level. An administrator at your building selected how credit overrides will be entered based on the reporting needs of your district. If credit fields display in the Marks/Credits/Comments/Absences panel, then you must make credit changes at the marking period level, and the course credit will be equal to the sum of the marking period credits.

If course competencies are associated with the course, then this page displays buttons to view the report card marks or competencies.

  • Marks - Displays the report card marks, comments, and absences.
  • Competencies - Displays the student's marks for the competency groups related to the course. For more information on the fields that display in Competencies mode, refer to the Competencies Page.

You can access Mark Reporting Detail by selecting:

  • Mark Reporting > Entry & Reports > Student > Report Card Summary > click Add or click course link
  • Mark Reporting > Entry & Reports > Student > Transcript Summary > click Add or click course link
  • Mark Reporting > Entry & Reports > Student > Graduation Requirements > click course link


Student Information Bar

The bar, which displays on all student pages just below the Home icon and Menu button, includes options to view the student's alerts, attachments, and notes and to email the student's teachers and guardians.

Save Options Panel




Checked if you want to calculate the student's GPA records when you save the courses. When you save changes for a course, the Needs Recalculation checkbox is selected for the GPA records for all rank periods for the school year for the GPA Types that include this course.

If you select this option for a current-year course, the GPA Calculation will run for the current school year.

If you select this option for a prior-year course, the GPA Calculation will run for the school year of the course to the current year.

Credit Totals

Checked if you want to calculate the student's earned credit when you save the courses. The calculation runs for the current report card run as specified in the MR Building Configuration.

Mark Averages

Checked if you want to calculate the student's mark averages when you save the courses. The calculation runs for the current report card run as specified in the MR Building Configuration.

Honor Rolls

Checked if you want to calculate the student's honor roll records when you save the courses. The honor roll calculation runs for the current report card run as specified in the MR Building Configuration.

Do not select this option when you are saving prior year courses.

Course Information Panel



School YearDisplays the school year in which the course was taken.
BuildingBuilding where the course was taken. If the course was entered for a transfer building, the building description entered on the Student Transfer Detail page displays.

Displays the course-section for the course.

If you are adding a course, two fields display next to this label. In the first field, enter the course code. Then enter the section in the second field. Or search for a course-section, by clicking Search in the Section field.


If the course you selected is a transfer course, this field displays so you can change the description of the course for the student's transcript.

Otherwise, the field is display only.


Indicates the status of the course for Mark Reporting.


A - Active - to indicate that the course is active in the student's schedule.
O - Dropped/Office Graded - to indicate that the course is dropped in Scheduling, and the last grade will be issued by the office.
T - Dropped/Teacher Graded - to indicate that the course is dropped in Scheduling, and the last grade will be issued by the teacher.
N - Non-Scheduled - to indicate that the course is only active in report cards, not Scheduling. For example, if a student is taking a course at a local college, you may want to include the course in the student's grades, but not in the schedule.
R - Trailed - to indicate that the course is dropped in Scheduling, and the mark reporting information was trailed to another course.
When you add a new course, this field does not display. The status will be set to N - Non-Scheduled.


Department of the course.


Level table associated with the course. The course level indicates the level table to use for calculating averages and assigning course credit.

You cannot save updates to the level when you select the course-section from the Report Card Summary. If you want to update the Master Schedule record for the course-section, select the course-section from the Transcript Courses Summary page. If the course was entered in a non-transfer building, changing the level for the course will affect all students who have report card records for the course-section in this school year. If the course was entered in a transfer building, changing the level for courses affects only the selected student.


Displays the name of the primary teacher of the course.

Marking Periods

Displays the marking periods the student is attending the course.

If a No Symbol displays over a marking period like this

then the course meets during this marking period, but the student is not receiving a mark for the marking period.

If the course was scheduled (Status A, O, T, or R):You cannot change the marking periods for mark reporting on this page. The student may not be receiving a mark because the student added the course after the marking period or dropped the course before the marking period, or the student did not take this specific marking period and was resolved out of this marking period in scheduling.

If you added mark reporting records for a course that is not scheduled (Status N):

You can change the marking periods for mark reporting on this page. To indicate that a student is not receiving marks for a marking period, click on the marking period. The No Symbol will display over the marking period and the mark, comment, and absence fields will be disabled for that marking period. If you need to enable mark reporting for the marking period, click the marking period again to remove the No Symbol.

Dates Section

This section displays when you are adding a non-scheduled course. If your state reporting requirements indicate that enrollment dates need to be reported for non-scheduled dates, enter the student's add and drop dates for the course.



Date Added

Enter the date the student started attending the course.

Date Dropped

If the student dropped the course before it ended, enter the last date the student attended.


To delete a record, select the row's Delete checkbox, then click Save.

Marks Section



Mark Type

Rows display for the mark types for which the student can receive a mark once per year. Typically, these might be the final grade or a regents mark.

Mark Value

Student's mark for the mark type.

Depending on your district requirements, final marks may be entered manually, calculated by the Mark Averages Calculation program, or loaded from Gradebook.

Ovr (Override)

If checked, the mark entered will override any mark that would be calculated by the Mark Averages Calculation or Load from Gradebook.

Ovr (Override) Reason

Select a reason for the override. This field is inaccessible if the Ovr box is unchecked.

Override Notes (Untitled)


(Add Comment) to add a comment or click
(View/Edit Comments) to view or change a comment explaining the override. Character/255

Note that clicking this icon displays a window only if the Ovr checkbox is selected for the mark type.

Absences Section



Absence Type

Rows display any absence types that have been defined to hold year-to-date totals.

Absence Value

Class attendance total for the absence type. This value may be entered or may be calculated by the Transfer Class Attendance to RC option.

If the absence values are display only, then the MR Building Configuration is set up to not allow users to maintain attendance.

Ovr (Override)

If checked, the total entered will override the total calculated by the Transfer Class Attendance to RC option.

This field only displays if the Absence Value field allows you to enter a value. If the absence values are display only, then the MR Building Configuration is set up to not allow users to maintain attendance.

Credits Section

The fields in this section are enabled if credit is overridden at the mark reporting course level. If these fields are disabled, then credit overrides are entered at the marking period level and then the values are summed to calculate the credits shown in this section.



Credit Type

Rows display for Attempted and Earned credit totals.


The total credit for the course. The totals displayed in this section reflect the total credit for the course.

Ovr (Override)

Checked if the value entered should override system calculations.

If you select to override the attempted credit value, then the Scheduling/RC Synchronization will not update the attempted credit.

Ovr (Override) Reason

Select the override reason. This field is inaccessible if the Ovr box is unchecked.

Marks/Credits/Comments/Absences Panel

The fields in this panel are used to enter the marks, comments, and attendance totals for marking periods. Note that this section will also include rows to enter credit if the building overrides credit by marking period.

Columns display for the marking periods that the course meets. If the No Symbol displays over the marking period like this

 and the fields for the marking period are disabled, then the student is not receiving marks for a marking period that the course meets. For more information, refer to the Marking Periods field on the Course Information panel.

Marks Section



Mark Type (Unlabeled)

Rows display for the mark types for which the student can receive marks.

Mark Value (Unlabeled)

Student's mark for the mark type. An entry field displays for the marking periods for which the mark type is issued. For example, an MP mark may be available in M1, M2, M3, and M4 and a SEM mark may be available in M2 and M4.

Depending on your district requirements, marks may be entered manually, calculated by the Mark Averages Calculation program, or loaded from Gradebook.

Ovr (Override)

If checked, the mark entered will override any mark that would be calculated by the Mark Averages Calculation or Load from Gradebook.

Ovr (Override) Reason (Unlabeled)

Select a reason for the override. This field is inaccessible if the Ovr checkbox is not selected.

Override Notes (Unlabeled)


(Add Comment) to add a comment or click
View/Edit Comments) to view or change a comment explaining the override. Character/255

Note that clicking this icon displays a window only if the Ovr checkbox is selected for the mark type.

Credits Section

This section only displays if credit overrides are entered at the marking period level. These values are summed to calculate the total credits shown in the Course Information panel.

If this section does not display, then credit overrides are entered at the course level. Enter overrides in the Course Information panel.



Credit Type (Unlabeled)

Rows display for Attempted and Earned credit totals.

Credit (Unlabeled)

The credit for the marking period. An entry field displays for the marking periods in which the student can earn credit for the course. The system determines this based on the marking periods when the course receives a mark for the mark type on which credit is issued. For example, if credit is earned based on the SEM mark which is issued in M2 and M4, then credit fields display for M2 and M4.

When you update credit totals for a marking period, the credits shown in the Course Information Panel are updated to reflect the sum of the marking period credit.

Ovr (Override)

Checked if the value entered will override system calculations.

If you select to override the attempted credit value, then the Scheduling/RC Synchronization will not update the attempted credit.

Ovr (Override) Reason (Unlabeled)

Select the override reason. This field is inaccessible if the Ovr checkbox is not selected.

Comments Section



Comment Type (Unlabeled)

Rows display for the types of comments reported for the building.

Comment Value (Unlabeled)

Comment the student received for the comment type. An entry field displays for all marking periods for the course.

Absences Section



Absence Type (Unlabeled)

Rows display any absence types that have been defined to hold marking period totals.

Absence Value (Unlabeled)

Class attendance total for the absence type. This value may be entered or may be calculated by the Transfer Class Attendance to RC option.

If the absence values are display only, then the MR Building Configuration is set up to not allow users to maintain attendance.

Ovr (Override)

If checked, the total entered will override the total calculated by the Transfer Class Attendance to RC option.

This field only displays if the Absence Value field allows you to enter a value. If the absence values are display only, then the MR Building Configuration is set up to not allow users to maintain attendance.

Free Text Comments Section

This section displays only if the MR Building Configuration is defined to use free text comments for courses.



Free Text Comment (Unlabeled)

Enter comment text describing the student's performance for the marking period.

The MR Building Configuration also defines the maximum number of characters that can be used in a comment.

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