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Competencies Page

Use this page to view or enter competency marks or comments for the selected competency group for a student.

This page display either student competency or course competency information based on how you navigated to the page.

Menu Path

Competencies Displayed

Mark Reporting > Entry & Reports > Student > Student Competencies

Displays the student competency groups for the student.

Mark Reporting > Entry & Reports > Student > Report Card Summary > click course link > click Competencies

Displays the competency groups associated with the student's course.


Student Information Bar

The bar, which displays on all student pages just below the Home icon and Menu button, includes options to view the student's alerts, attachments, and notes and to email the student's teachers and guardians.

Course Information Panel

This panel displays if you are viewing competencies for a course.



School Year

Displays the school year in which the course was taken.


Building where the course was taken.


Displays the course-section for the course.


Description of the course.


Indicates the status of the course for Mark Reporting.

A - Active - the course is active in the student's schedule.
O - Dropped/Office Graded - the course is dropped in Scheduling, and the last grade will be issued by the office.
T - Dropped/Teacher Graded - the course is dropped in Scheduling, and the last grade will be issued by the teacher.
N - Non-Scheduled - the course is only active in report cards, not Scheduling. For example, if a student is taking a course at a local college, you may want to include the course in the student's grades, but not in the schedule.
R - Trailed - the course is dropped in Scheduling, and the mark reporting information was trailed to another course.


Department of the course.


Level table associated with the course. The course level indicates the level table to use for calculating averages and assigning course credit.

You cannot save updates to the level when you select the course-section from the Report Card Summary. If you want to update the Master Schedule record for the course-section, select the course-section from the Transcript Courses Summary page. If the course was entered in a non-transfer building, changing the level for the course will affect all students who have report card records for the course-section in this school year. If the course was entered in a transfer building, changing the level for courses affects only the selected student.


Displays the name of the primary teacher of the course.

Marking Periods

Displays the marking periods for the course.

Selections Panel



Competency Group

Select the competency group for which you want to view or enter marks or comments.

Competencies Panel

This panel displays the competency information for the selected competency group.

For student competency groups, if the student has transferred buildings during the school year and competencies were built for multiple buildings, the competencies for each building will be listed separately.



Teacher assigned to the student for this competency group. This field displays if you are viewing student competencies, but does not display when viewing course competencies.


Name of the competency being assessed.

Mark Columns

Mark that the student earned in the competency for the mark type and marking period duration.

The grading scale that is available for a competency is selected in the Competency Setup option.

Ovr (Override)

If checked, the override prevents teachers from loading the mark from Gradebook in Teacher Access Center.

Comment Columns

Comment the student received for this comment type for the marking period.

The comment codes which are available for a comment type are based on your building's setup.

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