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Student Addresses Page

Use this page to manage a student's address and telephone information, including histories of related changes. The page also stores the student's language of correspondence, email address, Home Access Center (HAC) login ID and password, and contact links, as well as flags for HAC access, school transportation, and the types of correspondence to send.

Use the Living With field to link addresses for contacts and students:

  • If you update a contact’s address, the student's address automatically updates along with any other student living with the contact.

  • The contact's address updates if you change a student's address.

Manage Physical and Mailing Addresses

You can specify if the student's mailing and physical addresses are the same. When the addresses are the same, only the Mailing Addresses section displays on the Addresses panel. If you enter a separate physical address, the Physical Address section also displays.

  1. From the Registration menu, choose Entry & Reports, then Student Demographic, and then select Addresses.

  2. If the Student Search page displays, search for the appropriate student, and then click the student's name link.

  3. On the Address panel's title bar, click Additional options:

    • Select Different Physical Address to display the Physical Address section. Enter the physical address for the student.

    • Select Same as Mailing Address.

  4. Click Save.

Manage Address Information

  1. From the Registration menu, choose Entry & Reports, then Student Demographic, and then select Addresses.

  2. If the Student Search page displays, search for the appropriate student, and then click the student's name link.

  3. Update address information as needed. If your district uses GeoCode, proceed to the next step. If not, skip to Step 8.

  4. Click Additional options on the Geo Code Information section and select Search Plan Areas. The physical address determines the student's GeoCode plan area.

  5. Select a plan area from the Search Results of the Plan Area Search dialog.

  6. Click OK. If the new address results in a different GeoCode plan area, the Plan Area Number and the corresponding Building of Residence fields in the GeoCode Information section update.

  7. If the new address results in a change to the Building of Residence, you must do one of the following:

    • Update the Building or Override Building of Residence in the Next Year section.

    • Update Override Building of Residence and Override Reason or register the student in the building that matches the new Building of Residence.

  8. Click Save.

  9. If other contacts are linked to this address, a warning indicates changes to the student's address will update the contact information for all other students linked to this student's Living With contact. Click Yes to continue. If you click No, the update will not save.

  10. If other contacts are linked to this address and you selected Yes in step 9, the Update Other Addresses dialog displays. Select the appropriate contacts or students in the Living With Contacts and Other Students Living With panels. To apply changes and update any contacts to the Living With contact, click OK. Otherwise, click Cancel.

Address and Phone History

  1. From the Registration menu, choose Entry & Reports, then Student Demographic, and then select Addresses.

  2. If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, and then click the student's name link.

  3. On the Address panel title bar, click Additional options, and select one of the following:

    1. Address History

    2. Phone History

Manage Phone Numbers

  1. From the Registration menu, choose Entry & Reports, then Student Demographic, and then select Addresses.

  2. If the Student Search page displays, search for the appropriate student, and then click the student's name link.

  3. To add a phone number, click Add on the Phone panel title bar.

  4. In the blank row, enter the phone information, and then click Save.

  5. To delete a phone number, select the rows in the delete column, and then click Save.

Search a GeoCode Plan Area

  1. From the Registration menu, choose Entry & Reports, then Student Demographic, and then select Addresses.

  2. If the Student Search page displays, search for the appropriate student, and then click the student's name link.

  3. In the Addresses Panel's Geo Code Information section, click Additional options, and select Search Plan Areas.

  4. To modify the search, enter new values in the Search Criteria section, and then click Load.

  5. Select the row in the Search Results section that matches the student's address. Click OK to populate the Building of Residence with appropriate building for the student's grade in the Current Year and Next Year sections of the Geo Code Information section.

  6. If the student's address does not match any plan area, click No Plan Area. The Building of Residence fields in the Current Year and Next Year sections will clear.

Unlock and Impersonate HAC User Accounts

  1. From the Registration menu, choose Entry & Reports, then Student Demographic, and then select Addresses.

  2. If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, and then click the student's name link.

  3. Click Additional options on the Email and Login panel and select one of the following:

    • Unlock User Account - HAC

    • Impersonate - HAC


Student Information Bar

The bar, which displays on all student pages just below the Home icon and Menu button, includes options to view the student's alerts, attachments, and notes and to email the student's teachers and guardians.

General Panel




Salutation to print on letters for the student.

Language of Correspondence

Language to use for correspondence with the student.

Attendance, behavior, and medical letters can be sent in the language of correspondence if:

  • Use Language For Mailing is selected for the student

  • The building has set up letters to print in multiple languages.

All information included in the letter from the merge prints in English.

If your district uses alternate languages in Home Access Center (HAC), the student's language of correspondence serves as the default language in HAC. If this field is left blank or the language selected is not designated as a HAC alternate language, one of the following is used:

  • The default language specified in the Home Access Center District Configuration page's Students tab

  • The English translation provided by PowerSchool if a default is not specified.

Use Language For Mailings

Select if the student's language should be used for mailings sent to the student.

  • If blank, mailings are sent in the default language defined for each mailing.

  • If mailings are not defined for the language, letters will be sent in the default language. For example, if a building only sends letters in English and Spanish and the default language is English, students whose language is Korean will be sent in English.

Employer Name

The student's employer.

Email and Login Panel

The Primary Email Address and Additional Email Addresses only display if your district enables multiple email addresses for students. Otherwise, only the Email Address field displays.



Primary Email Address

The student's email address.

If you allow students to use HAC, an email address is required for a student to register.

Combinations of the following characters are accepted in an address:

  • Before the @ symbol, A-Z (upper or lower), 0-9, dot, underscore, percent, plus, and dash.

  • After the @ symbol, but before the last dot, A-Z (upper or lower), 0-9, and dash, each group ending with a dot and using as many groups as needed.

  • After the last dot, A-Z (upper or lower), using 2-4 characters.

Additional Email Addresses

Enter any additional email addresses for the student.

Use Email For Mailing

Select if mailings should be sent to the student's email address.

The status of this flag is included in the mail merge data for Attendance, Discipline, and Medical Letters. When you merge letters in Microsoft Word, you can use this flag to select letters that should be sent to email addresses.

Login ID

The student's login ID for HAC access.

Global ID

If the district supports single-sign on for students, indicates the unique ID for this person in the external identity provider.

Note that if you change the Login ID for a student, the student's Global ID will also be cleared. If the Login ID is being corrected and the existing Global ID is still correct, copy the Global ID so you can paste it back into the Global ID field after you change the Login ID.


The student's password for HAC access. Enter a password if you are enabling the account or changing the password. Your district's configuration determines the length and complexity requirements of passwords.

The display of the Password field depends on your security resources. If you have access to the field and the student already has a password, you will see a message indicating that. Note that you do not have access to the student’s current password, but you can enter a new password for students.

Password Last Changed

The last date the student's password was changed.

Last Login Date

If the student has a HAC account, this field displays the last date the student logged in.

If the student is locked out of HAC, a message indicates the date and time the account was locked.

To manually unlock the student's account, click Additional options on the title bar of the panel, and select Unlock User Account - HAC.

If the lockout period has expired before you manually unlock the student's account, a message will display indicating the account lockout period has expired. The student can now log in.

Change Password on Next Login

Select to require the student's HAC password to change the next time the student logs into HAC. Your district can mass update this field if you want to force password changes each year.

The display of this field depends on your security resources.

Onboard Token Used Date

Indicates the last date that the student's Onboard Token was used to login to Unified Classroom.

Student/Contact Relationship Panel - Access Section




Additional notes, if needed.

HAC Access

Checked if the student can use Home Access Center (HAC). An email address is required on the Email and Login panel for the student to register for a HAC account.

Update in Enrollment

Checked if the contact can submit an Enrollment update form to update demographic and contact information.

Student/Contact Relationship Panel - Print Flags Section

Determines what reports or letters are sent to the student. To select or unselect all print flags, click the Select box.

Phone Panel



Phone Priority

Enter an integer value to assign a priority to this phone. Integer

Phone Type

Indicates the type of phone number, such as cell phone, home phone, or work phone.

Phone Number

The student's phone number.

  • If you enter seven digits, the phone number automatically formats to 999-9999.

  • If you enter ten digits, the phone number automatically formats to (999) 999-9999.

Do not enter 1 to indicate that 1 should be dialed first.


The phone number's extension, if applicable.

Listing Status

Indicates if the number is Listed or Unlisted.

Addresses Panel - Mailing and Physical Addresses Sections

The fields that display are based on whether your District Definition page has Simple Address Format checked and whether your Registration District Configuration page requires a street prefix or suffix.

For the mailing address, if there is a PO Box without a street address, enter the PO Box information in the Street field, for example, PO Box 1234. If the address does include a street name and number, enter the PO Box information in the apartment Complex field.

If the Physical Address section does not display, the student's physical and mailing address are the same. To enter a physical address different from the mailing address, select Additional options on the Student section and click Different Physical Address. If the addresses were previously different an are now the same, select Additional options and click Same as Mailing Address.




The apartment number.


The apartment or housing complex name.

House Number (unlabeled)

The house number.

Street Prefix (unlabeled)

The street's prefix, such as East or West, which only displays if your district uses complex address formats and requires a street prefix/suffix.

Street (unlabeled)

If your district uses complex address formats, the street name excluding the prefix or suffix.

If your district uses simple address formats, the full street name, including any prefix, suffix, and street type, for example, West Broad Street.

Street Type (unlabeled)

The type of street, such as ST, DR, or AVE, which only displays if your district uses the complex address format.

Street Suffix (unlabeled)

The street suffix, such as Northeast or Southwest, which only displays if your district uses the complex address format and requires a street prefix or suffix.

City (unlabeled)

The student's city.

State (unlabeled)

The student's state.

Zip Code (unlabeled)

The student's five or nine-digit zip code.

  • If the zip code field is blank after you select a plan area, enter the zip code. Your ability to change the code depends on your district's setup.

  • If the zip code was provided through a GeoCode plan area, you cannot change the zip code.


Name of the development associated with the address.

Delivery Point

The two digits used for the address's delivery point. Typically, this is the last two digits of the value entered in the House Number field.

You only need to enter a delivery point if your district prints a delivery point barcode on mailings.

Transportation Section



Transport to school

Select if the student is transported to school from this address.

Transport from school

Select if the student is transported from school to this address.

Geo Code Information Section

This section only displays if your district uses Geo Code.



Plan Area Number

The Plan Area Number of the student's address. This field is display only.

Home Building Type

Displays the Building of Residence Type for the selected Plan Area, for example, Secondary Language Building or Primary Building of Residence.

Current Year and Next Year Sections




The student's building. This can only be changed from the Entry/Withdrawal page.

Building of Residence

The Student's Building of Residence.

Override Building of Residence


  • N - No Override

  • R - Needs Review

  • L - Locked

Override Reason

Select the override reason. This field is required if you override the Building of Residence.

Other Student Relationships

This is a display-only panel that displays all students for whom this student is a contact.

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