Use this page to define course or credit requirements for requirement groups defined as career plans. Courses can be selected for each subject area listed in the Requirement Code field of the Graduation Requirements Setup Page. You can choose which courses are suggested, whether courses are required, what grade level is suggested for each course, and how many credits are suggested for each grade level. The system compares this information to each student's Mark Reporting information when you run the Graduation Requirements calculation, and warnings are tracked as appropriate on the Graduation Requirements Page and the Career Plan for Student.
Courses are listed if they exist in the District Course Catalog and are set up with the appropriate subject area. For more information, refer to Using the District Course Catalog.
If the Career Plan Courses option is disabled on the Graduation Requirements Setup Page, then the requirement group has not been saved as a career plan. To save a requirement group as a career plan, select the Career Plan checkbox, and click Save.
Subject areas need to be assigned to courses in the District Course Catalog Page.
View courses and suggested credit for a graduation requirement
Select Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > Calculation Setup > Graduation Requirements Setup > click a Requirement Group > click (Additional options) and select Career Plan Courses.
Add courses to a graduation requirement
Select Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > Calculation Setup > Graduation Requirements Setup > click a Requirement Group > click (Additional options) and select Career Plan Courses.
In the open row at the bottom of a subject area's Suggested Courses section, complete the fields as needed.
Click Save.
Change values for suggested courses
Select Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > Calculation Setup > Graduation Requirements Setup > click a Requirement Group > click (Additional options) and select Career Plan Courses.
Chang e values as needed.
Click Save.
Delete suggested courses from a graduation requirement
Select Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > Calculation Setup > Graduation Requirements Setup > click a Requirement Group > click (Additional options) and select Career Plan Courses
Select the (Delete) checkbox for each record to delete.
Click Save.
Graduation Requirement Panel
Requirement Group
The graduation requirement group of the setup.
Graduation Year
The graduation year for the students that this set of requirements applies to.
Panels For Each Subject Area
Each subject area panel corresponds to a Requirement Code row from the Graduation Requirements Setup page. Each panel has Suggested Credit Per Grade and Suggested Courses sections.
Suggested Credit Per Grade Section
Each grade from the Career Plan Grades field of the Graduation Requirements Setup page displays as a grid header.
Suggested Credit for Grade
Number of credits suggested for students to take at each grade level defined in the Career Plan. Decimal/6,4
Suggested/Required Course Credit Totals
Displays the total credits from grade level selections in the Suggested Courses section.
Suggested Courses Section
This section displays the list of courses assigned to the subject area.
Selected courses display in a special section on the detail page for Student Career Planner subject area course requests. For more information, refer to the Career Plan Requests Page.
Selected courses also display in a special section for parents in Home Access Center if your building allows HAC course requests through the Career Plan option. For related information, refer to the Home Access Center Building Configuration.
Two values display: the course code from the Course Catalog and the course's description. To add a new suggested course, complete the fields in the empty bottom row. Click Search to select district catalog courses in the subject area for the requirement group. For detailed information about the District Course Catalog, refer to Using the District Course Catalog.
The building displays for Building level courses.
Displays the department of the course from the Course Catalog.
Displays the credit for the course from the Course Catalog.
Suggest Course Grade List
Select the grades for the suggested courses. Select codes from the field's drop-down list, or click (asterisk) to select all codes, then remove any that do not apply.
Make Required
Checked if the suggested course should be required.
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