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District Course Catalog Utility Page

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Use this option for one of the following purposes:

  • To produce a report showing codes in your Building and District Course Catalogs.
  • To download courses from the District Course Catalog to a specific Building Course Catalog.
  • To upload courses to the District Course Catalog from an existing Building Course Catalog and distribute the courses to other building catalogs.

For additional information on the District Course Catalog, refer to Using the District Course Catalog.


Once you run the District Course Catalog Utility, you cannot undo your changes. Back up your database tables first so that you can restore your original data if you are not satisfied with the results.

Create the Analysis Report for Courses

The Analysis Report for Courses lets you compare a building's courses with course records in all other catalogs at the district and building levels. The report shows cases where a course in the selected building shares the same code with courses in other buildings. This is only a concern if the course records that have duplicate codes are different.

Using the report, you can assess the potential impact of uploading courses from a building and distributing them to other buildings. You then can decide whether to use the Filter panel to restrict processing to selected courses.

  1. Select Scheduling > Utilities > Setup Utilities > District Course Catalog Utility.
  2. Select the building to use as the basis for the report.
  3. Select Create Analysis Report for Courses.
  4. If needed, use the Filter panel to focus the report on specific buildings or courses.
  5. Click Run.
  6. Review the Analysis Report for Courses to determine the course codes shared between buildings.

Download Courses from the District Course Catalog

Use this procedure to download course records from the district catalog to a specific building. The utility downloads district courses that share the same Building Type as the selected building.

Refer to the Prompts Panel below for additional information.

  1. Select Scheduling > Utilities > Setup Utilities > District Course Catalog Utility.
  2. Select the building whose catalog you want to update.
  3. Select Download Courses from District Catalog.
  4. Use the Build Catalog field to determine whether the download only should add courses the selected building's catalog does not include or whether it should replace all courses.
  5. If needed, use the Filter panel to limit the courses to process.
  6. Click Run.
  7. Review the Generate District Course Catalog report to determine the results of the download, including any errors identified in the courses affected.

Upload Courses to the District Course Catalog

The following steps show how to create District Course Catalog records by uploading courses from a selected building. The building's courses also are copied to other Building Course Catalogs.

Refer to the Prompts Panel below for additional information.

  1. Select Scheduling > Utilities > Setup Utilities > District Course Catalog Utility.
  2. Select the building to use for uploading courses to the district catalog and selected building catalogs.
  3. Select Upload Courses to District Catalog.
  4. Select the Building Types for the Building Course Catalogs you want to update.
  5. Use the Build Catalog field to determine whether the upload only should add courses a catalog does not include or whether it should replace all courses.
  6. If needed, use the Filter panel to limit the courses to process.
  7. Click Run.
  8. Review the Generate District Course Catalog report to determine the results of the download, including any errors identified in the courses affected.


Prompts Panel




Select one of the following, depending on the Action you are performing:

  • The building you are using for generating the Analysis Report for Courses. The report shows cases where information for the building courses are duplicated in catalogs at the district and building levels.
  • The building whose Building Course Catalog you want to update with the District Course Catalog.
  • The building whose courses are being uploaded to the District Course Catalog. The courses also will be distributed to Building Course Catalogs, as identified by the Building Types you select.


The action the utility should perform.


Create Analysis Report for Courses - to generate a report showing courses from the selected building that have duplicated course codes in at least one existing Building Course Catalog. Generate this report before running a download or upload so you can see the potential impact on courses in your catalogs.
Download Courses from District Catalog - to update the selected building's catalog with courses downloaded from the District Course Catalog that have the same Building Type.
Upload Courses to District Catalog - to update the District Course Catalog by uploading courses from the selected Building Course Catalog. The building's courses also are distributed to other building catalogs based on the Building Types you select.

Distribute Catalog to Building Type(s)

Select the checkbox for each Building Type assigned to the buildings whose catalogs you want to update.

When you upload courses from a building to the District Course Catalog, you also distribute the building's courses to other buildings. For example, to distribute courses to all high schools and middle schools, select the checkbox for both Building Types.

The Building Type checkboxes only apply to the Upload Courses to District Catalog option.

Build Catalog

Selection determining the extent of updates to District and Building Course Catalogs. This setting does not apply to the Create Analysis Report for Courses option.


Only Add Courses Not Currently Defined in District Catalog - to update the appropriate catalogs with course records they currently do not include.

  • If you are downloading courses from the district catalog to a building, the utility adds courses that exist for the district but are not in the selected building's catalog.
  • If you are uploading courses from a building, the utility adds courses that exist for the source building but are not in the district catalog. Building catalogs are updated with these courses based on the Building Types you select.
    All Courses in Prompted Building - to replace courses with all course records from the respective catalog.
  • If you are downloading courses, the utility replaces the selected building's catalog with the District Course Catalog.
  • If you are uploading courses, the utility replaces the appropriate catalogs, as determined by Building Type, with the selected Building Course Catalog.

The Filter panel can be used with both options to limit the download or upload as needed.

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