This page displays the information for the graduation requirement setup. The graduation requirement setups specify the credit requirements for subject areas. Setups are defined based on a requirement group and graduation year.
This page includes an option to define tag rules which allow you to define relationships for courses within the subject area so you can identify classes the students should take in combination to complete requirements. These fields are used by the Graduation Requirements to calculate Career Planner alerts. These alerts display on the student's Career Plan and Graduation Requirements pages and in the Graduation Requirements reports.
The Graduation Requirements Calculation calculates these alerts only if the student's building has a Career Planner Configuration. If the buildings in your district are not configured to use Career Planner, do not specify tag rules.
For tasks related to setting up subject area tag rules, refer to Subject Area Tag Rules.
If needed, enter criteria on the search page for a Simple or Advanced Search, and then click Load.
Select the (Delete) checkbox for each record to delete.
Click Yes.
General Panel
These fields identify the requirement setup.
Requirement Group
The graduation requirement group of the setup. The requirements in this setup apply to students who are assigned to this requirement group on the Academic page.
The MS requirement group applies to all students who do not have a requirement group value.
Graduation Year
The year of graduation for the students that this set of requirements applies to.
Mark Type for Minimum Mark Requirement
Use this field if you require that students meet a minimum mark threshold for courses to earn credit toward graduation requirement subject areas. Select the report card mark types the system should check to assess minimum mark requirements through the Graduation Requirements calculation.
If a minimum mark requirement is defined and a student's mark falls below the minimum mark, then the Graduation Requirements Calculation will not assign subject area credit to the subject area even if the student has attempted and/or earned credit for the course.
In addition, if the student's building is configured for Career Planner, then the Graduation Requirements Calculation will create a Career Planner alert indicating the student's mark did not meet minimum requirement. The alerts are printed at the top of the student's requirements in the Graduation Requirement report and on the student's Career Plan and Graduation Requirements pages.
Typically, you would select the mark types defined in your high schools' Course Credit setups, but this is not a required practice. For advice on selecting mark types for subject area minimum mark processing, refer to Considerations for Defining Mark Requirements.
Refer to Overview of Minimum Mark Requirements for a detailed explanation of how minimum marks are applied to subject areas through the Graduation Requirements calculation.
If you do not have minimum marks requirements, leave this field blank.
Career Plan
Checked if the graduation requirement setup is for a Career Plan tracked in Career Planner. Leave the box unchecked if the setup only applies to Graduation Requirements.
If you check this box for a graduation requirement group, the Graduation Requirements Calculation tracks alerts on the Graduation Requirements page as well as warnings on the Career Plan page.
This field displays only if your district has a license key for Career Planner.
If you uncheck this box and then save the Graduation Requirement Setup, you will delete all Career Plan course setups for the subject areas.
Career Plan Grades
Grades for which you want to define the Career Plan, if the graduation requirement setup is for a plan. For example, if you want to create a four-year plan for students in high school from grade 09 through grade 12, select 09, 10, 11, and 12.
Typically, students will be entering requests using the career plan that applies to their next grade level. For example, a student in grade 08 would be defining his or her plan for grade 09 and up.
This field displays only if your district has a license key for Career Planner and the field is only accessible when the Career Plan checkbox is selected.
Requirements Panel
These fields define the graduation requirement area and credit or value requirements for the requirement group.
The order of the records affects the order that subject area requirements are displayed. To change the order, click the tab to the left of the Requirement Code field and drag and drop to the desired location.
Requirement Code
Select the graduation requirement subject area.
Required Credit
The credit the student must earn in the graduation requirement area to graduate. For example, if a student must earn 4.0 credits for English, enter 4. Required credit must be entered for subject areas.
If a subject area can receive credit, but does not require a set amount of credit, enter 0 (zero). Then it is used as an overflow subject area. For example, if a student is required to take 3 credits of English and all other credits taken in the English subject area should be applied to the Elective subject area, enter 0 for Elective. Note that the Graduation Requirement report will only include a subject area with 0 required credit if a course has been applied to the subject area.
Minimum Mark
Minimum mark value a student must receive in order to get subject area credit. The Graduation Requirements calculation compares student marks based on the point value from the Level table. If the student's mark has a point value that is lower than the selected mark, the student has not met the minimum mark requirement.
If a minimum mark requirement is defined and a student's mark falls below the minimum mark, then the Graduation Requirements Calculation will not assign subject area credit to the subject area even if the student has attempted and/or earned credit for the course.
In addition, if the student's building is configured for Career Planner, then the Graduation Requirements Calculation will create a Career Planner alert indicating the student's mark did not meet minimum requirement. The alerts are printed at the top of the student's requirements in the Graduation Requirement report and on the student's Career Plan and Graduation Requirements pages.
If you do not use minimum marks for graduation requirement groups or if no threshold applies to a particular subject area, leave this field blank.
Refer to Overview of Minimum Mark Requirements for a detailed explanation of how minimum marks are applied to subject areas through the Graduation Requirements Calculation.
To use the subject area minimum mark value feature for graduation requirement groups, your district needs matching Level table setups for all buildings. This is because graduation requirement and Career Planner groups are defined at the district level.
Tag Rules
Click Add to add or Edit to view and edit tag rules for a subject area. Use Tag Rules if you need to organize the subject area into groups of courses so you can apply credit rules. The rules describe the possible ways students can fulfill the subject area's credit requirements. For more information, refer to Overview of Subject Area Tag Rules.
If a student's courses do not meet a tag rule for the requirement group, then Graduation Requirements Calculation will create a Career Planner alert indicating the student's mark did not meet minimum requirement. The alerts are printed at the top of the student's requirements in the Graduation Requirement report and on the student's Career Plan and Graduation Requirements pages.
The Graduation Requirements Calculation processes tag rules and creates alerts only if the building selected is configured for Career Planner. If buildings in your district do not use Career Planner, then do not enter tag rules.
Required Value
Numeric value that indicates the requirement for a value area. For example, if your district has a requirement that students complete 40 hours of community service, enter 40.
The value a student has earned is entered on the Value Requirements section on the Graduation Requirements page (Mark Reporting > Entry & Reports > Student > Graduation Requirements).
Text to indicate how the required value is measured. For example, if your district has a requirement that students complete 40 hours of community service, enter Hours. Character/30
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