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Subject Area Tag Rules Page

On this page:

Use this page to set up rules to specify the sets of courses that should be taken together for a subject area. If a student does not meet the rules you establish here, an alert warning will be created for the student's career plan or graduation requirement subject area when you run the Graduation Requirement Calculation. For an explanation of how tag rules can be used, refer to Overview of Subject Area Tag Rules.

Set up subject area tag rules after you create the subject area tags and associate them with the appropriate courses. The tag rules then express how students should take courses within the course tag groupings in order to fulfill the subject area. You will create a separate tag rule option for each possible way students can meet the credit requirements.

If the buildings in your district are not configured for Career Planner, then the tag rule feature does not apply; the Graduation Requirements calculation will not create alerts. Do not set up tag rules for your graduation requirement groups.

View subject area tag rules

  1. Select Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > Calculation Setup > Graduation Requirements Setup.
  2. If needed, enter criteria on the search page for a Simple or Advanced Search, and then click Load.
  3. On the Search Results panel, click the requirement group's link for the appropriate graduation year.
  4. Search for the requirement group and year, then click its link.
  5. Click Edit in the Tag Rules column for the subject area.
  6. Click Back to return to the Graduation Requirements Setup page.

Add subject area tag rules

Note that in order to add rules you must first associate tags with this subject area for courses.

  1. Select Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > Calculation Setup > Graduation Requirements Setup.
  2. If needed, enter criteria on the search page for a Simple or Advanced Search, and then click Load.
  3. On the Search Results panel, click the requirement group's link for the appropriate graduation year.
  4. Click Add in the Tag Rules column for the subject area.
  5. To add a rule, click Add on the Tag Rules panel.
  6. Complete fields as needed.
  7. To add another rule, repeat Steps 4-5.
  8. Click Save.
  9. Click Back to return to the Graduation Requirements Setup page.

Add a new tag and assign to courses

  1. Select Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > Calculation Setup > Graduation Requirements Setup.
  2. If needed, enter criteria on the search page for a Simple or Advanced Search, and then click Load.
  3. On the Search Results panel, click the requirement group's link for the appropriate graduation year.
  4. Click Add or Edit in the Tag Rules column for the subject area.
  5. On the Subject Area Tag Rules page's Tags panel, click Add.
  6. On the Assign Tags to Courses page, enter the tag code.
  7. Use the Filter panel to define the criteria to select the courses to assign the tag to.
  8. Click Load.
  9. Review the list of courses. To assign the tag to the course, select the Include checkbox.
  10. Click Save.
  11. Click Back to return to the Subject Area Tag Rules page.

Assign courses to tag

This task describes the process to assign a tag to many courses. You can also add and edit tags using the Course Catalog.

  1. Select Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > Calculation Setup > Graduation Requirements Setup.
  2. If needed, enter criteria on the search page for a Simple or Advanced Search, and then click Load.
  3. On the Search Results panel, click the requirement group's link for the appropriate graduation year.
  4. Click Add or Edit in the Tag Rules column for the subject area.
  5. On the Subject Area Tag Rules page's Tags panel, click the tag's link.
  6. On the Assign Tags to Courses page, use the Filter panel to define the criteria to select the courses to assign the tag to.
  7. Click Load.
  8. Review the list of courses. To assign the tag to the course, select the Include checkbox.
  9. Click Save.
  10. Click Back to return to the Subject Area Tag Rules page.

Remove tag for courses

  1. Select Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > Calculation Setup > Graduation Requirements Setup.
  2. If needed, enter criteria on the search page for a Simple or Advanced Search, and then click Load.
  3. On the Search Results panel, click the requirement group's link for the appropriate graduation year.
  4. Click Add or Edit in the Tag Rules column for the subject area.
  5. On the Subject Area Tag Rules page's Tags panel, click the tag's link.
  6. To remove the tag for the course, clear the Include checkbox.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Click Back to return to the Subject Area Tag Rules page.

Change rules

  1. Select Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > Calculation Setup > Graduation Requirements Setup.
  2. If needed, enter criteria on the search page for a Simple or Advanced Search, and then click Load.
  3. On the Search Results panel, click the requirement group's link for the appropriate graduation year.
  4. Click Edit in the Tag Rules column for the subject area.
  5. As needed, make changes to the rules. To delete rows for a rule, select the
    (Delete) checkbox.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Click Back to return to the Graduation Requirements Setup page.

Delete rules

  1. Select Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > Calculation Setup > Graduation Requirements Setup.
  2. If needed, enter criteria on the search page for a Simple or Advanced Search, and then click Load.
  3. On the Search Results panel, click the requirement group's link for the appropriate graduation year.
  4. Click Edit in the Tag Rules column for the subject area.
  5. To delete a rule, click the
    (Delete) icon in the column header to select the Delete checkbox for all rows in the rule.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Click Back to return to the Graduation Requirements Setup page.


Plan/Subject Area Information Panel

These fields identify the subject area for which you are creating credit rules using course tags. The section's fields are all display-only.



Requirement Group

Graduation or Career Planner requirement group associated with the subject area for which you are establishing course tag credit rules.

Graduation Year

Graduation year for the graduation requirement group. Graduation requirement groups and Career Plans (supplementary groups) are assigned to students based on Requirement Group and Graduation Year from the Student Center's Academic page.

Requirement Code

Subject area for which you are defining or viewing course tag credit rules. The system uses the rules created on this page to determine a student's progress toward fulfilling the subject area for the associated graduation requirement group or Career Plan. These rules are checked when you run the Graduation Requirement calculation.

Required Credit

Number of credits a student needs to complete to fulfill the subject area. Each rule you define for the tag rule will establish the possible ways the student can earn credit for the subject area, indicating how many credits need to come from courses using a particular course tag.

Tags Panel

These fields give you a quick-reference list of the course tags already set up for this subject area. You will use these tags to set up the credit rules.

Click Add on this panel to add another tag for the subject area.




Label identifying the course tag. The listed tags are available for selecting when you set up credit rules in the Tag Rules panel.

To display the courses associated with a particular tag, click the appropriate Tag link.

Number of Courses

Number of courses using the course tag. Tags can be assigned to a course through the Assign Tags to Courses page or the Course Catalog.

Tag Rules Panel

Sections display for each rule you have defined for the subject area. Define a rule for each possible way students can meet the credit requirement. Refer to Use Multiple Rules When Students Can Meet Requirements in Multiple Ways for more information on defining rules.




Operator indicating how a row of tag rule information relates to the previous one. Select:

And if the student needs to satisfy the credit requirements in both rows, for example 1.0 credit from course tag A1 AND 1.0 credit from course tag B1.
Or if the student can satisfy the credit requirement in one row or the other, for example 1.0 credit from course tag A1 OR 1.0 credit from course tag B1.
Avoid using both operators within the same tag rule option. In other words, no single rule should have both an And statement and an Or statement.


Course tag for the rule. For each row of tag rule information, you select a Tag, number of credits, and relationship to the previous row of information.


Number of credits the student needs to complete from courses associated with the selected Tag. Decimal/6,4


Checked if you want to delete the row of tag rule information.

If you delete a row of tag rule information, make sure to review the rule's And/Or values to verify the logic correctly expresses credit fulfillment rules for the subject area.

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