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House Bill 410 Procedural Outline

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Administration > General Setup > District > Validation Tables

Set up records you will need for tracking the HB 410 student data required by EMIS. Specifically, the records are needed for student entry on the HB 410 district-defined page.

In the Ohio Notification Criteria table, add a code and description for each absence threshold you will track through Attendance Communications:

  • Excessive absences of 38 hours in month with or without an excuse. Assign State Code Equiv value of A.
  • Excessive absences of 65 hours in a school year with or without an excuse. Assign State Code Equiv value of A.
  • Habitual truancy due to 42 hours absent in a month without an excuse. Assign State Code Equiv value of B.
  • Habitual truancy due to 72 hours absent in a year without an excuse. Assign State Code Equiv of B.
  • Habitual truancy due to 30 consecutive hours absent without an excuse. Assign State Code Equiv of B.

Note: The Notification Criteria Code State Code Equivs determine how the Student Download reports dates for the EMIS FT record. The A value identifies an excessive absence record. The B value identifies a habitual truancy record. Refer to the HB 410 Student Entry section for an explanation of how these State Code Equivs affect the FT download records.

In the Ohio Violation Code table, add codes and descriptions categorizing ways in which a student could violate a court order due to chronic truancy. Your district defines these codes. Currently, they are not collected for EMIS reporting. You can use the codes on the student HB 410 page.

Administration > General Setup > District District Defined > OH HB410 Shared/Transferred Attendance

If you need to count students' shared and transferred attendance times toward assessing HB410 absence thresholds, make sure you save settings on the OH HB410 Shared/Transferred Attendance district page. Refer to OH HB410 Shared/Transferred Attendance for field descriptions.

You only need this page saved if you use shared and transferred attendance for HB410 notification processing.

Administration > Attendance Setup > Setup > Attendance Codes

Confirm the Use Arrive and Use Dismiss fields for your Attendance Codes have the Optional setting. This allows teachers using TAC to accurately record arrival time for tardy students and dismissal time for early departures.

Administration > Attendance Setup > Setup > Attendance Building Configuration

You can track HB 410 absence thresholds using any of the three Period Type settings, Homeroom, Period, or Timeslot. For Period and Timeslot attendance, if you select the Use Timetable box, period times come from the building's Scheduling Timetable. If you do not select Use Timetable, you need to set up Start and End Times using the Attendance Periods option.

Note: If you do not take period times from the Scheduling Timetable, you lose the flexibility of basing the Consecutive Hours calculation on a student's scheduled periods. If you do base period times on the Scheduling Timetable, you have greater flexibility in terms of what times count toward calculating Consecutive Hours. Unscheduled time gets ignored, and you can also schedule the student in course-sections that do not take attendance. The Attendance Notification Calculation skips courses not taking attendance when it assesses Consecutive Hours.

Administration > Attendance > Setup > Intervals
Set up an Interval record for each month in the school year when students have attendance taken.

  • Use Interval Type of Month for each record.
  • For Begin Span and End Span, select the month that applies, using the same month in both fields for a given record. For example, the record for March uses March as the Begin and End Span selections.
  • Select the Sum by Att box for each record.

Administration > Attendance Setup > Setup > Attendance Periods

In cases where the building takes Homeroom attendance, define the homeroom period Start and End Times.

You also need Start and End Times when attendance periods or timeslots are not referencing the Scheduling Timetable. For attendance periods not connected to the Timetable, the End and Start Times must overlap from one period to the next. For example, suppose one period ends at 11:40 AM. The next period needs to begin at 11:40 AM.

For attendance periods in a Multiple Building Scheduling building, verify the correct periods have the Use in Views box checked. An MBS building is one in which outside students take courses. In other words, this is any building where a student can be scheduled even though it is not their enrollment building from Entry/Withdrawal. It would be assigned as an MBS Building in the Attendance View setup for the student's enrollment building.

Make sure Use in Views is selected for any period the Day Totals Calculation needs to process for the MBS building.

Administration > Attendance Setup > Setup > Attendance View Setup

Use the Attendance View Setup to define how the Student Day Totals Calculation converts recorded Attendance Codes to minutes of excused or unexcused absences. You will use these Views and the Day Totals Calculation to track the following HB 410 absence thresholds through the Attendance Notifications Calculation:

  • 38 hours in a month with or without an excuse (excessive absences)
  • 65 hours in a school year with or without an excuse (excessive absences)
  • 42 hours in a month without an excuse (chronic truancy)
  • 72 hours in a school year without an excuse (chronic truancy)

Each building needs an Attendance View for House Bill 410 defined to calculate totals as minutes. For details, refer to HB 410 Attendance View Setup.

Administration > Registration Setup > Calendars > Calendar

Administration > General Setup > District > Validation Tables > select Ohio State Reporting > select Day Types Crosswalk

You can use the Calendar setup's Default Instructional Time setting to enforce a minutes limit for each membership day, meaning the Attendance Criteria Calculation will never count a student absent for more time than the defined threshold.

This setting is available for each building calendar. The Attendance Criteria Calculation checks the calendar for the student's Entry/Withdrawal record to determine if a minutes limit applies.

You can override the Default Instructional Time using the Day Type assigned to specific calendar dates on the Calendar Day page. Do this when you have types of days that are different in length from a standard school day. To set up an absence minutes limit by day type, make sure the appropriate Day Types Crosswalk record has its Minutes value defined and the Student box selected. For more information, refer to the Day Types Crosswalk section and HB410 Absence Minute Limits.

You can set an absence minutes limit for any calendar date using the Calendar Day page's Instructional Time field (Administration > Registration Setup > Calendars > Calendar > click View Detail > Year at a Glance section > click link for a specific calendar date)

To determine if a minutes limit exists, the Notification Calculation goes through these steps:

  1. Check Calendar Day page's Instructional Time field for the membership date. Use the student's Entry/Withdrawal calendar.
  2. See if the Calendar Day page's Day Type has a State Code Equiv in the Day Types Crosswalk table with a Minutes value and the Student box selected.
  3. If the date does not have a minutes limit, check the Entry/Withdrawal calendar to see if a Default Instructional Time exists.
  4. If it finds none of these values, the Attendance Criteria Calculation does not impose a minutes limit for the membership day.

Administration > General Setup > District > Validation Tables > select Registration > select Reasons
Add a record for each absence threshold you need to track for House Bill 410. You need a record for:

  • Excessive absences of 38 hours in month with or without an excuse
  • Excessive absences of 65 hours in a school year with or without an excuse
  • Habitual truancy due to 42 hours absent in a month without an excuse
  • Habitual truancy due to 72 hours absent in a year without an excuse
  • Habitual truancy due to 30 consecutive hours absent without an excuse

For each record, select these boxes: Use At Risk and Active.

Attendance > All > Attendance Communications > Attendance Criteria Groups 

Add a Group record for House Bill 410 Notifications.

Attendance > All > Attendance Communications > Attendance Criteria Setup 

For each building, you need five separate Attendance Notification Criteria records, one record for each absence threshold tracked for House Bill 410. Associate each record to the HB 410 Attendance Notification Group,

For help setting up the record for each absence threshold, refer to HB 410 Attendance Notification Criteria Setup. This section includes criteria setup information for shared and transferred attendance if you use these absence times when determining if students meet HB410 thresholds.

Administration > Interventions Setup > At Risk > At Risk Factors

Set up a separate At Risk Factor for each HB 410 absence threshold. Define the records as follows:

  • Use the Code and Label to identify one of the absence thresholds you need to track.
  • As the Associated Reason, select the specific At Risk Reason record you defined for absence threshold.
  • Select the Type of Calculated.
  • Define Number of Needed Reasons as 1.

Attendance Entry

Attendance Entry

In terms of attendance entry, it is important your staff record Arrival Times when marking a student's late arrival and Dismissal Times when recording a student's early dismissal from an attendance period. Teachers recording attendance in Teacher Access Center need to follow this procedure. Please make sure all attendance-takers understand the importance of this entry for accurate tracking of students' absence time.

  • The absence minutes needed for the cumulative monthly and annual HB 410 absence thresholds come from the Student Day Totals Calculation. See this outline's Attendance Processing section for more.
  • For the consecutive minutes absence threshold, eSchoolPlus references the Attendance Bottomline table. This table stores absence time for attendance periods after applying the building's Bottom Line Type, either Office or Teacher. The Bottom Line Type tells the system which entry takes priority if the student ever has attendance recorded both by a teacher and the office.
  • If you need to track shared attendance and transferred attendance for students, use the student HB410 page described in HB 410 Student Entry. Refer to the sections on the Shared Attendance and Transferred Attendance panels. If you plan on using shared and transferred attendance, make sure you save a record on the OH HB410 Shared/Transferred Attendance district page and set up Attendance Criteria Setup records to include shared and transferred attendance.

Note: When you are ready to determine which students meet a House Bill 410 absence threshold, follow these steps.

Attendance Processing

Attendance Processing

Attendance > All > Utilities > Day Totals Calculation

Run the Day Totals Calculation for each building using the HB 410 Attendance View. Run the calculation up to the current date.

Attendance > All > Attendance Communications > Attendance Criteria Calculation

You can now run the Attendance Criteria Calculation to determine which students meet any of the House Bill 410 absence thresholds. Make sure you run the option with the Create/Update HB410 Records box selected.

Each calculation run focuses on a selected building, calendar, and set of attendance notification criteria. For each combination of building and calendar, run the calculation for each HB 410 Attendance Notification Criteria you created.

  • For students meeting the defined absence threshold, the calculation creates records on the student HB410 page. It loads the appropriate Absent Threshold Date and Notification Criteria. Please refer to HB410 Student Entry for complete information on how to update HB410 student records.
  • The calculation deletes student HB410 records associated with an invalid attendance notification. Refer to Removing Notifications and HB410 Student Record Cleanup for complete details.

When you define the date range for the calculation run, you may want to adjust for your district policy regarding absence excuse submission. If you allow students a specific window for excuse submission following absence, you may want to run the calculation up until a set number of days prior to today. This gives staff a chance to change unexcused absences to excused and could prevent unduly qualifying the student for a truancy notification.

For instance, suppose you allow students three days to provide an excuse following an absence. If you ran Attendance Criteria Calculation with an End Date of Today, you could end up with students marked as At Risk for unexcused absences, leaving them without a chance to submit an excuse for the last three dates.

However, if you run Attendance Criteria Calculation through an End Date four days before today, you successfully grant students the three-day window for excuse submission.

Following this practice, make sure your next Start Date is the day after the End Date from your last run of the Attendance Criteria Calculation.

Attendance > All > Utilities > Interval Totals Calculation

Run the Interval Calculation for each building, up to the current date, using the HB 410 Attendance View.

This step is optional. It lets you see monthly absence minutes on the Student Interval Totals page.

Attendance Notifications

Reviewing Attendance Notifications and Absences

Attendance > All > Attendance Communications > Generate Communications List

You can use this report option to review when a student meets one of the House Bill 410 absence thresholds. For a specific communication, you can review the related absences using the Detail report.

Attendance > All > Attendance Communications > Remove Notifications

Attendance > All > Attendance Communications > Remove Communications

If the Attendance Criteria Calculation creates a notification record which you need to invalidate, you can run Remove Communications for the appropriate student, Trigger Date, and Notification Criteria. You would do this, for instance, if the student turns in an excuse after you ran the Attendance Criteria Calculation, and the student's excuse invalidates an HB410 absence threshold.

The Remove Communications option deletes the student notification record and the associated student HB410 record based on parameters described in the topic Removing Notifications and Student HB410 Record Cleanup.

Interventions > All > Student > At Risk Detail

On the At Risk Detail page, you can see whether a student is considered At Risk for any of the House Bill 410 absence thresholds you set up as At Risk Factors.

You may override the calculated At Risk Status for any of the absence thresholds, but doing so then means the associated At Risk Factor will no longer reflect results of the Attendance Criteria Calculation.

Attendance > All > Student > Interval Totals

You can see a month-by-month display of a student's absence minutes for the HB 410 Attendance View, organized by the Attendance Codes defined as Convert to Codes for the view type. Use this if you defined Interval records, assigned them to the HB 410 view type, and completed Day Totals and Interval Calculations.

Student Entry

Student Entry

Registration > Entry & Reports > Demographic > HB410

Use this page to record information on student absence thresholds related to House Bill 410. This is the HB 410 data you will need for EMIS reporting in the FT Chronic Truancy and Excessive Absence file. For field descriptions, refer to HB 410 Student Entry.

  • For a habitual truancy absence threshold, the Attendance Criteria Calculation automatically updates the student's HB410 record with the appropriate EMIS reporting data.
  • For an excessive absence threshold, you will need to manually update the HB410 page's Parent Notified Date.
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