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HB 410 Student Entry

Registration > Entry & Reports > Demographic > HB410

Use this page to record information on student absence thresholds related to House Bill 410. This is the HB 410 data you will need for EMIS reporting of the FT record, Student Truancy and Excessive Absence. The page includes optional fields for shared and transferred attendance which the Attendance Criteria Calculation can use when determining if the student meets an HB410 threshold. You can view absence information for your current environment year or for all years.

In the HB410 panel, each row represents an incidence of the student meeting one of the absence thresholds defined in HB 410 for excessive absences or chronic truancy. You can review communication information related to HB 410 absence thresholds using the Attendance > All > Attendance Communications > Generate Communications List option.

The Attendance Criteria Calculation updates this page with the appropriate Absent Threshold Date (Trigger Date) and Notification Criteria code whenever the student's absences meet one of the HB410 thresholds. Follow these guidelines when you update a student's HB410 record:

  • If the Notification Criteria code identifies one of the three habitual truancy thresholds, then the download uses the Absent Threshold Date to create an FT record with Absence Event Element value of B. eSchoolPlus updates Absent Threshold Date through the Attendance Criteria Calculation.
  • If the Notification Criteria code identifies one of the two excessive absence thresholds, then the download uses the Parent Notified Date to create an FT record with Absence Event Element value of A. You will need to enter this date manually on the student HB410 page.
  • The download uses the Intervention Plan Date to create an FT record Absence Event Element value of D. It uses the Court Ordered Violation Date to create an FT record Absence Event Element value of C. You will need to enter these dates manually for a given record on the HB410 page. The download processes these dates the same way for all Notification Criteria codes.

Note: The EMIS Student/Course download identifies whether the Notification Criteria applies to excessive absences or chronic truancy based on the State Code Equiv from the Ohio Notification Codes validation table.

For complete setup and processing information for HB 410, refer to House Bill 410 Procedural Outline.

 The student gets a separate EMIS FT record for each date on this page associated with a Notification Criteria that has a State Code Equiv in the Ohio Notification Codes validation table. For a single reporting period, a student will never get more than one FT record with the same Absence Event value. The download uses the earliest date if it ever finds a student with multiple dates for the same Absence Event category in a given reporting period.

Select the Current Year tab if the page should only show records for your environment school year. Select All Years if the page should show HB410, shared attendance, and transferred attendance records for all school years.

HB410 Panel

This panel shows each incidence of the student meeting an HB410 absence threshold. Refer to the following field descriptions for complete information on how these records get reported in the EMIS FT record type.

School Year

Year associated with the HB410 absence threshold record. This only displays when you choose the All Years tab.

The page uses the School Year to determine the records to show for the environment year you are currently viewing, specifically for the Current Year. For example, if you are using the 2018-2019 environment, then the urrent Year tab limits your display to show 2019 School Year records.

The page updates School Year with your environment year if you manually enter a record without this field displayed.

Records added through the Attendance Criteria Calculation are assigned a School Year based on the environment year when the calculation was run.

The same idea applies for any HB410 record converted from the student HB410 page's previous version. PowerSchool assigned the School Year based on the existing record's Absent Threshold Date.

Absent Threshold Date

Date when the student's absences triggered a notification through the Attendance Criteria Calculation. In other words, this is the date when the student met the House Bill 410 absence threshold you are tracking in a particular row on this page. Following are the absence thresholds for HB 410:

  • Habitual truancy due to 42 hours absent in a month without an excuse
  • Habitual truancy due to 72 hours absent in a year without an excuse
  • Habitual truancy due to 30 consecutive hours absent without an excuse
  • Excessive absences of 38 hours in month with or without an excuse
  • Excessive absences of 65 hours in a school year with or without an excuse

The Attendance Criteria Calculation updates this automatically when a student meets an HB410 absence threshold. You may update this field manually as well.

The EMIS Student/Course Downloads option uses this date differently depending on the associated Notification Criteria code's State Code Equiv from the Ohio Notification Codes validation table:

  • The Absent Threshold Date reports in the FT download with an Absence Event value of B if the Notification Criteria is set up with a State Code Equiv value of B. This is the code for a habitual truancy event.
  • If the Notification Criteria has a State Code Equiv of A, it identifies an excessive absence event. In this case, the download does not use the HB410 page Absent Threshold Date. Make sure you update the associated Parent Notified Date for FT record reporting.

You can review Attendance Criteria Calculation trigger dates using the Attendance > All > Attendance Communications > Generate Communications List option.

Notification Criteria

Attendance Notification Criteria which triggered communication the student met an HB 410 absence threshold. The criteria record identifies the absence threshold the student met. The Attendance Criteria Calculation updates this automatically.

The EMIS Student Download creates FT records only for dates assigned to a Notification Criteria with a State Code Equiv in Administration > General Setup > District > Validation Tables > select Ohio State Reporting > select Ohio Notification Criteria.

The download processes dates differently based on whether the State Code Equiv identifies the Notification Criteria as a chronic truancy event or an excessive absence event:

  • Excessive absence events have a State Code Equiv of A in the Ohio Notification Code table. The download creates FT records based on Parent Notified Date, Intervention Plan Date, and Court Ordered Violation Date.
  • Chronic truancy events have a State Code Equiv of B in the Ohio Notification Code table. The download creates FT records based on Absence Threshold Date, Intervention Plan Date, and Court Ordered Violation Date.
Parent Notified Date

Date when the student's parents were notified the student met a House Bill 410 attendance threshold based on the Attendance Criteria Calculation. You will need to update this field manually for any Notification Criteria identifying an excessive absence event (State Code Equiv of A in Ohio Notification Codes validation table).

The EMIS Student/Course Downloads option creates an FT record (Student Truancy and Excessive Absence) with an Absence Event value (FT070) of A based on the Parent Notified Date. It only does this when the Notification Criteria has a State Code Equiv of A in the validation table.

Intervention Plan Date

Date when the student's absence intervention team created the intervention plan for the associated chronic truancy or excessive absence notification.

The student gets an EMIS FT record (Student Truancy and Excessive Absence) with an Absence Event value (FT070) of D for each Intervention Plan Date.

Court Ordered Violation Date

If applicable, enter the date when a student adjudicated as unruly due to chronic truancy in turn violates the court order regarding that adjudication.

The student gets an EMIS FT record (Student Truancy and Excessive Absence) with an Absence Event value (FT070) of C for each Court Ordered Violation Date.

Violation CodeCode describing the nature of the student's court order violation, if applicable.

Checked if eSchoolPlus should keep this HB410 record instead of deleting in the following cases:

  • The student's attendance notification is deleted through the Remove Communications option.
  • The student's attendance notification becomes invalid and gets deleted through the Attendance Criteria Calculation.

When deleting attendance notification records, these options look for matching student HB410 records. They do not delete a matching HB410 record if the Keep box is checked.

For a complete explanation, please refer to Correcting Attendance, Removing Notifications, and HB 410 Student Record Cleanup.

IgnoreChecked if the EMIS Student/Course Downloads option should not look at this HB410 row when creating FT records (Student Truancy and Excessive Absence).

Shared Attendance Panel

Use this panel to record absences that you need to count toward the student's HB410 absence threshold calculations but which come from district buildings other than the student's enrollment district and building. This could be a building in a Joint Vocational School District, for example.

School Year

Year associated with the shared attendance entry. This only displays when you choose the All Years tab.

The page uses the School Year to determine the shared attendance records to show for the environment year you are currently viewing, specifically for the Current Year. For example, if you are using the 2018-2019 environment, then the Current Year tab limits your display to show 2019 School Year records.

The page updates School Year with your environment year if you make a shared attendance entry without this field displayed.

District IRNInformation Retrieval Number (IRN) for the district associated with the shared attendance entry. This is for your records. It is not submitted as part of an EMIS FT record, even if it differs from the District IRN for the student's enrollment district.
Date of AbsenceDate when the absence occurred. Shared attendance is considered absence time occurring outside the student's enrollment building, for instance in a Joint Vocational School District (JVSD).
Excused Absence Hours

Excused absence time for this shared attendance record. Enter the time in the format of HH:MM.

This entry is only included in calculating whether the student meets an HB410 absence threshold if:

  • The Attendance Criteria Setup's Include Shared Attendance setting says to include excused absences.
  • The excused absence hours are not excluded based on the Exclude from HB410 Truancy/Chronic Absenteeism box.

For a complete explanation of how the Attendance Criteria Calculation handles shared attendance, refer to Calculating Shared and Transferred Attendance.

Unexcused Absence Hours

Unexcused absence time for this shared attendance record. Enter the time in the format of HH:MM.

This entry is only included in calculating whether the student meets an HB410 absence threshold if:

  • The Attendance Criteria Setup's Include Shared Attendance setting says to include unexcused absences.
  • The unexcused absence hours are not excluded based on the Exclude from HB410 Truancy/Chronic Absenteeism box.

For a complete explanation of how the Attendance Criteria Calculation handles shared attendance, refer to Calculating Shared and Transferred Attendance.

Exclude from HB410 Truancy/Chronic Absenteeism

Checked if the Attendance Criteria Calculation should exclude the time from this shared attendance record when determining if the student meets an HB410 absence threshold.

Clear this checkbox to include the shared attendance hours in calculating HB410 absence thresholds.

CommentsAdditional comments, if any, associated with the shared attendance record. [Character, 255]

Transferred Attendance Panel

Use this panel to record attendance from a prior district which you want the Attendance Criteria Calculation to consider when it determines if the student meets an HB410 absence threshold.

School Year

Year associated with the transferred attendance entry. This only displays when you choose the All Years tab.

The page uses the School Year to determine the transferred attendance records to show for the environment year you are currently viewing, specifically for the Current Year. For example, if you are using the 2018-2019 environment, then the Current Year tab limits your display to show 2019 School Year records.

The page updates School Year with your environment year if you make a transferred attendance entry without this field displayed.

District IRNInformation Retrieval Number (IRN) for the district associated with the transferred attendance entry. This is for your records. It is not submitted as part of an EMIS FT record, even if it differs from the District IRN for the student's enrollment district.
Prior District Exit Date

Date when the student's enrollment ended in the prior school district. The Attendance Criteria Calculation uses this date to determine when it needs to begin adding the transferred attendance time to the student's day totals absence times. The calculation compares this Prior District Exit Date to the student's Entry/Withdrawal dates to figure out when the transferred attendance hours apply.

For example, suppose a student is enrolled in your district from 09/01/2018 through 10/15/2018. They attend an outside district until a Prior District Exit Date of 11/15/2018, and then they re-enroll in your district on 11/19/2018. The transferred attendance tied to 11/15/2018 would apply to the 11/19/2018 enrollment, not the date range of 09/01/2018 to 10/15/2018.

Total Excused Absence Hours from Previous District

Excused absence time for this transferred attendance record. Enter the time in the format of HH:MM.

This entry is only included in calculating whether the student meets an HB410 absence threshold if:

  • The Attendance Criteria Setup's Include Transferred Attendance setting says to include excused absences.
  • The excused absence hours are not excluded based on the Total Hours Excluded from Truancy Calculations field and the First Absence Hours Excluded setting on the district-level page OH HB410 Shared/Transferred Attendance.

For a complete explanation of how the Attendance Criteria Calculation handles transferred attendance, refer to Calculating Shared and Transferred Attendance.

Total Unexcused Absence Hours from Previous District

Unexcused absence time for this transferred attendance record. Enter the time in the format of HH:MM.

This entry is only included in calculating whether the student meets an HB410 absence threshold if:

  • The Attendance Criteria Setup's Include Transferred Attendance setting says to include unexcused absences.
  • The unexcused absence hours are not excluded based on the Total Hours Excluded from Truancy Calculations field and the First Absence Hours Excluded setting on the district-level page OH HB410 Shared/Transferred Attendance.

For a complete explanation of how the Attendance Criteria Calculation handles transferred attendance, refer to Calculating Shared and Transferred Attendance.

Total Hours Excluded from Truancy Calculations

Hours the Attendance Criteria Calculation should exclude when determining how to apply this transferred attendance record to student absences for HB410 absence thresholds. The calculation refers to the OH HB410 Shared/Transferred Attendance page's First Absence Hours Excluded setting to see which absence hours get excluded first, excused or unexcused.

Enter the exclusion time in the format HH:MM.

CommentsAdditional comments, if any, associated with the transferred attendance record. [Character, 255]
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