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Correcting Attendance, Removing Notifications, and HB 410 Student Record Cleanup

eSchoolPlus lets you remove a generated attendance notification record from your system. This is especially useful if you change a student's attendance in a way that invalidates an attendance notification you already calculated. The Remove Communications option lets you delete the student's notification record, and it deletes any associated student HB410 district-defined page information.

The Attendance Criteria Calculation also deletes student HB410 district-defined page records when it finds a student, Absent Threshold Date, and Notification Criteria tied to an invalid attendance notification.

In either case, eSchoolPlus only deletes the invalid student HB410 record if neither of the following conditions is true:

  • The associated Keep box is selected on the HB410 student page. The Keep box tells the calculation to preserve the HB410 record.
  • None of the following three fields have dates entered: Parent Notified Date, Intervention Plan Date, or Court Ordered Violation Date. The calculation does not delete a record with a date in one of these fields since all three dates require manual entry.

Note: A student attendance notification may include absence minutes from multiple buildings. When deleting a student's notification, eSchoolPlus checks your security privileges for all buildings associated with that notification in the detail records. The system stops you from deleting the notification if you do not have the security access for all buildings where the student has absence time in the notification details.

Consider the following examples illustrating how Remove Communications and Attendance Criteria Calculation update HB410 records tied to an invalid notification.

Remove Communications and HB410 Record Cleanup

For this example, consider student Alan Allentown who meets these criteria:

  • On the student HB410 page, the student has a record with Absent Threshold Date of 04/17/2018 and Notification Criteria of HB42, indicating he has 42 hours of unexcused absences in a single month.
  • For the membership day 04/17/2018, Allentown had six hours of unexcused absence recorded. However, he turned in an excuse for that day, and you already created the attendance notification record. You update his attendance to include excused absence codes for 04/17/2018.
  • You ran the Day Totals Calculation for the HB410 attendance view in the student's enrollment building.

You want to remove the attendance notification record created for 04/17/2018 with the HB42 Notification Criteria.

To remove the notification:

  1. Select Attendance > All > Attendance Communications > Remove Communications.
  2. Click Advanced.
  3. In the Search Criteria panel, define criteria that will find the notification record. For this example, select Area = Notification Student Header so you can search based on Student ID, Notification Criteria, and Trigger Date.
  4. Click Load.
  5. Click the Trigger Date link for the HB42 Notification Criteria.
  6. Select the Delete box for the appropriate student.
  7. Click Save.

In addition to removing the student's notification record, the option deletes the student HB410 district-defined record where the notification Trigger Date equals the HB410 Absent Threshold Date and the Notification Criteria code matches.

Note: The process will not delete an HB410 record if it has the Keep box checked. Also, it does not delete a record if it has a date in one of the following fields: Parent Notified Date, Intervention Plan Date, or Court Ordered Violation Date.

Attendance Criteria Calculation and HB410 Record Cleanup

The Attendance Criteria Calculation deletes student HB410 records tied to invalid attendance notifications in the same way as the Remove Communications option. For this example, consider the same basic scenario we looked at above for the student Andrew Allentown:

  • On the student HB410 page, the student has a record with Absent Threshold Date of 04/17/2018 and Notification Criteria of HB42, indicating he has 42 hours of unexcused absences in a single month.
  • For the membership day 04/17/2018, Allentown had six hours of unexcused absence recorded. However, he turned in an excuse for that day, and you already created the attendance notification record. You update his attendance to include excused absence codes for 04/17/2018.
  • You ran the Day Totals Calculation for the HB410 attendance view in the student's enrollment building.

Next time you run the Attendance Criteria Calculation for the student's building, use the HB42 Notification Criteria. You would run the calculation from the beginning of the year through the current calendar date.

Since the student's unexcused absence minutes total changed for April, the calculation invalidates the notification record for the HB42 Notification Criteria and 04/17/2018 trigger date. The calculation deletes the student HB410 district-defined record where the notification Trigger Date equals the HB410 Absent Threshold Date and the Notification Criteria code matches.

Note: The process will not delete an HB410 record if it has the Keep box checked. Also, it does not delete a record if it has a date in one of the following fields: Parent Notified Date, Intervention Plan Date, or Court Ordered Violation Date.

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