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HB410 Absence Minutes Limits

eSchoolPlus HB410 processing lets you set a limit to the total minutes a student can possibly be counted absent on a given school membership day. Specifically, the Attendance Criteria Calculation uses a three step process when deciding the minutes limit for a specific membership attendance date:

  1. First, the calculation uses the attendance date's Instructional Time value, if it exists, from the Calendar Day page (Administration > Registration Setup > Calendars > Calendar > click Detail Page).
  2. If the attendance date does not have an Instructional Time, the calculation checks the date's Day Type (Administration > Registration Setup > Calendars > Calendar > click Detail Page). The calculation finds the Day Type's State Code Equiv in the Registration Day Types table (Administration > General Setup > District > Validation Tables > select Registration > select Day Types). It then maps the State Code Equiv to a matching value, if it exists, in the Day Types Crosswalk table (Administration > General Setup > District > Validation Tables > select Ohio State Reporting > select Day Types Crosswalk). If it finds a match where the Student box is also selected, use the Minutes value from that record for the attendance day.
  3. If the date also does not have a minutes limit defined based on Day Type, use the student calendar's Default Instructional Time value (Administration > Registration Setup > Calendars > Calendar > Values panel).
  4. If the calculation does not find a Default Instructional Time for the calendar, it does not apply an absence minutes limit.

To set up the absence minutes limit functionality, the easiest method is to think of the processing logic in reverse:

  1. Use the Calendar page's Default Instructional Time setting to define a typical attendance day.
  2. Review records in the Registration Day Types validation table. For records signifying a day length different than a typical attendance day, you can use the Day Types Crosswalk table's Minutes value to set the minutes limit.
    • Map the Day Types record to the Day Types Crosswalk table using the State Code Equiv value. Match this value in the Day Types Crosswalk record that applies to the Registration Day Types record.
    • The Day Types Crosswalk record needs a Minutes value and the Student box selected.
    • Day Types are assigned to calendar attendance dates on the Calendar Day page (Administration > Registration Setup > Calendars > Calendar > click Detail Page).
  3. If you need to define an absence minutes limit for a specific date, update the appropriate attendance date's Instructional Time on the Calendar Day page (Administration > Registration Setup > Calendars > Calendar > click Detail Page).
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