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HB 410 Attendance View Setup

Administration > Attendance Setup > Setup > Attendance View Setup

Each building needs a minutes-based Attendance View defined to convert the appropriate Attendance Codes into separate Convert to Codes identifying either an Excused or an Unexcused Absence. You apply a building's Attendance View to recorded attendance using the Day Totals Calculation. The calculations provide you with students' absence minutes for the following HB 410 absence thresholds:

  • 38 hours in a month with or without an excuse
  • 65 hours in a year with or without an excuse
  • 42 hours in a month without an excuse
  • 72 hours in a year without an excuse

Use the guidelines in the field descriptions below.

View TypeUse the same code across buildings for the HB 410 View Type. This facilitates running the Day Totals Calculation for multiple buildings at once.
MBS BuildingsIf applicable, select the buildings in which students may be taking courses for attendance periods that should be included in the attendance totals for students in your building.
Criteria RelationshipSelect Students Qualify for Each Criteria Fulfilled.
Calculate totals asSelect Minutes
Sum into IntervalsSelect the Intervals records you defined for each month in the school year.
DaysSelect the days of the week or cycle days to include in calculations.

In the criteria row defining conversion rules for Excused Absences, select all Attendance Codes signifying an excused absence.

In the criteria row defining conversion rules for Unexcused Absences, select all Attendance Codes signifying an unexcused absence.

PeriodsUse the drop-down list to select periods where you take attendance, or click Asterisk to select all codes, then remove any that do not apply.
Minutes (Min and Max)Enter a Minimum minutes value of 1. Leave the Maximum value blank.
Convert to Code

In the criteria row defining conversion rules for Excused Absences, select the single Attendance Code to which the Day Totals Calculation will convert the codes you picked in the Absences field. This is the code the Attendance Notification Calculation will use for Excused Absences.

In the criteria row defining conversion rules for Unexcused Absences, select the single Attendance Code to which the Day Totals Calculation will convert the codes you picked in the Absences field. This is the code the Attendance Notification Calculation will use for Unexcused Absences.

Across buildings, use the same converted Excused Absence code. Follow this recommendation for the converted Unexcused Absence code as well.

ValueEnter 1.
PercentEnter 100.
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