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FTE Reporting

To print the P-223 Enrollment Reports, go to Regulatory > FTE-Old and select WA FTE Reports. From this page, you can also print FTE Audit Reports to back up the data on the forms, and you can use the ALE Reporting into SAFS option to print ALE headcount and FTE totals which you can then provide to the state through the SAFS ALE application.
As an additional auditing feature, student-level FTE data included in your report runs gets saved to database tables you can review with the Student Summary option (Regulatory > Summary > Student > Student Summary). The records are created for each student by school year, reporting month, and report that was generated (Monthly Enrollment Report, Special Education Enrollment, ALE Reporting into SAFS, and Inter District Report).
The Special Education Enrollment option prints the P-223 H report. Refer to the Special Education Enrollment Report section for a description of the report and the prerequisites for including a student in a district's counts.
For all the reports that you can print from this page, the system looks first to see if a student has any values in the FTE Override/Maximum page for the Reporting Month. If no values exist, then it will use the calculated FTE values for the student for the Reporting Month.
The reports that are produced may have different file names based on how you filter the data. If you choose a filter that includes only one building, then the report name will begin with the building name. If your filter does not limit the data to one building, then the report name will begin with "Multiple".

Processing Prompts

Reporting Month

Select the month for which that you want to print the FTE report(s).

Count Date

This value defaults from the WA Month Range table and is for information purposes only.

Log File Type

Select which type of file you would like to get any errors and warnings in. The CSV option will produce a pdf file that will alert you if there are errors in the CSV file.

Reports to Run



Monthly Enrollment Report

Check the Report box to print the P-223 report for students who reside in your district. Students with no value or a value of No in the Interdistrict Agreement field on the WA Student Information page are included in this report.

This report shows totals in various FTE categories. On the Student Summary page's Monthly Summary, you can view an individual student's FTE values that were included in the totals for a specific run of the Monthly Enrollment report. Use the WA FTE Download Search option to list students for a particular report run.

Check the File box to create the P-223 school-level report as a file you can submit through the Education Data System (EDS) application. Refer to the section School Level Reporting – Basic Enrollment File for information on the file output.

ALE Reporting into SAFS

Checked to print the ALE headcount and FTE values for students for each of five ALE Programs. Use this report to get the totals you need to enter into the SAFS ALE application. For setup prerequisites specific to ALE reporting, refer to the ALE Reporting into SAFS section.

This report shows ALE FTE totals. On the Student Summary page's ALE Summary, you can view an individual student's FTE values that were included in the totals for a specific run of the ALE report. Use the Download Search option to list students for a particular report run.

WA Calculate Student Course FTE#_WA_FTE_Download] option to list students for a particular report run.

Inter District Report

Checked to print the P-223 report for students who attend school in your district, but reside in another district. Students with a value of Yes in the Interdistrict Agreement field on the WA Student Information page are included in this report.

This report shows totals in various FTE categories. On the Student Summary page's Inter District Summary, you can view an individual student's FTE values that were included in the totals for a specific run of the Inter District report. Use the Download Search option to list students for a particular report run.

Audit Detail Report

Checked to print a detail audit report to verify that the course FTE data is correct.

Audit Summary Report

Checked to print a summary audit report to verify that the course FTE data is correct.

Special Education Enrollment

Checked to print the P-223 H Special Education Enrollment report which shows how many students receive Special Education services in your district, including those attending based on an Interdistrict Agreement. The enrollment totals are broken into three age categories.

The Special Education Enrollment Report section describes how the report determines the enrollment counts.

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