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WA Calculate Student Course FTE

Regulatory > FTE-Old > FTE-Old > WA Calculate Student Course FTE

Processing Prompts

Reporting Month

Select the month for which that you want to calculate FTE.


Select Regular or Summer school

Count Date

This date will default to the first calendar day in the month that you select in the Reporting Month field and is only used for the Summer School FTE Calculation.

Log File Type

Select which type of file you would like to get the errors and warnings in. The CSV option will produce a pdf file that will alert you if there are errors in the CSV file.

Note: We recommend that you do not filter by building when calculating Student FTE.
You MUST be in the Summer School environment to calculate FTE values for Summer School.

Regular School FTE Calculation Details

The calculation for Regular School FTE in eSchoolPLUS is this:

(SUM(Minutes Student Attends Course + Passing Time – Lunch Minutes if applicable))/Number of Cycle Days in Building

Minutes per Day

For Minutes per Day, the system uses 300 for students in grades 4-12 and 240 for students in grades 1-3. 

The calculation limits the amount of passing time you can claim for an individual course. Passing time is capped at a maximum of 20% of the actual course's instructional minutes.
Example 1: Course meets for same number of minutes each day with no passing time
If a course meets for 45 minutes, 5 days a week in a 5 day cycle and the minutes per day value is 300, the calculated FTE for the course would be 0.15:

Example 2: Course meets for different number of minutes each day and has passing time
If the timetable for a course in period 3 looks like this:
Monday: 55 minutes in period and 5 minutes passing time
Tuesday: 55 minutes in period and 5 minutes passing time
Wednesday: 40 minutes in period and 5 minutes passing time
Thursday: 50 minutes in period and 5 minutes passing time
Friday: 50 minutes in period and 5 minutes passing time

  1. The FTE Calculation would first calculate the average period length to be 60+60+45+55+55/5 = 55 minutes
  2. The FTE Calculation will next divide the average period length by the minutes per day or 300
  3. FTE = 0.18

Example 3: Course meets for different number of minutes each day, has passing time and is a lunch period
If the timetable for a course in period 3 looks like this:
Monday: 55 minutes in period and 5 minutes passing time
Tuesday: 55 minutes in period and 5 minutes passing time
Wednesday: 90 minutes in period and 5 minutes passing time
Thursday: 50 minutes in period and 5 minutes passing time
Friday: 50 minutes in period and 5 minutes passing time
And if Wednesday is listed as a lunch period with lunch minutes of 30, then:

  1. The FTE Calculation would first calculate the average period length to be 60+60+65+55+55/5 = 59 minutes
  2. The FTE Calculation will next divide the average period length by the minutes per day or 300
  3. FTE = 0.20

If a student has any courses marked as Tuition Paid on the WA Student Tuition Paid (Registration > Entry & Reports) page, these courses will be excluded from the FTE Calculation.

Summer School FTE Calculation Details

Details to be included in a future release of this guide.

FTE Reporting Period Maximum Values

The FTE calculation stores values up to three decimal places. The FTE Reports option rounds to two decimal places. The calculation observes the following FTE reporting rules defined by the OSPI (Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction):

  • A student's Regular FTE cannot exceed 1.00.
  • Except in the January reporting period, the student's total of Regular and Running Start FTE cannot exceed 1.20.
  • The student's total of Regular and Skill Center FTE cannot exceed 1.60.
  • If the student's combined Regular and Skill Center FTE exceeds 1.00, then Running Start FTE cannot exceed 0.20.
  • If the student's combined regular and Skill Center FTE are less than 1.00, then the combined Regular, Skill Center, and Running Start FTE cannot exceed 1.20.

FTE Calculation Checklist

  • Verify that appropriate security resources have been assigned to users
  • Building Maintenance
    • Verify that the Buildings that you want to calculate FTE for have a value in the State Equivalency Code field (Administration > Registration Setup > Building > Building Definition)
    • If any of your buildings do not schedule a separate lunch period, but include lunch in another period on students' schedule, update the WA FTE Exclusion Minutes page for these buildings.
  • Verify that the following validation tables have been set up properly with the state defined codes
    • WA Month Range (Administration > General Setup > District > Validation Tables > select Washington State Reporting)
    • State Courses (Scheduling > Courses > District Courses > State Courses)
    • ALE Programs (Administration > General Setup > District > Validation Tables > select Washington State Reporting)
  • Assign the WATBIP State Code Equiv value to any test score used to track student bilingual program placement status. Refer to Exited TBIP Test Score Setup for FTE Reporting for a procedure (Administration > Test Scores Setup > Setup > Test Definition).
  • Course Maintenance
    • Courses in the Course Catalog have a value in the State Course field (Scheduling > Courses > Building Courses > Building Course Catalog)
    • If a course is a Running Start course, make sure to check the Running Start box on the WA Course Information page (Scheduling > Courses > Course Sections > WA Course Information). Assign the number of Running Start Credits.
    • If a course should not be included in the FTE calculation, update the Exclude from FTE field on the WA Course Information page.
    • If a course is part of a Vocational Education Program, check this field on the WA Course Information page (Scheduling > Courses > Course Sections > WA Course Information).
    • If a course is part of a Skill Center Program, check this field on the WA Course Information page (Scheduling > Courses > Course Sections > WA Course Information).
    • If a course is part of an Alternative Learning Experience (ALE) Program, check this box on the WA Course Information page (Scheduling > Courses > Course Sections > WA Course Information). Use the ALE Program field to associate the course with the appropriate code for ALE FTE reporting.
  • Student Maintenance
    • If a student has paid tuition for a course, be sure to update the WA Course Information student course district-defined page. Courses marked as Paid Tuition will NOT be included in the FTE Calculation.
    • If a student is participating in a Bilingual program, make sure that he/she has a WABIL program record (Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > WA Bilingual or Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Programs).
    • If a student is participating in a Skill Center program, make sure that he/she has a WASKL program record (Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Programs).
    • To have a student counted for ALE FTE, make sure the ALE student has a record for each of the appropriate reporting months saved on the WA FTE Override/Maximum page (Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > WA FTE Override/Maximum). Check the ALE Student box for each Month/Year. If you need to set ALE Program override values for a Reporting Month, enter the ALE FTE overrides in the fields for the appropriate ALE Programs. Otherwise, leave the ALE Program fields blank if you do not wish to override the ALE FTE calculation.
    • If a student takes Running Start (RS) courses only in the college setting, check the WA FTE Override/Maximum page's College RS box (Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > WA FTE Override/Maximum). Fields are available to record Running Start overrides if applicable: College Non Voc RS FTE and College Voc RS FTE.
    • If the student is in the Open Doors [1418] Youth Reengagement Program, enter the appropriate number of program hours in the WA FTE Override/Maximum page's OD 1418 Hours field for the reporting month (Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > WA FTE Override/Maximum). Check the OD 1418 Voc box if the hours count toward vocational Open Doors FTE.
    • If the student has Work Based Learning hours in a reporting period for a vocational or skills center program, use the WA FTE Override/Maximum page's Work Based Learning (WBL) fields to record the appropriate values (Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > WA FTE Override/Maximum).

Possible FTE Calculation Errors and Warnings

Error Message

How to Fix in eSchoolPLUS

WARNING: No Calendar days are set for the Building – Building Number And Calendar - Calendar

This indicates that the Calendar may not be set up properly for the building listed. Go to Administration > Registration Setup > Calendars > Calendar and verify the Calendar setup.

WARNING: No Membership Data found for the Student – student id in Building = Building Number And Calendar = Calendar for date range First Date Last Date

This indicates you should run the Day Totals Calculation for the given building.

ERROR: Course: Course Number and section Section Number is dropped Course, cannot include the course for the student: student id

This is an informational warning to let you know that the student has dropped a course and that it will not be included in the FTE Calculation.

ERROR: Course: Course and Section Section is Paid Tuition Course, cannot include the course for the student: student id

This message is letting you know that the specified student and course did not have FTE values calculated because the course is marked as a paid tuition course for the student. If this is incorrect, go to Registration > Entry & Reports and update the WA Student Paid Courses page to have the correct courses.

Viewing Calculated FTE Values for a Student

Regulatory > Summary > Student > Student Summary
Use this page to view calculated FTE values for a student using the following Record Types:

  • WASTUINTER – WA FTE Interdistrict

You can search for and list student FTE information for a current year report run with the Download Search option (Regulatory > Summary > Student > Download Search).
On the Summary page, the report-based tabs let you review student FTE values that were included in a specific month's run of one of the FTE reports. This is especially useful since the ALE, Monthly, and Inter District reports provide totals for various FTE categories without showing student-by-student figures comprising those totals. With the FTE Student Summary page, you can see this level of detail.

Download Search

Regulatory > Summary > Student > Download Search
Use this option to search for and list detailed student-level FTE information based on current-year FTE report runs. This way you can perform an audit of the FTE values comprising the totals in a specific reporting period for the FTE Monthly Summary, FTE Inter District report, or ALE report. Filter options are available if you want to further limit the FTE data to review.
To perform a search for student FTE report data:

  1. Select the Record Type. This is the FTE report you are auditing at the student level. Choose WA Monthly, WA Special Education Enrollment, WA FTE ALE, or WA Inter District. These options correspond to the reports available through the WA FTE Reports option.
  2. If needed, use the Search Criteria section to further filter the records you want to review. If you enter criteria, click Load Records to display the new results.
  3. On the Search Results panel, you can click Export to Excel to create an Excel file with the listed students' FTE information. Sort and page break options are available based on Student Name and Student ID.
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