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FTE Data Management and Reporting

eSchoolPLUS allows you to print the following Enrollment Reporting forms:
P-223 – Basic Enrollment Report
P-223H – Special Education Enrollment Report
ALE Enrollment Reporting into SAFS
P-223 – Basic Enrollment Report for Inter District Students
P-223S – Nonstandard School Year Report
The sections that follow describe the setup, student and course entries, calculation, report options, and report output involved in eSchoolPLUS FTE reporting for Washington.
The navigation you use for student monthly overrides and processing calculations and reports depends on security resource assignment. This also determines which content in this guide applies to you. Your district's administrative staff should read the section FTE Security Resources and hide the FTE options you do not use.
To understand which student FTE override and calculation/report options you use, refer to the relationship below:

If you use the following menu paths for the FTE calculation and reports . . .

You will use these options for student-level FTE overrides:

And refer to this section of the user guide for details on FTE prerequisites, calculations, and procedures:

Regulatory > FTE-Old > FTE-Old > WA Calculate Student Course FTE and
Regulatory > FTE-Old > FTE-Old > WA FTE Reports

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > WA FTE Override/Maximum

FTE Reporting Through Washington FTE-Old Menu Options

Regulatory > FTE > FTE > WA Calculate Student Course FTE and WA Calculate Student Monthly Total FTE and WA FTE Aggregate Reports

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > WA FTE Override and WA ALE Override and WA FTE Open Doors and WA FTE Work Based Learning

FTE Reporting Through Washington FTE Menu Options

Important: Administrators, please read the next section, FTE Security Resources. It explains which resources to apply so your colleagues only see the FTE options that apply to them.

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