Use this procedure to import scores from an assessment that is stored in PerformancePlus. You can select the assessment and section from a list of assessments for which students in your class have scores. This option is available only for districts that have a license for PerformancePlus Integration for eSchoolPlus.
If you import from an assessment section where the maximum points is greater than the points possible for the assignment, then the software allows you to select to load scores based on the student's percentage or raw value.
If you are in SBGB Summary Mode, click for GB Entry mode or for SBGB Detail mode on the mode selector .
If you need to update the class or marking period, click Change to display the Class List, and make your selections.
If the assignment is not displayed on the assignment header, select the appropriate category or mark type in the Competencies and Marks filters or the Categories and Marks filter.
If the assignment header displays , the assignment is graded by rubric, and scores cannot be imported from PerformancePlus. Refer to Rubric Score Entry for more information.
Click on the header of the desired assignment to display mass update options. Note: If displays in a cell or group of cells, scores cannot be entered in these cells because the assignment is associated with a rubric, the student was not enrolled in the class on the assignment's due date, or multiple classes are being displayed and the assignment did not apply to this student.
Select Import Assessment from Performance Plus.
To override existing scores, check Override Existing Scores; leave unchecked to only update blank scores.
Click Apply to open the Import Scores from PerformancePlus Assessment pop-up.
If you checked Override Existing Scores, a confirmation prompt displays to verify that you want to overwrite scores. Click Yes if you want to continue.
On the Import Scores from PerformancePlus Assessment pop-up, select the assessment item you want to import as the score by clicking on its row, and then clicking Import. If you want to see a list of assessments available without the item detail, click Expand/Collapse All. Then, you can expand the detail for the appropriate assessment by clicking on its header.
If the max score for the assessment item you selected is greater than the possible points for the assignment, a dialog displays so you can select whether to load a score based on the student's percentage or to load the raw score.
To import scores based on student percentages, click Percentage Score.
To import the raw scores even though a student's score may exceed possible points, click Raw Score.
When the import is complete, a dialog displays indicating the number of students for whom scores were loaded. If the number is not equal to the number of students in the class, then some students may not have scores for the assessment section in PerformancePlus. Click Close after reviewing the count.
When finished:
If you've enabled Auto Saving, you're done. For more information about Auto Saving, refer to the Settings topic in the online help system.
Otherwise, click Save.
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