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Gradebook Reports

Gradebook includes the following reports:

Gradebook Assignment Averages Report Graphical representation of the average score or percentage correct for assignments. You can use this report to compare the class averages to a student's averages to see how a student is progressing in relation to the rest of the class. You can graph assignment averages as a bar chart or a line graph. You can also select to display a 3-D version of each graph.
Gradebook Missing Scores Report Lists any students with missing scores for a course. It includes the due date, short description, points, and weight of the missing assignment.
Gradebook Score Threshold Report Lists students who are performing poorly or performing well based on a specified threshold. The report lists the student ID, name, and score or percentage correct for students who meet the threshold criteria you select.
Gradebook Student Detail ReportLists the assignments by due date. For each assignment, the report lists total points, student score, class average, and description. The report prints totals by categories unless you run the report in the SBGB Detail mode. Additionally, the report includes a signature line.
Student Averages ReportLists the students' Gradebook averages for a class for the selected mark or category and select what information you would like to include for students.

Additionally, there is a printable view of the Gradebook that allows you to print or export the scores from Gradebook.

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