Use this procedure to run the Student Detail report. This report lists the assignments by due date. For each assignment, the report lists total points, student score, class average, and description. The report prints totals by categories unless you run the report in the SBGB Detail mode. Additionally, the report includes a signature line.
For class averages, all scores are included, even if the Drop Lowest is set. If a score is blank, the Exclude Missing Scores option on the Categories tab of the Gradebook Setup page determines whether it counts as zero or is excluded from the average.
If you are in SBGB Summary Mode, click for GB Entry mode or for SBGB Detail mode on the mode selector .
If you need to update the class or marking period, click Change, and make your selections.
On the Gradebook page:
If you want to print the report for a specific category or mark, make your selection from the Categories and Marks filter.
If you want to print the report for a competency, click from the Gradebook mode selector to enter SBGB Detail mode. Select the competency from the Competencies filter and the mark type from the Marks filter.
If you run the report in GB Entry mode, you can select to print marks for all categories or for only selected categories after the Student Detail Report Options pop-up is opened.
If you want to run the report for one student, click any score cell in student's row (to select the student), and then enter a check in the Selected Student Only box in the Student Detail Report Options pop-up.
Select Actions/Reports > Student Detail to open the Student Detail Report Options pop-up.
On the pop-up, specify the information you want to include on the report. Report options are shown below this procedure. Note: There are separate options listed for GB Entry mode and SBGB Detail mode.
Click Run. The report will open. You can then view, print, or save to your computer. Additionally, the PDF file is saved automatically to your report directory and can be accessed from the Home page.
Report Options for GB Entry mode
The following options display when you run the Student Detail report in the GB Entry mode.
Click to open the save settings menu.
Save Current Settings - Click to save the current display settings. Once saved, these settings will remain in effect if you leave and return to this page.
Restore Default Settings - Click to restore the default settings to their TAC default.
Marking Period
This display-only field indicates the marking period selected for this report.
Selected Mark Type
This display-only field indicates the mark type that will be included in the report. The report will include assignments within the category average for the selected mark type.
This field displays only when a mark type is selected in the Categories and Marks filter.
Selected IPR Run Date
This display-only field indicates the run date of the IPR that will be included in the report. The report will include assignments included in the IPR run for this date.
This field displays only when an IPR mark and run date is selected in the Categories and Marks filter.
Show Withdrawn Students
Select how to display withdrawn students. The options are:
Selected Student Only
Checked if you want to run the report only for the selected student.
This field displays only when you select a single student prior to running the Student Detail Report.
Header Text
Text you want to print in the Header Text field. If you do not want to add header information, leave this field blank.
Included Categories
Select whether you want to print All or Selected categories. CTRL+click to select multiple categories from the list box next to the Selected option. The report will include assignments within the selected categories. This field only displays when All Categories is selected in the Categories and Marks filter.
Sections to Display
Select the section(s) you want to include in the report. You can print the assignments section only, the student averages section only, or both the assignments and student averages sections.
Display Standard Assignment Message
Checked if you want to include the following text on the report: "These are your assignments from [start date of marking period] to [current date, IPR date, or end date of marking period], and the scores you earned for each. If your records differ, please see me privately as soon as possible."
Show Class Averages
Checked if you want to print the class average for every assignment.
Display Alpha Marks
Checked if you want to show the alpha marks for averages. Alpha marks display only if the student is assigned a grading scale, and the building is set up to issue alpha marks for report cards.
This field does not display when you run the Student Detail Report in SBGB Detail mode.
Show Student Notes
Checked if you want to print the student notes that have been marked as published.
Show Signature Line
Checked if you want to print a parent signature line at the bottom of the report.
Include Prior MP Summary
Enter a check in the box for each prior marking period for which you want to print the category average section.
The student's overall average (including prior marking periods) displays in the report only when you run the report with the prior marking period(s) selected.
Report Options for SBGB Detail mode
If you are running the Student Detail report in SBGB Detail mode:
You can select which competency you want to view in the Competencies filter. The report will include all assignments for the selected Competency.
The "Display RC Value" checkbox displays in the Student Detail Report Options window in place of the "Display Alpha Marks" checkbox.
The "Included Categories" field does not display in the Student Detail Report Options window.
The Category grid does not display in the report.
The student's overall average displays as "Student's (maximum/most recent/average) mark for this competency is:"
The following options display when you run the Student Detail report in the SBGB Detail mode.
Click to open the save settings menu.
Save Current Settings - Click to save the current display settings. Once saved, these settings will remain in effect if you leave and return to this page.
Restore Default Settings - Click to restore settings to their TAC default.
Marking Period
The Marking Period selected for this report.
Show Withdrawn Students
Select how to display withdrawn students. The options are:
Selected Student Only
Checked if you want to run the report only for the selected student.
This field displays only when you select a single student by clicking the row number for the student prior to running the Student Detail Report.
Header Text
Text you want to print in the Header Text field. If you do not want to add header information, leave this field blank.
Sections to Display
Select the section(s) you want to include in the report. You can print the assignments section only, the student averages section only, or both the assignments and student averages sections.
Display Standard Assignment Message
Checked if you want to include the following text on the report: "These are your assignments from [start date of marking period] to [current date, IPR date, or end date of marking period], and the scores you earned for each. If your records differ, please see me privately as soon as possible."
Show Class Averages
Checked if you want to print the class average for every assignment.
Display RC Value
Checked if you want to show the RC value.
Show Student Notes
Checked if you want to print the student notes that have been marked as published.
Show Signature Line
Checked if you want to print a parent signature line at the bottom of the report.
Include Prior MP Summary
Enter a check in the box for each prior marking period for which you want to print the overall average for the competency.
The student's overall average displays in the report only when you run the report with prior marking period(s) selected, and the value displays as "Student's (maximum/most recent/average) mark for this competency is:"
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