Use this procedure to enter gradebook scores for assignments associated with a competency in SBGB Detail mode. The SBGB Detail mode enables you to see all the assignments that apply to a competency. This view is also used to display the students' values for each competency, and, if necessary, make overrides if a mark needs to be changed.
To enter the SBGB Detail mode from the Gradebook Entry page, click on the Gradebook mode selector . The Competencies and Marks filters display in the filter area. After you select a competency and mark type, the associated assignments display. In SBGB Detail mode, you can also override the student's Grade value if your building administrator allows you to override grades.
Competency scores use accumulator types to calculate report card marks. Refer to the What is an Accumulator Type? topic for details.
Click on the Gradebook mode selector to enter SBGB Detail mode. The Categories and Marks filter is replaced with the Competencies and Marks filters.
If you need to update the class or marking period, click Change to display the Class List, and make your selections.
On the Competencies filter, select the appropriate competency.
On the Marks filter, select the appropriate mark type.
After you select the competency and mark type, the page displays the assignments linked to the selected competency. Columns display only for assignments associated with the selected competency.
Enter scores for the assignments. You can double-click a cell to view valid alpha marks. Alpha marks can be used to exclude an assignment from a student's average or to give the student a percentage score. For an assignment associated with a rubric, refer to Entering Rubric Scores. For rubric-based assignments, the Assignment Header displays the Rubric Score Entry icon below the assignment detail.
If your building allows Gradebook average overrides, you can manually override the calculated competency Grade for students where needed. For more information, refer to Overriding Competency Averages in Gradebook. Caution: Do NOT override an average if it is used to calculate a Child competency above it.
Click Save if Auto Saving is not enabled. You must save before you can switch between score entry and grade overrides.
Enter the mark for a competency that is defined to Manual Score
Click on the Gradebook mode selector to enter SBGB Detail mode view. The Categories and Marks filter is replaced with the Competencies and Marks filters.
If you need to update the class or marking period, click Change to display the Class List, and make your selections.
On the Competencies filter, select the appropriate competency.
On the Marks filter, select the appropriate mark type.
After you select the Competency and Mark Type, the page displays the assignments linked to the selected competency. Columns display only for assignments associated with the selected competency.
Enter the mark for the student in the Grade field.
When finished:
If you've enabled Auto Saving, you're done. For more information about Auto Saving, refer to the Settings topic in the online help system.
Otherwise, click Save.
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