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What is an Accumulator Type?

Competencies are calculated using an accumulator type to determine a student's mark based on assignment scores. When in SBGB Detail mode, the accumulator type displays in the header row of the Gradebook Entry page.

The accumulator type is selected by your administrator. You can see the accumulator type associated with a competency on the Gradebook Entry page. The Average, Manual, Maximum, Most Recent, and Power Law accumulator types are used to calculate the mark for a single competency. The Child and Child Weighted accumulator types are used to calculate an overall competency that has children competencies under it.

Accumulator Types

When competencies are defined by your administrator, an accumulator type is selected to indicate how a mark should be calculated based on the scores entered for assignments for the competency. When in the SBGB Detail mode, the column that displays the calculated competency score is labeled with the accumulator type for the selected mark type. This image shows an example view of the header row where the accumulator value is Max.

The table below describes the possible accumulator types:

If the heading is...



The mark is the average of all scored assignments for the competency is expressed as the percentage correct.

For student competencies, the average is calculated as the sum of scores divided by the sum of possible points.

For course competencies, the average is calculated in one of the two ways. The teacher can select the option to use for a course in Gradebook Category Setup.

  • Total points average which does not consider category weights for the assignments. This average is calculated by dividing the Total Score / Total Points.
  • Weighted category average which includes the category weights for the assignments. This average is calculated based on the weighted average for each category. The formulas for this calculation are:
  • Weighted Category Average = (Total Score /Total Points) * Category Weight
  • Mark Average = (Total of all Weighted Category Averages / Total Weight of all categories) * 100

Note that category weights are applied to the average calculation only for course competency group.


Calculates the mark for a competency using the average of children competency scores. A competency can only use the Child Average accumulator type if there are competencies indented below it on the Competency Setup page. This average is calculated as: (Sum of values for the child competencies) / Number of child competencies.

Child Weighted

Calculates the mark for a competency using the weighted average of children competency scores, where the number of times a competency is assessed is used to weight the competency score. A competency can only use the Child Weighted Average accumulator type if it has competencies indented below it on the Competency Setup page. This average is calculated as (Sum of (value for each child competency * number of times competency was assessed)) / Number of times all child competencies were assessed.


The mark is the percentage correct for the assignment where the student had the highest score. The highest score is the score with the highest ratio of points earned to total points (and not necessarily the assignment with the most points scored). For example, an assignment with a score of 4 out of 5 possible has a higher ratio of points earned to possible points than an assignment with a score of 77 out of 100.


The mark is not calculated based on assignments. You can enter a mark for the student in the Grade column.

Power Law

The mark is calculated as power law estimate of the true score for the last assignment in a series of assignments. All assignments for a power law calculation must have the same total points possible. Assignments should also be evaluated at regular intervals to preserve the integrity of the calculation. Power Law returns a point value and not a percentage correct score. Missing assignment scores are excluded in the calculation. The term, "statistical trending of scores" is sometimes used as a synonym for Power Law when describing how scores are calculated.

Note: This calculation is only meaningful when at least three scores are entered. When only one score is entered, the Gradebook displays that score as the Power Law accumulator value. When two scores are entered, the most recent score is displayed.


The mark is the percentage correct of the most recent assignment due date. For example, if today is 2/13, there are assignments with due dates of 2/10, 2/11, and 2/12, but no score has been entered for 2/12, then the most recent score would be the score for 2/11.

If there is more than one assignment for the most recent due date, the score from the assignment that was added to the gradebook last will be used.


  • Competencies that use the Child or Child Weighted accumulator type cannot be attached to assignments or rubrics. They will not display in the Competency Selection pop-up.
  • When using the Power Law accumulator type:
    • All assignments in a class or competency group that use the Power Law accumulator type need to have the same Points value for each assignment.
    • The competency should be measured at least 3 times within a marking period that a mark is reported, and it should be measured at consistent intervals.
    • When grading, do not assign a score to an assignment that exceeds the Points value for the assignment. This will inappropriately skew the competency calculation.

Administrators use the Accumulator Type field on the Competency Setup page in eSchoolPlus to determine how the mark is calculated for a competency. Details are provided in the Competency Setup topic in the eSchoolPlus online help system.

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